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CONFERENCE INFO : Sell-A-thon Info
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 Message 5 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameletmepamperu213  in response to Message 1Sent: 7/20/2008 6:44 PM
I never announce the shipping and handling b/c I feel that it is totally unnecessary. Think about it: how many home parties have you been to that the consultant says "Just to let you know our shipping and handling just went up to x amount" ? For me the answer is zero. I just total up their order and give them them the total amount. If someone does happen to say something about shipping I'll say "Oh my goodness! We have a fabulous deal on shipping! It's only $4.25 no matter how big the order!"
Because it is a fantastic deal-I just purchased a few things from tastefully simple which I love! and I paid $6.99 for shipping! and that was for products that weigh so much less than ours!
Just my two cents...

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     re: Sell-A-thon Info   MSN Nicknamepamperedchefjill3  7/20/2008 11:01 PM