 | | From:  Laurie_PC (Original Message) | Sent: 11/5/2006 11:21 PM |
Hi Everyone - Just looking for some of your ideas about Christmas ideas for my team. What did you get from your Director last year? What would you like to get? If you are a Director what did you give? A couple of years ago I made up cinnamon applesauce heart molds for my team along with $5 Pampered Chef Dollars. Last year I held an auction so everyone walked away with something from Pampered Chef.... (products, supplies, LOGO wear) Thanks in advance! Laurie |
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Can you be my director? Last year our director gave us a Christmas cactus, her director (we meet together) gave us some home made carmel corn and a cute little ornament. We do a $5, non-pampered chef grab bag gift at our cluster meeting. I like the idea of an auction! |
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Laurie, Tell me how you did the auction? Last December, was my first as a Director (I got promoted in July of 2005). I just had a gift for everyone, some were aprons that I had made, ornaments, candles, or Recipe Calendars that I purchased from JoAnn's with 40% coupons. I had boxes wrapped and the consultants took a number. Whoever, was first got to pick which box they wanted. I'm still thinking about this year, of what to do. I was thinking of getting PC spreaders and have engraved "Hill Cluster 2006" and maybe PC dollars to help them with their business supply. jane |
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If I remember correctly, last year my director gave us all an ornament. This year, she is paying for a professional chef to come and do a knife skills training for us. I'm so PSYCHED!!! I am a FD and I am giving my team Satin Hands Sets from Mary Kay. I got them half price from a friend who is a MK Consultant. I don't have a huge team (yet) so I could handle the splurge. |
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Last year (my first year with PC), my director gave us each the Recipe box for the SB cookbooks and a $5 Starbucks card. At our meeting/party, we also did a Yankee Swap, $10 max on the gift, and they were all non-PC related. I would love to see what other people are doing, I plan on promoting on December 1 and I am trying to figure out what I will do for my new cluster.... |
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I am so glad that this was put out there because I was wondering the same thing. This is my first christmas as a director and my team is over 25 so I get a pretty large production bonus. I was going to do those sticky notes that are on vip now. they are 3.50 but I really like the spreader and getting them engraved. The only thing is how do you cheaply engrave something? keep the ideas coming because I think this is a hot topic!! |
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also.....as a rule of thumb I do not give recognition if they do not attend a meeting. So how does it work for gifts. Do you give everyone something that who are active, or were active at one time, that only comes to the dec. meeting (I am not sending it!) thoughts appreciated |
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Ok I have always wanted to know and haven't found it in the RFS, what is a production bonus? How do you get it (I know you have to be a director)? |
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I was thinking about getting them each a Pampered Chef licence plate frame...what do you all think? Last year I bought them all the pocket calender from T&C |
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I've given the PC licence plate frame for prizes, so thats why I'm not giving it for Christmas gift. As for engraving the spreader, I will be checking on cost later this month. When things slow down around Thanksgiving. I love hearing everyone's ideas, what you got from your Director. I just realized, I didn't get anything from my Director last Christmas. Oh, I do mail things to my Consultants out of state. I want them to stay excited about PC. Get them to do shows and recruit. jane |
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Ok I have always wanted to know and haven't found it in the RFS, what is a production bonus? How do you get it (I know you have to be a director)? I would like to know this as well. Also to have the spreader ingraved I would go to your local jeweler the store in my town does it for real cheap. |
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The production bonus is for having a team, its in the Leadership handbook for Directors. I use that money for my recognition prizes at my team meetings. I give out video gift certificate, coldstone ice cream certificate, Starbucks, funny things from the Dollar store for my FD's to get them excited about Leadership. Stickers, one time drawing prizes, doorprizes, Queen of Sales,Birthdays, anniversary with PC, plastic pig for anyone attending conference (theres a reason for that, have to tell you about the pig later)etc. Treat them to McDonalds for ice cream (we meet right after I return from Leadership or Conference in July). When I would attend my Director's meeting, only a few people would attend, sometimes, just me. And if I got something FREE from a basket or whatever, I was really lucky. Thats why I decided to use the production bonus for my team. For, if it wasn't for my team, I wouldn't be a Director. Jane |
 | | From: mspibb | Sent: 11/7/2006 7:57 AM |
My Hospitality director has been doing a Chinese auction the last couple of years. She has mostly PC products but sometimes other things, gift sets, Christmas decor etc. We have a great time and it's a HOOT! Last year I got a set of SA mugs which was great since I use SA as my everyday dishes. One year there was a Snowman figure decoration everybody wanted. It got stolen it's 3 times before retiring from contention! The first year I was going to her meetings she gave us all a Christmas book with decorating tips, gifts to make, recipes etc. That was also a fav of mine as it has a great Orange White Choc chip cookie recipe in it! |
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Ooh, can you tell me the name of the Christmas book that you got? I've been looking for something like that with decorating tips, gifts to make, recipes, etc! Thanks so much! Kristina |
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Another thing to keep in mind is how well do you know your cluster? I say this because my ex-director would give us gifts each year, but it was things like ornaments, x-mas decorations, snow globes, etc. Not everyone in our cluster celebrated x-mas and when talking with some, they would make comments about the gifts (of course not to her because they did not want to seem ungrateful) and how they would regift it or we would meet in the parking lot and give the gifts to each other. So general gifts that could be used all year would be nice like the spreaders, PC items, gift card, etc. I hope that helps. By the way, I have 2 in my cluster who does not celebrate x-mas. I have them fill out what is called a "Getting To Know Me" sheet. This really helps when it comes to gift giving and I don't feel like I'm wasting my money. |
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