 | | From:  jlm1970 (Original Message) | Sent: 5/24/2005 10:45 PM |
Dear Sharing & Caring Link,
I write today with some serious news to relay to you. I hope everyone will take the time to read and pass along this letter.
Ilene and the vice president of the company, Martin, were in a very severe car accident early Monday morning. They are both at a hospital in intensive care in Tennessee. All scheduled seminars are postponed indefinitely. I will keep you updated as details are available. We appreciate all of your prayers and positive thoughts.
I know that Ilene would not want sharing to stop just because she is physically unable to share with you at this moment. Fortunately, Ilene has taken the time over the years to put the language skills she teaches into her books, tapes and CDs. In fact, her language program has grown because she has included information needed to become comfortable sharing your business in many different circumstances. To learn more about Ilene's products, you may visit http://www.ilenemeckley.com/products.htm or call me at 800-383-2039 to ask about what we are doing to make the program more accessible to everyone, while Ilene is recuperating.
I want to encourage you to make a commitment to familiarize yourselves with Ilene's language and philosophies and share your business opportunities with at least five people every day! Get your whole team on board to become comfortable making these important business contacts. Keep the sharing & caring going!
I want to share with you an article Ilene had written last year about overcoming fear. I love the line she included "By choosing to believe that an outcome is going to be positive, you direct the mind to begin working on figuring out how to get there."
I know many of you are deeply saddened by this news. Ilene has such a passion for helping every one of y! ou and I will commit myself to assisting you in any way I can. Ilene has touched many lives, and would not want us to stop helping each other. If you would like to write her a note or send her a card to encourage her, please send it to Ilene's parents: Gerald & Miriam Shur 728 Ballast Way Annapolis, MD 21401 Thank you so much. I will keep in touch.
Julie Hallam Administrative Assistant Meckley & Assoc., Inc. 1-800-383-2039 www.ilenemeckley.com
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I got this email this morning....I was going to attend her seminar next Tuesday in Raleigh, NC. I am praying that they are both ok and will be going home soon !!! heather |
 | | From:  jlm1970 | Sent: 5/31/2005 12:45 PM |
Just a short note to update you all on Ilene and Martin. For those who missed the initial e-mail, Ilene and the Vice President of Meckley & Assoc., Martin Lemus were in a very serious auto accident last Monday May 23rd. They have both been removed from the intensive care unit. Ilene has several broken bones, including her ribs, legs, hip, feet and a small crack in her neck. She has had surgeries and will undergo at least one additional surgery this week. Ilene also has injuries to her liver and lung, which are expected to heal on their own. Martin has broken bones, including his leg and a cracked vertebrae. They remain in the hospital in Tennessee. I had a chance to talk briefly with Ilene over the weekend, and she and Martin are so grateful for all of your prayers and good thoughts sent their way. Their spirits are good. As Ilene is recovering, she is applying her own positive approach to the situation. She is looking forward to sharing with you all, soon. I want to thank you all for being absolutely wonderful. All of the e-mails of support you have sent are so appreciated. I hope you had an enjoyable holiday weekend. I will keep you posted. |
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Thanks, Jenn, for the update! |
 | | From:  jlm1970 | Sent: 6/27/2005 6:00 AM |
Dear friends, Periodically, I will be joining Julie in furnishing first hand reports to you wonderful people who have expressed such concern about Ilene and Martin. Your sincere interest is very heartwarming to us as parents, and to Ilene and Martin personally. Unfortunately, Ilene has learned that the first surgery on her left hip has failed, necessitating yet another surgery when the doctors have concluded her body is strong enough to withstand the rigors of the surgery. She is still healing from the many other breaks in her body, and her right foot, which was so severely damaged, will likely need additional surgery also. Martin also projects a positive approach and is doing his best to recover as rapidly as his injuries would allow. As all of you know, Ilene is a positive thinker and she is using every bit of that energy to get through these difficult days. With all that is going on with her own health, I am struck by her concern that she cannot be out there with you spreading her "sharing and caring" philosophy. I cannot tell you how anxious she is to be back on the road with each of you, a day that we hope will come soon. Your cards keep coming and each has provided Ilene an uplifting moment. For that we are grateful--each day we bring a bundle of them to her and will continue to do so because of the kindness of each of you. I am pleased to see how much Ilene has meant to so many of you and as her father am anxious to see our treasure back on the road. Gerald |
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