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All animals beginning with the letter ~E~ will be posted under this thread as they are found |
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 Your Animal Spirit Eagle Eagle soars high enough to see the grand panorama of life, and yet has vision keen enough to spot a fish a mile away. How's your vision? Are you seeing the big picture or are you only concentrating on the fish? Eagle is asking you to take a step back so you can once again see the whole. You've gotten so lost in the trees you've forgotten the forest.  Animal Helper - Eagle By Cait Johnson, Assistant Producer, Care2 Healthy Living Channels. Simple Solution Power Animals offer themselves to us for guidance and help with the challenges of our daily lives. EAGLE, that powerful and majestic bird of prey, soars overhead today as an urgent reminder to keep the bigger picture--the eagle’s-eye view--in mind. For so many of us, bogged down by all the little details of our lives, it becomes impossible to see the forest for the trees. But if we can detach, rise up, and take a more objective view of things, larger patterns become clearly visible, showing us the probable outcome if we continue along our present path. A photograph or picture of EAGLE may help to remind you of its fierce beauty, and the power of taking the larger view. Eagle In the Native American tradition, Eagle is the most sacred of birds: it is the one that flies the highest, in order to reach Grandfather Sun, Great Spirit. Eagle feathers also hold potency, and are given in honor of acts of courage. They are sacred tools used for blessings, prayers, and cleansing the aura. However some Eagles are now declining species and are protected: except for certain tribal people, therefore, it is illegal to own Eagle feathers. Native people have always found profound teaching in the creatures that surround them, and medicine people can communicate with the spirits of the creatures who help them in many ways. Because of its strength and ability to soar, plus its acute vision, Eagle is connected with the Creator, Great Spirit. Eagle medicine lifts us into the realm of spirit, brings us illumination, insight, and clear vision concerning our life and the path ahead-visible from those heights. Eagle vision can see the truth of our own heart, and can also see into the hearts of others. Eagle helps us to look clearly at our own shadow and brings insight, guiding us to make changes or find healing. The great strength and fearlessness of Eagle brings courage to face life's challenges. Eagle rides the winds, reminding us that we, too, can spread our wings and find freedom. We can ride above narrow, restricting situations as soon as we find the courage to deal with them. Eagle also brings freedon from any inhibiting ideas we may have about who we truly are. If we have only identified with our "larger self," is a being connected with light and all things. From:The White Eagle Medicine Wheel Eagle With eagle we soar to heights that offer vast perspective. As eagle, you will see the landscape, soaring above it, yet still connected to the earth. The eagle embodies great abundance. He perches on the highest tree atop the highest mountain from where he sees all. With eagle you soar on wind currents that take you up to the sun. You are fearless about being in flight at this height and you share the keenness of eagle's vision. You can see deep into the crevices of the earth and inside its sharp edges. Eagle is about power, success, and manifestation. Eagle builds a huge nest at a great height. This is the eagle's manifestation of his great vision. As he builds his home, he carries branches and prey from the lowland valley to the highest point that can be reached. As you embody the eagle, you gain swiftness in flight and fearlessness in your dives. The spirit of the eagle unlocks your own ability to fly, dive, free fall, and soar in pursuit of precisely what you want in life. Eagle can swoop down from above in a dive only to emerge with his prey. He has the power, swiftness, and grace to do this naturally. Eagle says, "Don't be afraid to take the fall, and to go high and low, to soar. You will always be successful." Eagles fly at heights that afford them a horizon of 360 degrees. They are at the top of the Medicine Wheel axis, and they can see the earth as it rotates below them. They see the entire Medicine Wheel and everything that happens on earth. If you want to see all the animals, look out of the eyes of the eagle. Eagle has to do with physical manifestation in the outer world and spiritual manifestation in the spirit world. They experience the medicine wheel as the landscape itself. And from their commanding height, this is their place of power. If you can't find places of power, follow eagle, and he will take you there. Eagle embodies light as the owl does darkness. Eagle flies to the sun; he represents illumination, showing you in your brightest light. Eagles even mate in full flight. They fly up in spirals, higher and higher, they lock claws and stay together in free fall while mating. Eagles are fearless during this wild, dizzying descent. They are big, powerful birds, and they will help you harness their power. With their sharp talons they will tear you apart, but this is how you will know the eagle has taken you. Great power does not come without pain. As you become one with the eagle, fly as high as you can. Find the highest mountain, perch on the edge. You too will have tremendous sight, clarity, and awareness of every detail and movement. The eagle within you will manifest your own greatness and greatest accomplishments. Eagle is at home at this great height. The eagle within you is also at home with your own success and accomplishment. Your voice becomes one with the eagle and you will hear yourself say, "I can fly like eagle, for I can see out his eyes." Follow the eagle, wherever it goes, and he will guide you to your potential. Eagle told us, "I am regal. I rule the medicine wheel. I carry messages of love between lovers. I link heaven and earth. I carry spirits and prayers to heaven. I create fire, mountains, the tallest trees. I urge you, be imaginative. To be an eagle, listen to the wildest voices within you, for you are truly great." Eagle is about illumination, about seeing forever in clarity and light. Bibliography: The Path of the Feather Spirit of the Bald Eagle
