Hi Jennifer,
You're welcome, again....Btw, I know you are new to us here on WLPCtoo, & perhaps not familiar with all the rules, esp about posting. But when you reply to a message here on the board, esp when you do so from your email program/account, you need to DELETE the ORIGINAL message, b/c it contains members' email addresses. If you go back & reread our
Rules & Guidelines, in particular #5 you'll see what I mean:
5. PLEASE KEEP YOUR EMAIL ADDRESSES OFF THE REPLIES. If you want someone to email you off board, make sure you have your address in your profile. All messages containing email addresses will be REMOVED/DELETED IMMEDIATELY. This is solely for your privacy and safety and the privacy of other members of the group. For further information on this please read the thread entitled...ALL MEMBERS PLEASE READ AND SIGN!!!!
Plus, it keeps spammers, who like to peruse publically viewed boards such as ours, from gleaning our email addresses.
In that light, I've had to delete your original message. Since you are new I have gone ahead & reposted it in an edited form below.
Thanks so much for understanding,
Mod Marian
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Thank you.
From: (MODERATOR DELETED EMAIL ADDRESS) To: [email protected] Subject: Re: Hello Newbie Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 16:39:58 -0800 (Unnecessary repeated content from original post deleted by MODERATOR)
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