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My 22 yr old daughter, Alissa, started a Yahoo Navy Support Group back in March of this year. (Like mother, like daughter, I suppose when it comes to internet groups!! LOL) Anyhoot, go check it out, if you'd like. Here's the addy for it: Btw, if you haven't guessed it, she's dating a Sailor (he's in the Nuke program & is about halfway done with his A-schooling in S. Carolina). Anyhoot, I'm sure she wouldn't mind adding a few members over there &/or passing the word along about her group either. Thanks. Me, I'm my kid's Mom, Marian |
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Marian, I tried to join your daughter's group but got no response from her. I am a Naval officer wife and I am in the same area as her with my husband going back through the Nuke program. Thank you! Sandee |
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WOW, Sandee, this thread sure goes back a ways!!! LOL Anyhoot, an update on my daughter: she just turned 24 last month, married her sailor BF back on June 30th of last year, & they live on base up in Silverdale, WA. He just completed his first trial run deployment of their trident sub USS Kentucky. He's part of the Blue Crew.... Anyhoot, that's more info than ya probably wanted to know. LOL As for my daughter's Navy Group, don't know much about that other than she started it up almost 2 yrs ago, & that's about it. I've put in a word to her about your request to join her group, so hopefully she'll get back w/you shortly. Btw, she belongs to a WHOLE SLEW of Yahoo support groups for wives, etc, so she can probably help you out on that end as well. Take care & GOD BLESS THE US NAVY!! toot toot!! Marian |
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Ok, just heard back from my daughter, & she said she approved someone with a similiar email addy but it had a @ Yahoo not a @ gmail ending like yours is on here. If you are the same person she approved then she approved you back on March 3rd, & has her group to send out an automatic Welcome message which she said you should have received the same day. Perhaps the Welcome message ended up in your spam folder as well as all the other info that normally gets sent out to applying members, etc?? I suggested that maybe you've switched email addies since March 3rd, & that's why you're wanting to apply again under a new email addy?? At any rate, she said if need be just reapply. Oh & tell her her mom sent her!  LOL Ok, hope I've been of some assistance to you, Marian PS PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DON'T DISPLAY YOUR ENTIRE EMAIL ADDY ON THE BOARD TO CLARIFY WHICH EMAIL ADDY IS WHICH, ok? Oh! If need be, contact me off board, okie doke? MANY MANY TIA!! |
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