Role: ~Illuminating Force~ Lesson: Soar Above Element: Air/Water Wind: ~East~ Illumination Medicine: Connection to Grandfather Sky
Keywords Illumination Ability to See Hidden Spiritual Truths Strength Connection to Spirit Guides & Teachers Courageous Intuitive Rising Above Creativity Healing Keen Sight
On the currents of the Four Winds you ride the sky held aloft by unseen hands that hold you close to the Grandfather Far below lies the world of Man a realm in which you also dwell, yet always from within comes the ache to rejoin the Great Spirit Caught between two realms, you remind all who witness your beauty and strength of the eternal struggle of the two-legged to rise above the mundane and feel the Soul take flight Illumination In Earth Medicine, we recognize the Eagle (all members of the Eagle family) as a symbol of a powerful, spiritual energy. Because the Eagle soars so close to the Grandfather Sky, it is believed that Eagle hears the voice of the ~Great Spirit~ and is thus a link between the Divine and the Two-Leggeds (humanity) Bald Eagle feathers are treasured and revered amongst the Native People, for they are recognized as containing a very powerful Medicine energy/magic). While speaking in Truth, seeking to bridge differences, or in asking for guidance and Illumination for a course of action, the Eagle feather is held during ceremonies to draw in such spiritual illumination. As a means to speak with spiritual clarity and Truth, the Speaker will hold an Eagle feather, either as it is attached to a ~Talking Stick,~ or held in the hands. This serves as a connection to the Divine, so that all words that are spoken, are spoken from Higher Intent, and also as a means of asking that the Ancestors and the ~Great Mystery~ speak to and through, the Holder of the Feather. Thus, One who flies with the Eagle, has a responsibility along the Good Red Road, to operate from Higher Intent, to develop the latent abilities of Illumination, and then freely share this Illumination with Others. Obviously, this is no small task, or one to ever be taken lightly, for the ramifications are very far reaching, as are the Gifts and blessings for the Self and Others, which ripple outward from this particular attribute. The Path to Illumination is one often fraught with boulders and stumbling blocks that serve as a schoolroom for the developing soul. A broad range of experiences (both pleasurable and exceedingly painful), are met by the one beside whom Eagle flies as it is from the depth of experience that true wisdom is forged and from wisdom, comes the Illumination of the Soul, or ~Enlightenment.~ However, as while encased in the Robe of Physical Life, there exists the possibility that the personality center may arise that Eagle soul may examine his/her current level of growth and integration. In some instances, one such manifestation of the Personality Center may be a sense of self-aggrandizement or self-importance, as these are individuals who have an intuitive grasp on mysteries that elude other less observant and/or intuitive individuals. This ~arcane knowledge~ often gets the Eagle individual noticed, and where the soul has not sufficiently integrated the lower vibrations of the personality center, arrogance may surface. Or the converse may be true wherein the Eagle Soul has not acknowledged the splendor and beauty of his/her soul. In this instance, what is obviously apparent to Others as to the Gifts and Quality of Being that exists in the one beside whom Eagle soars, will be non-apparent to the Eagle Individual, and the lesson then becomes acknowledging and embracing the Light of their own Spirit. Soul of Bald Eagle will possess an innate ability to ~see,~ dream, feel or ~know~ secret or hidden spiritual truths, both of the other realms and planes of ~Being,~ and the hidden truths of ~Others.~ Such powerful insight and perception (think of the eagle’s powerful vision and ever-alert and intense eyes), comes from both a plethora of past life experiences whose memory bubbles just below the surface of conscious recollection, and partially from present lifetime experiences which serve as lessons in developing and honing the gift of ~Insight.~ For the one who is able to find the splendid dance of balance between self-love and humility, celebration of Self and celebration of the All, the dance is a beauty to witness, as the Eagle Spirit unfurls the wings of their Soul, like their winged Totem dancing upon the Wind as they fully embrace and inherit the brilliant Gift of true Illumination.*** Intuitive The Eagle, as he soars amongst the clouds and floats upon the unseen currents of air, dwells in close proximity to Grandfather Sky. From his connection to the Grandfather, Eagle also seeks to rekindle his connection to the creative force of the ~Great Spirit.~ As such, Eagle intuitively understands that we are never far from Home, or completely dis-connected from the Source of All That Is. Bald Eagle is one of the Totem Animals that dwells simultaneously within two realms. Such dualistic Totems symbolize the need for Balance between two points, or the requirement that the Soul whom Eagle flies beside, learns to dance between two planes. In the instance of this Totem, Bald Eagle is considered to be a Water or Fish Eagle, as the primary source of the Bald Eagle’s diet consists of fish that the Eagle will capture in fresh water rivers, streams and lakes. Yet he also exists in the realm of Air, living on the wing and soaring above the mountain peaks. Earth Medicine teaches us that each elemental clan symbolizes various aspects of our walk along the Red Road. Water represents our emotional and spiritual Self, while Air represents our intellect and conscious mind. Hence, Eagle must dive into the water with precision in order to retrieve her meal of fish, which she will clutch firmly in her razor sharp talons, then to rise once more to greet the sky. Within this behavior of Bald Eagle, lies the clue as