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BOS Collection : List of things to put in your Book of Shadows
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLady_Qyzida_MeadOwlArk  (Original Message)Sent: 8/14/2008 1:25 AM
Book Of Shadows

A Book of Shadows is basically a witch's diary or journal, filled with occult information. There are outlines for Books of Shadows but I feel that since a Book of Shadows is a really personal thing that it should be in whatever order you want. It should also contain whatever information you want as well.

A Book of Shadows contains more than just occult information. It is also filled with any and all experiences that you have with magick. You may wish not to put this type of information in there and only put spells in it. That's fine but how are you going to know what magick that you have performed in the past and if it worked or not? In my first book, I only put spells in it and a few other things that I found on the internet. When you need to recall a spell, it is important to remember what herbs, candles, stc. worked best with the spell. So of course, you do not want to waste vauble time on trial and error instead of looking up exactly what would work best!

You want to value your Book of Shadows highly. Don't go around showing it to everyone saying something like: "hey look at my magick book!" or "I'm a witch, look, I can prove it," this only causes the book to loose the energy that you put into it every time you write in it or improve it. If you belong to a group of witches or a coven then it's fine to show it to them but usually a coven will have a coven Book of Shadows.

What you DO NOT want do is let people borrow it. Unfortunately people are usually not as responsible with your stuff as you would be.

It really doesn't matter what your Book of Shadows is contained in, as long as you are happy with it. I started with a 1 inch binder, I now have 6 binders. One of my Book of Shadows is in a 3-ring binder that is 6 inches. Another one is hand written and is in a 200 page hardcover. Whatever you put yours in just make sure it has a strong cover. It doesn't matter if it is handwritten or typed but either way you are still putting your energy into it. Some people even have a Book of Shadows stored on their computer.

I hope this helps you in putting together your very personal Book of Shadows.  Good Luck and Happy Writing.  May the spells and information you hold within your Book, be ever mindful of your path and Harming None along the way.

Love & Light

Lady Majyk Whispering-Owl

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLady_Qyzida_MeadOwlArkSent: 8/14/2008 1:26 AM
The  most valuable and essential tool to the witch is a  BoS (Book of Shadows). This  is a collection of all your learnings,  memories, rituals, etc. in one place.  Most modern Wiccans use  a three-ring binder to make it easy to arrange documents  and add  in other papers. This can, of course, be hand-written or printed from a computer.
The following  is  a listing of some common things people keep in their BoS. Don't  limit yourself-  just because these are the most ordinary things  to keep, it doesn't mean they  are the only things you  can keep. Creativity will make your BoS more  special.
The  Wiccan Rede
Include a copy of the rede. You may  also  want to have an evaluation of the rede- that is, "dissect" the rede  and  consider each statement, and write about its meaning and value  to your  practices. Our copy of the rede can be found here.
The  Sabbats
Have a copy of the eight major sabbats  and  include information on the importance of each one.  
A  calendar of the moon phases, progressions,  and the astrological  signs they are in each day. Mark new moons and full moons.  Also  include major events, holidays, and sabbats.
Magickal  Correspondences
A list of what each god and  goddess  represents, and a list of the meanings of herbs in magick, and the  symbolism of different candle colors. Maybe include a list of  the significance  of different scented incences.
Rituals  and Spells
Have a section of rituals and  spells you  find practical and useful, or you may need for future occasions. 
Chants and Poems
Chants  or prayers you find  especially nice are good for your BoS collection.  Also, personal poetry and your  own hand-written chants would be  a great addition to your book. 
Daily  Journal/ Dream Journal
A journal of daily  events and  occurences is always a good idea. A dream journal is also an  excellent  suggestion- recording and analyzing dreams can help you to become  more  in touch with your "third eye", or psychic awareness.
Your  path to learning can help you more in  the future if you are able  to look back on it. Ask yourself questions, and write  your responses  in a section of personal insights. As opposed to a daily journal,  this will not record actual events, but instead, will help you  to reflect on  theories and thoughts. Think about how you began  on this path, reconsider your  ways of life, think about the wonders  of reality, write a little on what Wicca  means to you and how  it's changed your outlook on life. Anything goes. And you  can  always return to a previous insight, and add what new views you've  stumbled  upon! Don't forget to write the time/date on each  entry!
Remember,  don't just stick a bunch of stuff into your BoS. Only  include  what you consider to be of value, and always make your own alterations.  If you put a ritual in their, write side-notes on what you decided  to change for  your purpose. If you put an inspirational article  in there, add your own  thoughts and ideas in the margins. But  remember on thing this is your BOOK OF  SHADOWS...
Short List:

A  dedication
A protection  spell for the book
A  blessing
Table of  Contents
Glossary of  terms
Traditions in  Wicca
Magickal  Ethics-Wiccan Rede, Laws of Return,  etc.
Beliefs & Doctrine
Paranormal  studies
Ritual and  holiday foods
Bath  Salts
Meade and other  drink
Planetary  hours
Color  magick
Crystal,  gemstones and minerals
Herbs, Plants  and Trees
Wheel of the  Year
Moon  Phases
Animal  Totems
Days of the  week
Months of the  Year
Dream  interpretation
Magickal  Symbolism and Alphabets
Listing of Books  and Sacred Texts
Divination  studies
Smoke,  Flame,  Fire
Face  Reading
Playing  Cards
Medicine  Cards
Wheel of the  Year-traditions
Rituals & Spells-actual rituals  and spells along with outcomes for those

Circle  Casting
Cleansing and  Consecration
Quarter  calls
Candle  magick
Ritual  Construction
Rites of  Passage
Web-weaving-a  list of contacts and web addresses
Dragon  Lore
Fairy  Lore