 | (2 recommendations so far) | Message 1 of 16 in Discussion |
Does anyone use this and if so what do you include? I have a full-time job now and need to find a way to get better organized!! (really, really want to earn the cruise this year!!) Help! |
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I use a big binder that goes everywhere with me. It has a full size zipper pocket on the front...... I've got a couple of catty's and any show forms that I might need....... current one or the ones I would use for Customer care calls. Inside, I've got an a-z divider with my host sheets in it. I have dividers so I have a place to track adjustments, recruit leads & monthly flyers I also have a divider/folder for my personal stuff. My planner fits right in it....... and that's pretty much anything I need. HTH~Suzie |
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I use a similar system in the binder for current bookings and host info and my recruits info (and I love it when I'm using it regularly) but heard on a conf call with my senior exec this weekend about the biz in a box idea - She uses it with her door prize slips and puts the month dividers in it to organize them for customer care calls. So for example she calls someone about a possible booking and they are interested in the new products she puts them after the Aug divider to call then and tell about the new stuff to try to book a Sept show. Does that make sense? I too would like something to do with my door prize slips - I have gotten so complacent that I have not been using them regularly at shows and this will light a fire under me to "get back on that horse" and use them again, I hope! HTH Laura |
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WOW, Suzie! I REALLY like your organizer binder.  Hey, you wouldn't happen to have some pics to share w/us? I'm more a visual gal myself. LOL Anyhoot, if not that's ok. One of these days I'll get organized myself  . No time like the present though, right?? Marian |
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I have been using a recipe size box for several months now and it is really working for me. Inside I have dividers with Jan.-Dec. When I have someone that is interested in booking in a particular month I put their prize drawing slip behind the month that I need to call them (usually 2 months before the month they are interested). If it's a contact I have met away from a show I write their info. on an index card. I also keep recruit leads divided into 3 groups in here too. I divide them into "Hot", "Medium" and "Mild" depending on their interest level. This has helped me keep all leads together in one place so if I'm away from my computer, I can pick up this box and go. It's complete with names, phone numbers and any notes I have made about that person. |
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I put my door prize drawslips from shows and fairs in a binder, tabs of the month they (before) want to host a show, past hostess too (you get that reminder email from home office). I have a binder for leads for the business from shows and fairs. The slips are staples on a sheet of paper (always have extra -one used of course), mail labels attached to the sheet and I can write notes of calls, etc. I have to have binders, team meeting binder, cluster calendar, super starters (or new consultants), step up to director (I do calls with my FD who want to promote). but, whatever works for everyone thats important. jane |
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I like Jane's ideas about binders but I never seem to have the info I need with me and I'm not sure I want to tote around 6-7 binders. I could plan ahead which binders I think I would need for the day but so far I'm not that organized. Yes I do have time at home but it's limited with me working and the kids in afterschool ativities! Perhaps I can wish for an organizing fairy to come and help me! |
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Oh, I don't take the binders with me. If I'm at work, I would take my show folder(I make a folder per show, which has the receipts , hostess information), make my host coaching calls or customer care calls. The binders stay home, I just use it when I'm making new consultants calls, or FD step up program calls. I can never call leads from the office, I work at a dental office, there's no time for personal calls. I decided the "T" days are talking on the phone, so I make customer care calls or whatever when I am at home. I know some consultants have a binder which they carry the order forms, catalogs just in case they meet someone interested. I have a plastic carrying bag (got it from staples), its in my car with recruiting information, catalog, order form just incase. sorry so long, jane |
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This soudns like mine. I have a big binder with an overlay on the front. I keep MY catalog there. Inside, I have dividers for each month, for A-Z, and 5 others (notes, contacts, promotions, hosts). Behind the monthly dividers I keep a calendar page so I can see it at a glance, flyers for any promos or specials that month and the host info sheets for any shows that month. Once a host is closed and done, I file it behind the divider alphabetially. It helps me a lot since I often make calls from places other than home. I also have a TO DO list in there that helps me a lot. |
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As requested...this is now in the Hot Topics! Michelle |
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There is a file on both the biz in a box and also biz in a binder in the docs already. I was able to open them so Jenn must have been wonderful enough to get that one back up. Documents> Organization> HTH~Suzie ps. Still thinking about trying to take some pics for your Marian~  |
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These ideas are all great! Thank you. I am hoping to put them all together in a system that works for me. Please share if you have more ideas. Thanks |
 | | From: mspibb | Sent: 4/27/2007 5:51 AM |
I bought one of the portable file boxes. (OK, I am not really doing much PC now because of the crappy night shift job I am working but I have lots of free time at work to read WLPCtoo and answer stuff!  ) Anyway when I was doing a lot of PC I used this box and kept it updated. I have file folders with the current month's OOF, host and guest special flyers and usually at least the next month's host flyer, Stamped catalogs (current and old), some invitation packets and opportunity brochures. I also had a few Nancy's artwork cards, a sheet of my labels, (name, phone, email, web address) envelopes, note pad and stamps. If you need a host packet - either someone at a show wants to book or someone you meet out (while wearing PC gear or carrying a PC bag!) says they will do a show you can put together a packet. Also if you need to mail reminder cards and you have to wait somewhere (oil change, car wash, sports practice for those of you with kids) you can do reminder cards or send a note; you just pick up the box and work out of it. I got this idea from Conference several years ago! |
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I orginally thought about the portable file box but I was concerned it would be too bulkey to grab everyday on my way to work. I take a purse and shoulder bag (the one from conference last year) and I'm not sure how much more I want to haul around. Do you take the file box with you when you leave the house everyday? |
 | | From: mspibb | Sent: 4/29/2007 1:07 AM |
It just stays in the car. The problem is I have 2 vehicles. I tried doing 2 boxes but just couldn't keep them both updated. I drive my Explorer to shows and I have a little Honda I drive everywhere else. I don't always remember to move the box. |
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