to the nature that it represents within all two-leggeds who have the Soul of Bald Eagle. Water, as intuition, psychic attunement and emotions, represents your Soul’s ability to intuitively assess situations, individuals and circumstances with an immediate grasp. Yet water also symbolizes a depth of emotion and feeling that is nearly fathomless. Love is given whole-heartedly and without restraint, a trait that can often lead to your being hurt by souls who have not reached sufficient maturation and integration with their own Emotional Centers. Then, it is imperative that one learns the value of appropriately timed detachment (as represented by the Air), and the quality of discernment so that the beautiful nurturing and loving energy that flows so effortlessly through you is not "wasted" on those who have not earned this most precious of Gifts, and shared instead with those of a similar depth and maturation who are able to reciprocate what has been received. With each successive incarnation, the Soul learns how to move swiftly from one realm to the next, to know when to utilize the psychic/intuitive gifts and depth of emotion, and when to soar above and revisit the condition of the encounter or experience with detachment. This is one of the primary factors in the Life Path of one with this Totem. Ultimately, the Soul will reach the Zenith of this Life Lesson, and the Eagle’s desire for reuniting with the Great Spirit will be fulfilled as the Eagle Soul learns to love and nurture the Self. Courage Wherever Eagle soars, the Native People have recognized this splendid bird as a symbol of strength & courage. The builders of the American Constitution likewise acknowledged this majestic creature’s aura of strength, and established it as the national symbol of America. In the wild, the Eagle is the undisputed king/queen of the skies with no other bird equaling the Eagle in either size or hierarchy. And it is in watching the heart stopping dives as the Eagle pummels downward to capture their meals of fresh fish, that one truly begins to understand the connection between these mighty birds and the keyword for this Totem of Courage. ***Like their totem Ally, the two-legged who has Eagle flying beside them, will often exhibit great depths of inner strength and courage. Often times, they will encounter situations in their flight along the Red Road of Physical Life in which they will need to call upon that courage in the face of overwhelming adversity. Does this mean that the Eagle Soul feels no fear? Hardly, yet once the fear has been felt and acknowledged, the Eagle Soul will then establish a plan of action in order to confront and resolve the situation as these are the problem-solvers that will find a possibility in what appears to be an impossible scenario. In facing their fears we witness the Eagle demonstrating the literal meaning of Courage. Whenever faced with situations, people or circumstances in which fear is felt, one with this Animal Spirit might call upon Bald Eagle to bring the Courage to face what must be done. In so doing, they are not only recognizing and giving thanks to the role of this Totem in their Life, they are honoring their own Divine Essence of the ~Eagle Within.~*** Rising Above Much as the Eagle soars majestically, held aloft on the Four Winds and leaving the ground far below, so does the Soul who has Bald Eagle as their Power Totem, possess the same ability to Rise Above the mundane. ***In many respects, this keyword is linked to the preceding one of Illumination, for it represents the Soul’s ability to integrate the lessons of the physical world, to leave behind the trappings of the past and the darker shadows of the human mind, so that one might soar on the winds of illumination and awareness. Only once the ~Lower Personality~ has been thoroughly embraced, understood, resolved and integrated, will the Soul have the freedom to Soar. The road “there�?is not an easy one to take, nor for the faint-hearted, yet it is a Journey that all of us must make in order that our Soul may evolve beyond the need to incarnate into flesh. This process is begun by uncovering those habits, beliefs and actions which are either self-destructive or cause pain for another, and is the crucial first step in the Journey of integrating the personality to the Soul. Many lifetimes may be spent in this first step alone as to face one’s own Inner Truth in complete honesty may be painful and require a good deal of detachment, it also requires that we embrace those aspects of ourselves that we may see as less than desirable. Yet once the Soul has acknowledged these ~Truths~ then the greatest step has already been taken. Next in this process (once our ~stumbling blocks~ have been identified), is to evaluate what lessons they have presented in our life. This is then initialed by once again evaluating the Self in honesty, by asking if these lessons and issues have been resolved, for if they have not been, they will simply re-present themselves again and again, becoming exponentially larger, until we are “forced�?to confront and resolve them. For some who chose to evade and fool themselves, this can ultimately manifest physically with the individual either becoming so ill that they are left under the surgeons knife, in the hospital, or they ~transition,~ only to come back in the next life and face those very same lessons yet again. If indeed, one can honestly affirm that those lessons have been thoroughly acknowledged, learned and absorbed, then the unfolding of the Soul begins and with it, the ability to rise above the mundane. This, as stated earlier, is a very involved process and must always be approached in conscious awareness, yet the freedom of the Soul on the wing, able to rise above those things that have caused one so much pain, anger or torment in the past, is a glorious unfolding to behold.