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Could we start a new thread called show bloopers or most embarassing moments in pc history. I am trying to get something together for my next cluster meeting and I would love to tell some of your great stories. Thanks in advance, Mine: When I first started PC I had never used fresh garlic before, the recipe called for one clove of garlic. I thought this meant one whole clove ( or a head of garlic as you would call it), so I pressed all the cloves in the head and put them in my recipe. It was really good but really potent. Thank god I tried it at home first, my house smelled like garlic for a whole week. Oh well at least i learned a very valuable lesson...  |
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My blooper (or at least one of the many!) was when I had a mock show before my first real one...I did a demo for my husband and kids and my brother and his family. I was using the deluxe cheese grater. I didn't know that the stuff came out the end, not the bottom, so all the cheese ended up on the table until someone could stop laughing long enough to tell me what was happening. Thank goodness it didn't happen at a real show! This was over a year ago, and they still remind me about it. Julie |
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Mine was at my second show. I had the dish all prepared and everyone was eating when my hostess came up to me and handed me the tomatoes that I had forgotten to put in. Five minutes later she came up to me again and handed me the parmesean cheese that I also forgot! Luckily it was a family show! They still ask if it's better with or without the cheese and tomatoes because they never got to taste the REAL dish!
Tiffany |
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At on of my first shows, I had all the ingredients out on the counter. I guess I was a little long-winded, because... there was a "BOOM" when the biscuits can popped open on it's own, sending biscuits to the ceiling and back into my DDB. I kept my cool, smiled, and said....if everything else is ready, it looks like the biscuits are!
I leave the biscuits in the refrigerator until needed now! LOL! |
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Oh boy, do I have one! I was doing the Taco Ring at a Mexican Fiesta show. We were in the host's living room because her kitchen didn't have enough room for everyone. I had gone all the way through the recipe and was demo'ing the V-shaped cutter on the bell pepper to place in the center which came out beautiful. I was pouring the salsa from the jar into the bell pepper and it all came out in one solid unit. I was so shocked I was just standing there for what seemed like forever holding up a bell pepper with salsa running down my arm, my leg, and into my sandles (between the toes!) and worst of all, onto the host's light beige carpet. When I finally came out of shock, I saw everyone's face and they looked as shocked as I did. Fortunately, the host was calm and brought me a towel (I didn't see her leave!) She said to go ahead and finish very calmly and she would clean up after I was done. Of course I couldn't just finish so I cleaned, washed my hands and came back with the ring ready to serve. THAT was embarassing!! |
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Embarrassing Moments! Too many to count. My 4th show I was doing the Sara Lee coke in the springform pan. I was using my Old Easy Accent decorator because I didn't have my new one yet. In the middle of putting whip cream on the cake the whole top popped off and whip cream went all over the cake and counter. The ring around the tube was cracked and gave away during my presentation. I just said "Opps! but you know everthing with Pampered Chef has a warranty". Quick save. And the guests loved it. Billyeskitchen |
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OK, here is mine! Had a show two weeks ago. Arrived to find the hostess decided that I wasn't going to do a demonstration, she just wanted me to cook and serve! Not very happy about that but not wanting to cause a conflict I did what she wanted. Everyone that came complained about not getting a demonstration so about an hour into the party, the pouting hostess came up and asked me to talk to everyone. I had already explained that it was the hostesses decision for me not to demonstrate. Anyway, I stood with the catalog, pretty much just going through it page by page and someone asked me if I had the US&G with me. I had used it for the meal so I went into the kitchen to get it, not thinking about the blade still being in it! I showed it to them and set it down. Upon setting it down I nicked my finger on the blade and discreetly was dabbing the cut under my apron. After my talk, my daughter who is also my assistant called me over. She asked me if I had hurt myself and I asked her how she knew. She said, "Mom, look at the floor!" There was blood dripped all over the floor. Thank goodness it was a wood floor and not carpet. Of course when everyone saw all that blood they felt bad for me! Always could of been worse, Michelle |
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I will never forget this...I was doing my very first party, and I was demoing the Apple Peeler/Corer/Slicer to make Apple Crisp. I practiced at home several times I mind you. I go to get the core off the APCS to move onto the next apple and it was a stuborn old core I tell you...I ended up shooting it at one of the guests, we all laughed hysterically, it took all I had to go on with my demonstration. I still tell that story when demoing the APCS. I learned at my very first show to say "and that's why I am called the Pampered Chef, not the perfect chef" Great "ice breaker" for a show! It was fun to share this, I too think we should have a bloopers area! Carey  |
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Hi Everyone! This is my first response to this website, but I just had to add in my recipe for bloopers..... one of my first hostesses was a good friend of mine, and she is a PC gooroooo to the max (trying to get her to sign up!!) anyway, when I arrived for my show she had decided to make about 3 additional recipes on her own. Well, that was fine, except one recipe she decided I should demo, but had neglected to tell me that in advance. It required the garlic press and I had forgotten to bring mine so I just used my food chopper....then I turned to finish the cake that I was in middle of, which required that I "chop" chocolate to put in the frosting, of course I had forgotten to rinse the garlic off the chopper.....oooohhh. My guests were all very polite and reported that they couldn't taste the garlic, but there was a LOT of the cake left over!! I tried it after everyone had gone, and it wasn't BAD, but I could taste it. I never take my garlic press out of my tool kit now!! chefjak |
 | | From:  emmcvay | Sent: 7/2/2006 10:30 PM |
I have one! I was doing the Chocolate Mousse in Crispy shells recipe at a show. I must have done it dozens of times, and I didn't think you could mess it up! Well, the hostesses microwave wasn't real powerful, we had the chocolate chips in there for a total of about 4 minutes, all 30 seconds at a time, when they finally started to melt. It seemed like it was taking forever, and I wasn't really prepared to fill in that much time in my demo. So once they looked like they were good, I took right off. Well, they weren't really melted very well, and there were small chunks in there. Not much of an issue, really, until they clogged up the tip of my Easy Accent Decorator! So we used the Medium scoop to fill the shells instead of the decorator, and the mousse had darks "flecks" in it from the unmelted pieces of chocolate that were still in there. So it didn't look very pretty, but everyone agreed that it still tasted great! |
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I have had 2 of these in the last month....I was melting chocolate for a cake, and asked my hostess if her microwave ran hot (I always ask cause some do), she said no and would watch my chocolate while I continued, well guess what, she didn't and melted my 2 cup easy read measure cup. I mean melted to the point it bubbled up into the chocolate. Needless to say I didn't drizzle chocolate on the cake. Then last week I was grating ginger for the Mandarine Pasta Salad, and my microplane broke in half!! Sooooo embarrasing. Just told them hey remember PC does have a great warranty, and I will get to try it out. It was bad to have to use that line 2 times in less than a month. Michele |
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