 | | From:  jlm1970 (Original Message) | Sent: 6/20/2006 12:09 PM |
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 | | I have a customer who has the suds pump and needs to know what the ratio is for mixing the water and soap. I have looked it up on the PC site under Use and Care and can you believe the Suds Pump isn't even on there? I looked in Tool Thyme tips here and it doesn't have the ratios. It did have a lot of great ideas though. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I don't have any of these yet, but I am thinking about getting a couple. I figure it will save us on baby shampoo since the kids LOVE to wash everything now in the bath LOL!! We are also potty training and they love to wash their hands. I think we go through a bottle of liquid soap every few days. Beth | |
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 | | There are actually lines on the pump that tells you how much to put in. The lower line is the soap line, and the upper line is for water. They are marked as such, as well. You don't need to measure. | | Reply
 | | Thanks so much for the quick reply. That's why I love this board!!! Beth | | Reply
 | | Speaking of which, has anyone used dishwashing liquid in the suds pump? I have some of that new Dawn foam soap and thought that would be a great additional use of the suds pump -- I use the Dawn foam almost every day. | | Reply
 | | Yes, I use dishwashing soap and it is fine. I have two suds pump sitting in the wire caddy on my kitchen sink. One has hand soap and the other has dishwashing soap. It is nice because if I just have something like one knife that I need to handwash, I just pump some suds on it instead of pouring out of the bottle. | | Reply
 | | Here's something that HO passed onto us YEARS AGO: If it's an ULTRA-concentrated soap (& I believe Dawn soap is...) then you need to half the amount of the original amount required or else it might clog the sudsing mechanism. ALSO!! Here's a REFILL TIP: ALWAYS SHAKE the BOTTLE WELL BEFORE you begin to use it even if you are just using regular concentration soap b/c again, it can clog the sudsing mechanism!  HTH, Marian | | Reply
 | | Last year (or the year before) someone on the boards figured the math on how much you are saving by using the suds pump. I soooooo wish I would have saved that! I think it was on the old WLPC board before it got shut down. If anyone still has that by some chance...that would be AWESOME to be able to share with my guests. Especially since I buy the trial size soap from the supply order and give that out as a drawing prize. I always tell them how this will last them forever if they purchase the suds pump tonight! Usually I'll have them buy that suds pump if they won the soap! GREAT deal for just a few bucks a pack! Michelle | | Reply
 | | Michelle, I remember that too!! I thought that was awesome. I wish I would have saved it. Maybe we will get lucky and someone on here will have it. That's a great idea about handing out the soap as a prize and mentioning the Suds Pump. I think I will have to try that when I make my next supply order. Beth | | | |
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Adding yet more replies here.... Reply
 | | I think I'm the one that did the math on the suds pump. I'm kind of like that. I like to see the numbers! I don't know if I saved it on my computer or if I just did it in the message but I'll look on my hard drive and see if I can find anything. | | Reply
 | | I looked and all I found was my eBay price comparison where I showed actual bidders overpaying for their Pampered Chef on eBay.
If I remember correctly all I did was get the price of the big gallon jug of soap (or whatever size the big one is). Divide the price by the number of ounces in the jug, because I believe the suds pump takes 1 ounce of soap.
I then divided the total price of the suds pump, including shipping and tax, by the number of ounces in the jug.
Then I added the two figures together to get the cost per bottle of soap using the suds pump and it was something like 30 - 35 cents a bottle.
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 | | ....I think....
Now that I'm thinking about it I'm not sure it wasn't a lower number.
Give me a minute, I'll go find some figures and check. | | Reply
 | | Okay. The gallon size jug of soap is 6.84 at Sam's Club...or 5 cents per ounce.
If you use your suds pump to use that whole gallon jug of Soft Soap, your bottle costs you 10 cents per refill.
I didn't include tax on either figure, but I did include shipping on the pump.
So basically each bottle of soap costs you 15 cents, where you'd pay around $2 or more for a bottle of foaming handwash.
What's more, it is better for the environment, because you aren't throwing away a bottle every week.
When you buy foaming hand wash you are buying watered down soap for more than the cost of regular hand soap and those other foaming hand soap bottles don't give you the same thick rich foam you get from our pump.
Ever tried one? I even tried refilling one as an experiment one time to see if our "formula" would work in their pump.....it was not good, not good at all. What a mess, especially with my daughter. The "foam" if you could actually call it that, was too runny and didn't stick to your hand like our's.
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 | | AWESOME Shelby!!! Now I want to put it into a flyer to hand out with my trial size soap at my shows! I'll share IF I get my rear in gear and get it done. It will definately be a few days since I'm in the middle of a move. Michelle | | |
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 | | I just got one for the kids' bath time -- I have the J&J baby soap/shampoo (the all in one formula) in the suds pump and keep it on the side of the tub. The kids love the foam to help wash, and I love it for soaping up their hair quickly and not using too much shampoo on them! | | Reply
 | | I use one in the bath too for the kids. I have one for my husband too, although I'm not sure why since it just turns into a big maintenance hassle for me because he goes through it in a couple days.
But back to the kids, it is funny with my 1 year old, I like to squirt the foam on his belly and he'll look at it, then he'll rub it around. He's got the cleanest belly in the world because we'll do this several times for the entertainment value of it! :-)
But it does make it SOOOOO much easier to rinse the hair when you don't have 10 times too much soap in there! | | |