*** Connection to Spirit Guides and Teachers As an Animal Totem, the Eagle has long been revered by the Native People for the proximity in which he/she soars to the Great Spirit. Because of the Eagle`s ability to fly so near to the roof of the sky, to view all that which lies below from a viewpoint similar to that of the Great Mystery, this mighty bird is believed to be a conveyor of messages between the Blue Road of Spirit and the Red Road of Physical Life. ***Like their Spirit Animal, the two-legged beside whom Eagle soars, will have an aspect of him/herself that will be attuned to the voices of the Ancestors. This ability to tune into other realms and hidden knowledge, may be seen by those lacking in such sensitivity and attunement as "day dreaming" or "spacing out." The truth of the matter is that the soul of the Eagle individual is in a near-constant state of receptivity, though they may not be consciously aware of the messages they are receiving from Spirit Guides, Totems and Teachers, the messages are coming through none the less. The more that the Eagle Soul can learn to tune into his/her feelings, intuitions and visuals received, the greater this perception and ability to tune into ancient wisdom becomes. For some, the knowledge received will be expressed as "automatic writing" or trance channeling, others will express this ability via creative artwork in the form of beautiful illustrations that convey a deep spirituality, for others still, such knowledge and connection to the ~Higher Self~ is expressed via deeply stirring music. Regardless of the medium through which such a connection to both the Spirit Guides and Higher Self is established, the end result is that these are the souls that carry profound messages for the rest of Humanity. Through conveying such messages in their non-judgmental and beautifully presented manner, the messages and knowledge passed along is received on a deeper level, and thus both the Messenger and the Recipient benefit from this beautiful Talent. Creativity The Eagle is recognized in Earth Medicine as a Winged One that is a symbol of Creation. In particular, the Thunder Eagle (or Thunderbird) is revered as a powerful Spirit that heralds great change and unlimited happiness that arises through the fountain of the Divine Creative Spark. Eagle’s place in Native American culture is quite significant, as very few Totem Animals are believed to possess such a broad and all-encompassing range of Medicine. For Eagle, the greatest creation is Life, either in the saving of the life of another (as through the strong healing emphasis associated with this raptor), or in the act of procreation. Like the legendary Phoenix, the Eagle is a Animal Totem of Transformation and Regeneration, a Spirit in a continual creative process. ***The two-legged who is blessed to have this Spirit Animal fly beside him/her, will be an individual that has entered onto the Good Red Road to express themselves creatively. This Divine Spark of Creativity may manifest in a multitude of channels, from music to making intricate and stunning jewelry, producing beautifully illustrated paintings to conceptualizing impressive architectural designs. Whatever medium this creative genius asserts itself, these will often be amongst the most skilled of artisans, poets and musicians. Indeed, the entire existence of the Eagle individual will seem to be a creative process, and life will be seen with a sensitivity that is both esthetic and deeply spiritual. Herein lies the key for the Eagle Soul, as the art they create will contain deeply spiritual overtones and undercurrents, their music, writing or art will transcend their captive audiences to a higher vibration where all life is celebrated with a deep reverence and joy. The irony perhaps is that often these souls are not fully aware of the talent they possess, as like the white crown feathers of the adult Bald Eagle, the two-legged beside whom this raptor travels will mature into his/her supreme talents. Such profound creativity must be reclaimed with a willing heart, yet one that is willing to fully embrace the responsibility to convey the realms of ethereal beauty, mysticism, music and art that is often invisible or unheard to the average two-legged. Yet when the Bald Eagle Soul has fully embraced both his/her talents and the responsibility to pass along their ~Vision,~ the physical world is not only made more esthetically appealing, the spirituality inherent in the visions conveyed will call to Others to reach for that sense of Beauty, Peace and Illumination within.*** By Wolf’s Moon EAGLE The eagle is a sacred messenger, carrying our prayers to the Creator and returning with gifts and visions for the people. Eagle feathers aid medicine people in calling on this connection when they need to contact spirit for healing. Eagles are majestic birds with a powerful presence. Although they can be social birds they do require isolation from human encroachment to breed in the wild. If a human strays to close or touches their nest, they are likely to abandon it. Both male and female incubate the eggs and share in the duties of raising its young. The eagle is incredibly patient. Often seen perched in a tree maintaining the same position for hours at a time, eagle teaches those with this totem how to master the art of patience in every area of their life. Within the energy of patience "all things are possible." Eagles are good at feeding themselves from the land and still soar to great heights in the sky. They teach us how to move through life without becoming attached to anything. They show us how to accept what comes our way and see everything as a gift from great spirit. They have excellent hearing and can hunt as much by ear as by sight. To those to whom eagle comes, the ability to hear spiritually and psychically will awaken Eagles have sharp beaks and strong jaws. They remind us to pay attention to our speech and how it affects others. Our words as well as the tone of our voice should be examined. Eagle asks us to maintain a prayerful connection with Spirit, to keep our minds focused on what is important in life. Maintaining this attitude removes judgment from our consciousness. Without judgment we speak with encouragement and kindness towards others. Lessons associated with judgment are part of this medicine. Eagles have excellent vision. Perched high in a tree they appear to analyze and observe everything. If Eagle has blessed you with its presence in some way, you are being given potent gifts