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This is my first year for this promotion. How do you pre-sell these items? I have seen other consultants special order forms but my questions are...1) in May do you submit all of the orders at once? Under whose name? 2) Do you do one order for these in May (at the end) or (2) depending on the number of orders? 3) I presume you would have them shipped to you but then distribute to past host to distribute to those guests at their party? I have a party this afternoon and would like to pre-sell if I could. Thanks for your help.
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From what I've read here, if you use Pampered Partner to take orders, you could set up a catalog show with a date of May 1st. At your shows, if customers want to preorder, you put the HWC items on that catalog show. (You could put your name as the host on it) Let the customer know that you will have those items direct shipped to them, mention the higher shipping fee, but most wont mind, as its going to charity. (It may also increase their purchase as they may increase the number of products they order to justify the shipping.) Then, collect payment, and when you submit the orders, you won't have to worry about deliveries. If you don't use PP, you could just create (or use from here) an order form and follow the above directions. HTH, Christy |
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I use the forms that are here in the file and take them to my shows and have started getting orders. What I do is charge them the normal $4.00 S&H and then when products come in I make deliveries or ship them to them, not much cost to me and it's a write off for me and it's not costing "ton" of $. Also tell people if they want to pre-order the Mid Season products while doing that I will do that also, if no one is having a show, if someone is booking that night, I ask whomever has "pre-ordered" if they'd like it applied to "Sue's" show so she can get credit, and usually helps with more orders if it's helping a person they know. Then I start a show in PP for them with these orders already. HTH, Lisa Lisa |
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