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 Message 1 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLadyMajykWhisperingOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 11/24/2008 4:12 AM
All animals beginning with the letter
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 Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLadyMajykWhisperingOwlSent: 11/24/2008 7:12 AM


ant.jpg picture by gemsylb

 Animal Spirit



Ant is dutiful, patient, industrious and focused. If you ever put an obstacle in the middle of an ant trail, you’ll notice that ant will go over it, around it, or even under it—but ant will NOT let the obstacle drive him backwards. Above all, ant is a team player, and knows that if each member of the team does his assigned task, the team will succeed. Do you have goals that are best met by team effort? If so, get the other players off the bench and let them into your game.


The Ant

The ant is very industrious. Some ants are solitary but most are part of a large community. Within the community there is a repertory of activities and behaviors. Their activities include gathering and hunting. Within a community each ant knows its place and performs its duties with total loyalty to the whole.

Worker ants are excellent architects and can  show us how to construct our dreams into reality. Ants are very persistent and can teach this skill as well.

The power of ant medicine is teamwork. Each ant will do its part to ensure the survival and health of the whole colony, regardless of the role it has been assigned. If ant has to fight, it will; if ant has to dig tunnels, it will; if ant has to carry leaves for miles, it will,  all for the good of the community.

Ants are selfless servants always looking out for their fellow ant. They focus on the best outcome for the community and teach the art of self sacrifice and true service. The queen ant has wings and the ability of flight until fertilized. Once fertilized she pulls off her own wings sacrificing her own flight for the birth of a newborn. Although there is a caste system within the ant community all ants honor and respect each other and work for the common good.

Ants are tireless workers and hunters and teach the art of perseverance and patience in all that they do. Those with this totem will find that many of their life lessons will involve the mastery of patience in some way.

Ant medicine is subtle yet powerful. It teaches us how to release our egos and aligns us with the virtue of equality. Imagine what the world would be like if humanity held and applied the values that the ant expresses. The next time you step on, squash, injure or kill an ant intentionally, ask yourself why you are choosing to destroy the unconditional love that the ant shares so freely. Valuable insights about yourself and your history can be learned from this tiny little totem


 Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLadyMajykWhisperingOwlSent: 11/24/2008 7:25 AM

antelope.jpg picture by gemsylb

Animal Spirit


Antelope medicine is one of right action. If you were to visit Northern Plains today, you would see groups of antelope scattered about the fields and hills. However they are so quiet and unmoving that (from a distance) they resemble stones. But, get too close and they move like lightening. Antelope asks you: are you being still when you should be moving, or moving when stillness is required?




Swift-footed antelope, teach me survival instincts.
Make me aware of intuitive warnings.
Let the aggressor be brought low by his or her own actions.
Dispel his or her power to harm others.
Show me the path to safety, peace and harmony.


Action, Speed, Adaptability of the Mind

Antelope teaches survival.  How to avoid indiscriminate destruction of life. The Antelope signifies knowledgeable action.  

Antelope medicine is the knowledge of life’s circle, the knowledge and understanding of death. Through Antelope you can learn to truly live and action is the key and essence to living.  If you have a problem which you cannot solve, call on Antelope and he will speak to you and set you free.  Listen to Antelope, but more importantly, act.  You will overcome any obstacle in your path. 

Antelope is the messenger of a higher purpose; he knows the way and through him, so will you.  Antelope can teach clairvoyance by listening to his voice inside of you.  An Antelope person is intrinsically psychic.  Often it is in the form of clear-smelling �?fragrances and odors will awaken this power.  Mediate using a fragrance with musk in it.  Trust your instincts.  If a person or situation does not “smell�?right, back away from


 Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLadyMajykWhisperingOwlSent: 11/24/2008 7:28 AM
Armadillo with its tough shell and ability to roll up in a little ball teaches us to honor our own boundaries. Boundaries are not meant to keep love out of our lives but rather to protect our gentle and loving nature from the attacks of those who are still motivated by fear. If you know emotionally toxic people don't judge them, but by all means use healthy boundaries. Many believe that we come to this planet to experience our own dramas. Armadillo teaches us that by setting boundaries, we learn to allow others to experience their lessons without being harmed ourselves. "Rolling with the punches" is Armadillo's message. Armadillo wears it's armor on it's back. It's boundaries of safety are a part of it's total being. What a gift it is to set your boundaries so that harmful words of intentions just roll off. It may be time for you to define your space.



Brother armadillo has a passive style of defense and its medicine comes from its own body.   The 'digger' is called the "Little Armored One" because of thick bony plates and horns that covers its back.  It teaches protection and ways to move through dimensions.




  • The armadillo rolls into a tight ball when threatened to cover its vulnerable underside.   Brother Armadillo's medicine is to teach ways to expose your inner-self and allow natural defenses to protect you.  People who are too paranoid, 'hard-shelled' or cover their feelings unnecessarily may need the spirit of the armadillo.  