of clarity and vision to use for the good of all people helping to bring forth the light out of the darkness. Eagle also serves as a reminder to those with this totem to communicate with Great Spirit daily so the gifts Eagle offers you can be utilized fully. Eagle flies high, close to God. He focuses the big picture but with his keen eyesight he can also perceive the most minute details. The Eagle is the symbol for Spirit. If he is in your life you are likely to be going through a time of great spiritual growth, initiation, and change. Stay close to spiritual truth and all will work out in your favor. While you are paying attention to the details of your life don't lose sight of the big picture. The eagle reminds us of courage and spirit. Eagle flies fearlessly, bridging heaven and earth, and teaches us to courageously face our fear of the unknown in order to fly as high as our heart's joy can take us. Finding out the true emotional aspects within self, using them to rediscover the child within, and awaken a higher sense of passion, creativity, spirituality, strength and healing. The eagle personifies the divine power. It can rise high in the sky, higher than any other living being, and, thus, comes close to the Great Spirit. Rising to such heights, it can observe life in its entirety. The eagle teaches the importance of recognizing the whole pattern of life with its bright and dark sides. This means we should regard both positive and negative events as experiences that can serve a higher purpose and help to develop the self. The power of the eagle, therefore, requires trust in divine leadership and only by examining his strength of soul can a person acquire the power of the eagle. Eagles' feathers have been used by shamans since ancient times to heal the aura of the sick. The message of the eagle is: Defeat your fears and see beyond your horizon, become one with the element of air and fly! Animal Speak, Earthbow and Sayada |
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Elephant’s Message Key Words: Loyalty, devotion, family oriented, ancient power, royalty, heightened sexuality, joy, awareness of the cycle of life and death, strength The Big Picture: Since elephants are known to be playful and demonstrate great joy, these qualities are definitely a part of the larger picture when one of these majestic creatures comes into your life. Your personal and family relationships may take on these qualities. A new relationship founded on joy and playfulness. However, the elephant also embodies great sexual power, so any romantic relationship you’re involved in may be highly sexual as well. The elephant also fits under the category we’ve called power. It isn’t just the physical strength and power, but an ancient and mystical power as well. It could be that people you meet during this time are those with whom you share past life connections. You’ll recognize these individuals intuitively and may begin to have dreams that are actual past life memories about places and events where you’ve known these people. Romance: You enter a period of heightened sexuality and passionate, intense sexual experiences. The chemistry may be rooted in past lives you’ve shared with this person. Twenty two months from now, your love life will have undergone a complete transformation. Bonds of deep loyalty are formed. Finances: You are challenged to earn money in a way that is aligned with your deeper beliefs. Animal conservation and awareness is one possibility, psychic work is another. You’re in a position now to empower your employees and to empower yourself as well. Use this window of opportunity to maximize your potential. Work/Career: You may be shouldering burdens and responsibilities right now, but take heart. It pays off in the long run. Just be sure that you slot time for some R and R and that you get adequate sleep. Friends and group associations are helpful professionally. Health: You’re in a good period health wise. To maintain it, join a gym and try to lift weights a couple of times a week. A daily discipline like yoga or tai-chi would be beneficial, too. You may want to try a vegetarian diet for a couple of weeks just to see if you feel any differently. Family: Your family and loved ones are highlighted now. If you’re trying to get pregnant, the news is positive. You may find too, that your family is growing because a relative or close friend moves in for a while. You offer help freely to those you love. Creativity: You’re in a place of great power and sensitivity and everything you need to do your creative work is available to you. Use this time wisely and don’t be afraid to embrace the unknown in your creative work. Spirituality: Past life associations prevail during this time. Your connection to your higher self is especially strong and information is available to you through dreams, in meditation, and through synchronous experiences. Bibliography: Animal Totems The Return of The White Elephant Blessings of Self Acceptance The Elephant Species through Karen Danrich "Mila" December 2, 2001
We know that our channel Mila writes a lot. There is much to say and little time to say it in. Why? In a short time of less than another 2 years, the language and thought-form of Mila and her beloved Oa will evolve to will be above the current thought-form of the Language of Light in full. At such a time, only those transcending to Mahavishnu will be able to understand what they are saying with ease. It is for this reason that there is a voluminous agenda in these coming two years ahead to bring through as many transmissions as they possibly can before turning the juncture ahead in their evolution. Elephant has long loved Mila. Mila tuned to the Elephant species early in her evolution and found us capable of anchoring large energetic space, far larger than all other creatures currently incarnate. Indeed we hold space for the evolution of Earth, and this is our species' purpose at this time in Earth's global ascension. Elephant is related to Walrus and Manatee as an aquatic counterpart to our species. What is holding space? As you may remember from "Chasing the Tiger's Tale", Tiger and the aquatic counterpart of shark holds