 | | From:  jlm1970 (Original Message) | Sent: 8/26/2005 2:05 PM |
Obviously, those little breads made with Pillsbury French Bread Loaf
Make little breads made with Pillsbury French Bread Loaf. Unroll the Pills. French Bread Loaf, brush melted butter on dough and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar for sweet bread. Mix 8-oz. cream cheese with some maple syrup for a spread.
Freeze ice cream in the tubes. Wrap with warm towel when ready to serve. Push ice cream out and slice.
Use as a cookie cutter.
When using as a cookie cutter, sandwich shaped ice cream between two shaped cookies. Freeze and you have homemade ice cream sandwiches!
Make shaped rice crispy treats! Fill tube (spray with spritzer or cooking spray) with warm rice krispie mixture. Let cool and push rice krispie treats out and slice.
Cut out Jell-O Jigglers
Fill with cookie dough. Freeze. Wrap tube with warm towel to loosen. Push out and slice cookies.
Batter Breads - like a nice, thick banana bread or zucchini bread.
Cut out pieces of watermelon with a bread tube and place the shapes on top of your fruit salad.
Use 1 pkg. Jiffy Banana Nut Muffin/Bread mix. Decrease the liquid a little and foil-cap the ends to help prevent spillage.
Take Refer Cinnamon Rolls, cut into quarters and just drop them into the tube (seal bottom w/aluminum foil) bake with top cap on, standing upright in the oven for 30 minutes at 350°. Slice and arrange on a plate and squeeze topping over the slices.
When a recipe calls for Pillsbury French loaf, try frozen bread dough instead. Reasons: 1. you get 5x's the amount for about the same price. 2. you can use it for virtually everything -bread tubes (be sure to remove ¼ of dough-or it'll explode in oven--- personal trial & error) -pizza dough -apricot or apple bubble bread--YUM!!! -Savory Sand Ring -Apricot & chocolate tea ring -bread sticks (great recipe & fast. I use the 12 x 15 rectangle stone. -parmesan pepper pull-a-part bread
Another quick for the 4th of July holiday--use the star to cut out cheese for cheeseburgers!
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Here's what the catalog says: Dress up appetizers or breakfast breads with scalloped edges. Top lid venting hole releases steam. What do you say? |
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To serve unique melon shapes, use your Bread Tube to slice through the center of your favorite melon, and then Crinkle Cut them into slices.
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It seemed like someone was asking about peeling and coring a pineapple the other day, I just recieved this in an email from my director she got off director's loop..... Bits of Business... Perfect for Pineapple. (Thanks Director Katherine Bagley for sharing with the Director's Loop) Did you know we can "peel" a pineapple with our scalloped bread tube? Just cut off the ends and shove that tube all the way down and voila! It's peeled! Next cut the pineapple in half across the middle and take the corer and core it. Slice into flowers - put them on a skewer with grapes in the center and voila - edible bouquets! Or use the apple wedger for coring and wedging; or after slicing use the apple corer for chunks. |
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Hey I thought the peeling of the pineapple was really cool I can't wait to share that at my next show. Sherri M |
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I tried the pineapple/bread tube trick last week. It was the first time I've ever cut a fresh pineapple. Boy, did it work slick! Thanks for the tip! Jenny L |
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PS Don't forget to ADD the Pineapple Peeling Tip to this doc as well. This is such an neat idea!  |
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I did my first ever demo at my cluster meeting last week. It was the pinapple demo described a few threads up. It was so cool to slide the bread tube down the pineapple and hear a Ooohhh go through the crowd! Many of them, like me, had never cut a pineapple before. A suggestion to keep the pineapple timely was to use it at an Island theme show. Could also do the palm tree garnishe with the green pepper, potato and carrot. Hmmmmm, . . . |
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I shared my pineapple demo w/ the bread tube @ a Cluster Mtg. I was making the "Stuffed Crust Pizza" at a show, & the crowd wanted fresh pineapple on it! Fortunately for me I always carry it, but don't always show it. The crowd ooo'd & awed at the speed the tube trimmed the pineapple. The guests brainstormed many ideas as to how to use the outer part of the pineapple & top for garnishing a fruit platter. I was so surprised, it was so fast & easy! I live in CA, & can't tell you how many times I've served fresh pineapple the ol'fashioned way. What a fab tool! |
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