I just qualified last week with my 4th show and $1266 in sales! WOOT! I'm so excited about getting my PC dollars!
I've loved PC for the last 10 years and finally just decided I need to just sell this stuff!! I should have done it YEARS ago, but the timing just wasn't right, and I never thought I could "do what they do." lol I love it and I'm excited about the possibilities!! I'm still trying to get out of my circle of family/friends/people I know. I'm having a time with that, but I know eventually I'll get there.

It's especially hard with summer coming close to an end and people cramming in that last bit of vacation. lol I know things will pick up after schools/routines start up again.
Thanks for the awesome group and allowing me to join! There is a TON of info I've been soaking up and can't wait to use it at my Shows!! THANK YOU!!