boundaries for Earth. Boundaries take chi to run, and it is Elephant, Manatee and Walrus' task to provide the chi necessary to sustain the boundaries. One thing both elephant, manatee and walrus have in common is massive body size. There is a load of fat in our biological blueprint. Why is fat necessary to holding space? Fat allows chi to be generated or stored, much like a battery. Crystalline fat in particular is even more capable of holding magnetic energy to assist in stabilizing the vibration of the form or Earth. Elephant, manatee and walrus through ascension are evolving two new forms of crystalline fat that shall be even more efficient than what our ancestors once knew long ago. Elephant ancestors are known as the Woolly Mammoth. The shape of Walrus evolved out of the Manatee species. Manatee is an ancient species present in the lakes and water streams of earth long before the arrival of the Annanuki and their seeding of your oceans. Elephant and Manatee ancestors knew crystalline fat, but we are altering the genetic blueprint to be even more efficient. Elephant notices that many humans are perturbed at the weight gain in ascension. We guide you to not be perturbed. Ascension requires an ability to push up inside of the density of human thought-form. The more fat that there is, the easier ascension is to accomplish. It is anticipated that elephant, manatee and walrus will share the new blueprint of fat, which shall make it less necessary to gain as much weight as earlier on in the dance of ascension. This is anticipated to be released by the end of this year, which shall allow some who are excessive in body size to slim down by as much as 20% overall, and hold as much energy and move as much energy as prior to the fat conversion. Mila and Oa have grown large in their ascension. Some of their "massing out" is the growth in bone, muscle, ligaments and organs. Some is the result of requiring so much body fat to hold the boundaries of their own ascension and their school. In relation to biological function and movement, this is often uncomfortable, as the weight is heavy upon the land, far heavier than those species in the sea. So it is for Mila and Oa, so it is for elephant, and it is for this reason that elephant agreed to pioneer a new form of fat so that all ascending land species need not gain as much weight. For those species upon the land, this will allow the mass carried to be less cumbersome and more fluid. Indeed the crystalline diaphragm will give all species a larger torso and stomach regardless of size. Mila has noticed the rounder size of pigeons and other birds in Hawaii that are bordering upon Bodhisattva in vibration. Each species of bird appear larger and rounder in size than only a year ago, and the color of the feathers is more vibrant. Much like the plant life, which is also larger and brighter in color, so will it be so for each species upon Earth over time. Elephant is undergoing many changes. For one, our skin color shall go from gray to white in the coming quarter century. Why? White is the original color of our crystalline skin. Mila caught an article recently on the BBC news about a white elephant captured in Burma. There was also a story about how the King of Burma raged war many hundreds of year ago over possession of 4 white elephants. Why is the white skin color so important to elephant? White reflects light, and it allows us to generate light that shall be contributed to the overall light of Earth. In human form, there is much thought about skin color. White has become associated with the Annanuki, who actually had pale blue skin and blue blood. Their slave race had a pale skin like the Annanuki only red blood, however such skin was not compatible with the yellow-orange sun of your solar system. Why? The blue skin and blue blood is related to another solar system with a green-blue sun that exists in the Pleiades. The Annanuki used a derivative of their own genetics in cloning the slave race. As a result, such skin aged in the yellow-orange sun of your solar system. Mila and Oa have found in pulling their red ancestries forward that they have become over time more golden brown in skin color. This golden colored skin may be the new pigment color many originally "white" humans will one day hold. All humans will evolve over time to a totally compatible form in preparation for ascension as a species. It has been determined by Earth that the honey brown skin pigment of the Polynesian, Eskimo and Native American races along with chocolate brown skin of the African and Aborigine races is the most compatible with Earth. Black, brown, or honey colored hair and black, brown or hazel eyes in human form also falls into the category of greatest compatibility to Earth. Why is this so? A yellow orange sun gives off a particular vibratory rate. The honey brown or chocolate color of skin, hair and eyes absorbs such rays with the greatest ease and in the right amount. The sun is important, far more important than most humans understand. The sun, when looked into with the eyes, fills the pituitary and pineal with the chi necessary to sustain the form without food. It is a great truth that all species are moving to a self-sustaining form that requires not food to subsist within the coming 250-year cycle. For humans, this will include the gradual phasing out of blond and blue eyed lineages and an embracing of the lineages that are related to the original red seeded race which are honey to chocolate in color. For Oa, who has blond and blue eyes, his blond hair is gradually darkening, especially that which is converting from gray to color again in his regeneration. His eyes are under reconstruction, and this shall alter the pigment gradually over time from blue to hazel in color. The receptors to receive the vibrations from the yellow orange sun in this solar system are more of a green color as manifest in human form than blue. Blue receptors originated in the Pleiades and are subject to damage or sunburn in receiving the energy of a yellow-orange sun. Oa's skin is also becoming increasingly honey colored in his ascension and he burns in the sun far less than earlier in his life dance. What is