The sacred tree of the Druids and the Roman god Jupiter is most noble as it withstands winter's blasts. This moon calls to the Sun to come back and make our days longer so that we can get through the winter . She shivers in the night and knows that her partner wil soon return to warm the earth. She watches silently as the night covers everything in the frost of December nights. December According to Cunningham The Full Moon nearest the Winter Solstice is the Oak Moon, the Moon of the newborn year, the Divine Child. Like the Divine Child who is born to die and dies to be reborn anew, the ancient Oak has its trunk and branches in the material world of the living, while its roots, the branches in reverse, reach deep into the Underworld, symbolic land of the Spirit. As the roots probe downward into the gravelike darkness of the Earth, its branches grow ever upward toward the light, to be crowned by sacred Mistletoe. At this most magickal time of the year, as the light of the old dying year wanes and the Oak Moon waxes to full, cast your Circle wearing Mistletoe in your hair. Let this token remind you that like the Oak, we too dwell simultaneously in two worlds - the world of physical matter and the world of Spirit. As you invoke the Goddess of the Moon, ask that you become ever more aware of the other side of reality and the unseen forces and beings that are always among us. Some other names you may see this moon called: -
Oak Moon -
Wolf Moon -
Moon of Long Nights -
Long night's Moon -
Aerra Geola (Month Before Yule) -
Wintermonet (Winter Month) -
Heilagmanoth (Holy Month) -
Big Winter Moon -
Moon of Popping Trees |