  • Armadillos are territorial and regularly patrol their boundaries to sniff out intruders and potential threats.   If the armadillo comes to visit you, it may be time to examine your boundaries, or artificial limits placed on your abilities, time, or space.  Is someone invading your space?

  • Medicine from Brother Armadillo is strong and tenacious.  It teaches how to protect yourself from potential threats.

  • The armadillo is slow but persistent in its daily tasks and ignores most non-threatening activities around it.   These traits will help one who follows the armadillo medicine to realize when they may be negligent of a persistent problem or avoiding issues.

  • Brother Armadillo is a solitary dweller and does not have many friends.  Pay attention to the shell of our armored friend when he enters your meditations and find new ways to join with others in social activities.

  • The armadillo digs for its food and makes burrows to sleep and have its young.   The digging aspect of its behavior indicates that you may need to work harder at finding the morsel of sustenance in your life to bring more spiritual awareness.

  • Brother Armadillo understand the necessity of spiritual purification and loves water.  He is a good swimmer, floats very well and can swim under the surface for long periods.   Armadillo readily crosses any stream or river with ease.  These traits give people of the armadillo spirit an understanding of the power of spiritual cleansing and ability to move with fluid easy movement between dimensions

 Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLadyMajykWhisperingOwlSent: 11/24/2008 7:41 AM

The Alligator

The Alligator has walked on Earth mother for millions of years and are known in many myths and lore as the keepers of ancient wisdom. Alligators hide themselves in water and mud waiting for unsuspecting creatures to happen by, and then snap. They eat any animal they can swallow and if they cant swallow it; they tear it into bite size pieces.

They only eat when they are hungry and do not consume food unnecessarily. Waste is not a part of alligator medicine. Those with this totem should be careful about over consumption. Digestive disturbances are common with alligator medicine people.

The eyes of the alligator are positioned high on their head allowing them to remain relatively hidden beneath the water and still see above it. Symbolically this hints to clairvoyant abilities.

Hiding in the water ties the alligator to the emotional body of man. The alligator holds the teachings of the discovery and the release of emotions that are locked beneath the surface.

Alligators dig deep burrows when the water is high so that during the dry season they can have a wet alcove to retreat to. These alcoves serve as reservoirs from which other animals can get water. Water is the nectar of life. The sharing of these reservoirs indicates the alligators respect for all life forms.

The power of alligator is its power to survive. They have no known predators. If alligator shows up in your life or in the dreamtime it might be telling you to take care of yourself and secure your basic survival needs.

Alligators come together only for reproduction. They have distinct individual personalities. Those with this totem are usually loners and only join together in groups when mandatory. Alligator medicine people can be great leaders. They know how to survive in any situation and are strong enough to hold their ground.

These fascinating creatures digest their food slowly. Those with this totem should remember to digest and assimilate all experiences thoroughly before moving forward in haste. Alligators teach the art of patience and appropriate timing. They know when to hide beneath the water, peak above it, or take action and snap.


The Alligator

The Alligator has walked on Earth mother for millions of years and is known in many myths and lore as the keepers of ancient wisdom. Alligators hide themselves in water and mud waiting for unsuspecting creatures to happen by, and then snap. They eat any animal they can swallow and if they cant swallow it; they tear it into bite size pieces.

alligator sunningThey only eat when they are hungry and do not consume food unnecessarily. Waste is not a part of alligator medicine. Those with this totem should be careful about over consumption. Digestive disturbances are common with alligator medicine people.


The eyes of the alligator are positioned high on their head allowing them to remain relatively hidden beneath the water and still see above it. Symbolically this hints to clairvoyant abilities.


Hiding in the water ties the alligator to the emotional body of man. The alligator holds the teachings of the discovery and the release of emotions that are locked beneath the surface.


Alligators dig deep burrows when the water is high so that during the dry season they can have a wet alcove to retreat to. These alcoves serve as reservoirs from which other animals can get water. Water is the nectar of life. The sharing of these reservoirs indicates the alligators respect for all life forms.


alligator headThe power of alligator is its power to survive. They have no known predators. If alligator shows up in your life or in the dreamtime it might be telling you to take care of yourself and secure your basic survival needs.


baby alligatorAlligators come together only for reproduction. They have distinct individual personalities. Those with this totem are usually loners and only join together in groups when mandatory. Alligator medicine people can be great leaders. They know how to survive in any situation and are strong enough to hold their ground.


These fascinating creatures digest their food slowly. Those with this totem should remember to digest and assimilate all experiences thoroughly before moving forward in haste. Alligators teach the art of patience and appropriate timing. They know when to hide beneath the water, peak above it, or take action and snap.

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