sunburn? Sunburn occurs when the cells of the skin collect the vibration of the sun, but collect too much chi and then "fry". The fried cells receive more chi than they can handle, as there is far less chi generated in a blue-green sun than a yellow orange sun. One could say that blue-white skin of the Pleiadians was attuned to receiving more chi as their sun generated less chi overall, and so the white cells developed over time a wider capacity to receive the chi necessary to sustain the longevity of the form. The same wide-open receivership when doused with a yellow orange sun receives far too much chi, and burns. Over time, Oa has edited his "white" receptors to be "golden" based upon the records of his golden Sirian ancestors. As a result, he less readily burns than earlier in his life. One can see that regardless of what skin color or eyes one has at birth, it can be modified through ascension to become again compatible with Earth. The modification may not be easy however, and in particular Oa's eyes have suffered on going mucous that often causes the eyelids to stick shut in the morning and creates an overall blood shot look. This has been occurring for well over a year in his ascension since this modification began. And it is far from finished, as such is the difficulty of map-making a path to a new destination. Blue eyes were never a part of the Sirian encoding, and so a pathway must be carved from blue to green receptors, and this is gradually occurring but may take another year or more to complete in full. What is so wonderful about white skin then for elephants? And what about Buffalo? Why are they also going from brown to white? White skin for elephant is not the white of the Pleiadian ancestry. It is a white skin that has been present upon Earth since her inception as a consensus reality. Our white skin acts as a generator of the light that enhances the light of the sun upon Earth. Our white skin collects up the light and then amplifies it allowing more light to be present upon Earth again. This shall be needed in the coming quarter millennia of Earth's continued ascension, and therefore elephant is choosing to phase out all gray lineages over time and become white as a species. This is also so for the buffalo species. Walrus is also going to evolve, but from brown skin to a blue-gray skin, much like the current dolphin populations that dance upon Earth. The blue gray skin underwater refracts the light also adding to the global light possible for all of Earth. The Manatee already holds this skin color and walrus is drawing upon manatee's records in order to create the transcription. Dolphins on the other hand will evolve to hold a pink skin again much like their earlier ancestors upon Earth. The pink will allow even more light to be amplified, which is the agreement of fully conscious species, to contribute even more to the whole than those species that are not fully conscious. Fully conscious species also have more "say" in the dance of the whole, and in exchange contribute more. This is the unity-based paradigm in action Earth is moving towards; one has say or power based upon how much any individual or species gives to the whole. Many other species will indeed alter the pigment of their hair over time to contribute to the light of the whole. This is not anticipated to be all at once, nor for all species global wide, as each pigment color of skin and hair contributes something. So what does black and dark brown pigment of skin and hair offer? Such dark pigment plays the role of the keeper of the void. What is the void? The void is the space from which all dreams are cast. Those species with dark skin tones are keepers of the void. Many know that Aboriginal humans in Australia, the land of dreamtime, have a chocolate skin color. They too contribute to the void in having such skin tone. Those in Africa once sat in the dreamtime chakra, however due to the warfare of the Annanuki, earth rotated on her side and the chakras changed in location 8000 years later in compensation. However the African lineages holds the remembrance of the chocolate skin of the keepers of the void of the original seeded red race and retain that skin color to this day. Therefore there will be places upon Earth that will have darker humans than other places, and it will be related to purpose. Those humans holding the dreamtime will have darker than honey toned skin or brown hair, and the skin and hair color shall contribute to their overall purpose as guardian of the land upon which they reside. Will there be white humans like elephants one day? The white Sirians that were seeded along with the red brown variety indeed had a similar role to elephant. The white skin was designed to pick up and amplify light in such lighter pigment humans. However such light skinned humans were never "blue white" but more of a golden honey color that was still indeed lighter than the darker red-brown or black skinned variety that was designed to hold the void. Humans will gradually move to such skin pigments in order to support Earth again as a fully conscious species should. Perhaps humans can learn to love the skin and hair that they possess in the moment, and learn to love whatever size that that they have become. Love your body beloved. It works hard in support of Earth's global ascension, and in support of your personal ascension as an ascending human. So much emphasis goes into appearance in the human dance that elephant is hard pressed to understand. We are large and yet we judge not our size. The size is necessary to our job at this time. As another blueprint comes in, the size will be modified through ascension and the birth of our young. So it will also be for human form one day. Mila notes that new clothing needs to come forth for ascending humans, as they sincerely look pregnant. For the female, there is already maternity clothing, but for men there is little to choose from other than "big boy stores". Such clothing is not really cut proportionately to the bulging mid-drift, Oa has found, and therefore Oa is resorting to finding a tailor to custom design his clothing in the year ahead. Perhaps in time and with more human ascensions, the