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General : How to have A $1,000.00 Show Checklist
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamejlm1970  (Original Message)Sent: 3/7/2005 4:45 PM

How to have A $1,000.00 Show Checklist:

1.  Pre show letter sent 4 weeks prior (or with hostess packet)

  • Appreciate- Thank them for deciding to do a show for you. (There are others out there!)
  • Confirm Date & Time
  • Set Expectation- Make sure they know you are counting on them and that if they need to cancel or reschedule to let you know ASAP.

2.  Preparing for Host Coaching

  • Quite, uninterrupted place
  • Calendar / The Grand Planner
  • Pen
  • Timer
  • Calculator
  • Sample Hostess Packet

3.      1st Phone call (3 weeks prior)

·        Identify yourself

·        Length of call �?20 minutes �?Set Timer!! (I would like to take 20 minutes of OUR time to go over your hostess packet, is that ok with you? This make them realize you are also taking time out of YOUR day to help them)

·        Set up wish list (Have them fill it out so they have a goal and you know what they want)

·        Listen for red flags questions? Does she have a lot of items she wants? (go to recruiting)
Add dollar value to wish list. ( I would like to see you get all of these products and I will help you)

·        Praise, Excite and motivate!!

<o:p> </o:p>

4.      Host Benefit Program

·        $1000 show program (AIM HIGH!!!)

·        Explain host program, ½ price items and discounts (you would be surprised how many people this confuses)

·        Explain hostess Bonus to set a goal for her/him to earn it

·        Review Super starter benefits (offer double to get the recruit. $40 instead of $20 and $80 instead of $40. You pay the difference but isn’t a recruit worth it?)

<o:p> </o:p>

5.      Grand Plan / Extra Benefits of membership

·        Additional 10% discount (must be ordered from you) Use the card for 10% then pay the other 10%

·        Featured Product Special (Make your own special exclusively for Grand Club Members.  Leave it on your answering machine then others will ask how to get in the CLUB)

·        Priority mailings for New Products, future monthly specials, etc.

·        Special Holiday Event (Have a Christmas party/Mystery hostess Party to offer Thanks and offer FREE gift wrapping for any product bought for a gift.)

·        Free shipping for a year.

·        Put a star on your apron to show other hostesses they get recognized.

<o:p> </o:p>

<o:p></o:p>6.  Would you like to have a $1000 show?

·         2nd red flag-is she interested in having $1000 and getting the most?

·        Establish a TEAM relationship and make sure she knows you are there to help her make her goals.

·        Let her know what she can expect from you.

·        Set expectation of 20 people and 20 orders.


7.      Giving Host permission to OVER INVITE!

·        Many people want to be invited. Stamp all invitations with the “bring a friend, get a gift stamp�? Tell hostess to carry some with her the weeks prior for those people she runs into that she forgot to invite.

·        Make sure she knows no one will be hurt if they are invited and can not attend but they will be hurt if they are NOT invited.


·        Have her tell them she needs a RSVP to set menu

·        Have her tell guests they get a gift for each friend they bring.

·        Make guests feel special by personally inviting them

·        The invitation is the REMINDER!


8.      Setting Outside order Goals

·        Explain how to fill out outside order form

·        Fill in the who to make check payable section on order form

·        Set goal of $200 in outside orders BEFORE the show.

·        Remind host of booking points (offer double points for booking someone who doesn’t attend show-you pay the 3.00 difference for the extra 150 points)


9.      End of 1st phone call

·        Set date and time for next call

·        Let her know that the next time you talk you will need a RSVP count.

<o:p> </o:p>

10.  2nd phone call (10 days before)

·        Identify yourself

·        Show excitement about her joining The Grand Plan Club

·        10 minute call-set timer

·        Listen to 3rd red flag (did she make calls? Does she intend to?) If she has not call back in 2 days.


11.  Getting the attendance count

·        How far is she away from 20/20 goal (we are only 5 people away form out goal of 20 people-offer small gift if she has 20 people and 20 orders BEFORE the show)

·        Tell her she is doing a GREAT job and make her feel appreciated.

·        Remind her of Super Starter conversion points and say she would be great at this, has she ever thought of doing it.

<o:p> </o:p>

12.  3rd phone call (2 days prior)

·        Identify yourself

·        5 minutes-set timer

·        Do you have any last minute questions?

·        Can I do anything for you?

·        This is what I will need ready when I arrive

·        Quite place to take orders

·        Demo table/space ready for demo table

·        Ingredients on the counter

·        Get directions

·        Set team status-her part is almost over.

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamejlm1970Sent: 3/7/2005 4:46 PM



q     20% off for a year (pay the additional 10% difference)

q     Free shipping

q     Priority mailing on special, new products, upcoming events

q     Christmas Party- Appreciation to Grand Plan members

q     Get b-day & anniversary. Enter wish list in Pampered Partner then send reminders to husbands of b-days, anniversaries, etc and send a list of her wishes. They will appreciate the reminder and the suggestion plus you will get another sale! Wrap it too!!

q     FREE GROCERIES FOR SHOW *see bottom for details*


Most Important Thing:   Make the decision to be successful!!

q     Plan call dialog to use “professional language�?/P>

q     Double booking points from catalog shows or outside order customers


q     In recruiting packet to send to possible recruits send

q     Copies highest month check

q     <st1:place w:st="on">Opportunity</st1:place> flyer

q     Copies of <st1:place w:st="on">Doris</st1:place>�?articles

q     (Response to a NO. “Because I know you would be great at this, it is going to be here when you are ready�?

q     If less than 15 people only do 1 recipe

q     ** FREE GROCERIES ** Buy groceries and bring to show, this assures yourself you have the correct items then get reimbursed from hostess, they LOVE this because they don’t have to do the shopping!Over $1000-FREE GROCERIES (hostess does not reimburse you)

q     Send Birthday cards to all hostesses

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemoderatorjenn01Sent: 3/7/2005 9:30 PM