clothes will come to reflect the new emerging shape of mankind. For elephant, we seek not to wear anything, unless adorned by humans for the purposes of parade or circus. In time, there will be little of such things, other than perhaps elephants assisting humans much like horses for transportation or the clearing of the land. This elephants and horses freely give in love, and if honor were exchanged, would allow us to join you when called in meditation for a particular job, and then return to the wild where we live when complete. In this manner, our species can learn to work together again in unity, harmony and joy with mankind. We have shown Mila and Oa that we will ascend a few forms to the next dimension with them. This is not only to map make our ascension, but also to be of assistance to them. Indeed 23 species have agreed to ascend with Mila and Oa, and Mila realizes she will have her own private nature preserve as a result! This she looks forward to and recognizes that she will never be lonely for companionship, as she will have our presence nearby. However we are doing so to support their physical well being and continued leap to the One Source in their personal ascension. What does elephant wish to say to our human ascending initiates today? Humans too like elephant are designed to hold space. Either one is designed to hold "light" or to be the keeper of the "void". Mila has learned she is the keeper of the "void". As such, she finds that she is attuned to be an avid conscious dreamer. Oa on the other hand is a keeper of the "light" and is less attuned to dreamtime as a result. However Oa is more attuned to the multidimensional realities that surround earth as this is related to how light travels to earth from not only the sun, but also the many stars in your third dimensional universe and creation. For each, one can acknowledge the special role that one has been designed to fulfill upon, and quit comparing abilities, appearances, gifts and talents between you. Each is gifted and talented at what the form was genetically designed to do best. As each human fulfills upon their role, then the whole of the human species is held in ease. As each species fulfills upon their role, then the whole of the consensus reality known as Earth is held in ease. Honor the role that you are here to play beloved. Honor the body that allows the dance upon Earth in the physical. And honor one another as a cast of characters that are gathering for the clearing of enough karma to allow the new era for mankind to be born. Space is held through generation of light. As enough light is generated, the boundaries hold with ease. This is why in Mila and Oa's partnership, one is the keeper of the void and one is a holder of light, and together they do what each alone could never accomplish. As a collaborative, SSOA has equal number of light and dark skinned humans in ancestral origin learning to hold what their biology does best to create group unity. So one day it will also be for all of humanity, and will not this be the most joyous thing to witness in the unfolding? Be at peace, intend to ascend, carve or follow the map as you are destined, and all shall unfold as it should. A new golden era shall be born. And so it shall be. As Mila says, let us make it so HO! Namaste The Elephant and Walrus Kingdoms The Elephant Throughout history elephants have been prized for their power and strength. They are extremely intelligence and honored by many cultures. Elephants are the largest land animals and among the longest lived, with life spans of 60 years or more. According to Buddhist tradition, the Buddha chose the form of a white elephant as one of his many incarnations and the rare appearance of a white elephant is still heralded as a manifestation of the gods. The Hindu god Ganesh, the remover of obstacles, is depicted with the head of an elephant. Despite their great weight elephants walk almost noiselessly. Their stride is exceptionally graceful and rhythmic. Their hearing, smell, taste and touch is acute. This compensates for their poor eyesight. Their eyes are small in relation to the enormous head, which can only turn slightly from side to side. This limited movement results in restricted side vision. Those with this medicine feel things deeply and respond to those feelings from a place of inner knowing. Because their peripheral vision is limited they have a tendency to look straight ahead and not always see what is around them. Learning to shift ones focus to encompass the whole is helpful. Loyal and affectionate elephants are willing to risk their life for the sake of others in a family group. Wild elephants have been known to grieve and even shed tears over the death of a family member. They have excellent memories and when mistreated they often seek revenge. Elephants have a total of four teeth, all molars. The first pair of molars is located toward the front of the mouth. When they wear down, they drop out and the two molars in the back shift forward. Two new molars emerge in the back of the mouth to replace those that have moved forward. Elephants replace back molars six times throughout their life. When the last set wear out, they are unable to chew and die of starvation. Teeth have great symbolism. They are considered receivers and transmitters of energy linked by connecting paths throughout the astral body. Because the elephant is highly intelligent those with this totem make excellent researchers and alternative scientists. The complex study of numbers, energy meridians and the tie in between the physical brain, the teeth locations, and the major and minor head chakras is fascinating as well as beneficial. Elephant tusks point backwards and are used as weapons and for digging edible roots. From a spiritual point of view this suggests an ability to uncover the secrets left behind you and bring them to the consciousness for evaluation and healing. This beautiful creature hold the teachings of compassion, loyalty, strength, intelligence, discernment and power to name a few. If this is your medicine these virtues are a part of your natural character. By applying these gifts in your life soul evolution is achieved. |