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All animals beginning with the letter ~T~ will be posted under this thread as they are found |
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The Tasmanian Devil Active at night, the tasmanian devil is the largest carnivorous marsupial in Australia. Animals of the night time have long been associated with magic. Within the blackness of night creatures from the underworld awaken. The underworld holds the power and the magic of shape shifting realities. Physical and non physical entities congregate together in ritualistic practices. Ritual when used appropriately can have profound benefits. Ritual used inappropriately can be disastrous. Those with this totem are often attracted to shamanistic practices as well as various forms of witchcraft. Although those with this medicine are powerful healers caution is advised. The right use of power is one of the main lessons you are learning. The tasmanian devil has a large powerful head with a wide jaw and sharp teeth. The head symbolizes higher consciousness and the jaw represents verbal communication. Because those with this medicine have past life ties associated with the mis use of power the devil offers you the components necessary to clear past life mistakes. One of the most interesting features of this totem is its pointy pink ears that turn red when it is angry. This is due to an increased blood flow. Proper care of the circulatory system is essential for those with this medicine. Found on the island state of Tasmania it lives in coastal scrub and eucalyptus forests. The devil is a solitary creature, relatively shy and prefers to live alone. They spend their days sleeping out of sight and conserve their energy by going into a state of 'tupor' where the body heat drops to match its surroundings. This ability is similar to the art of slowing down ones heart beat practiced by select yogi masters. Yoga breathing exercises can benefit those with this totem. The tasmanian devil is non aggressive unless fighting for food in which it will become very protective and kill other devil's if necessary. They prefer to eat dead animals and their powerful jaws help crush bones so they can devour the whole carcass, meat, fur and bones leaving nothing to pollute the environment. They remind us to honor and care for the earth on which we stand. Devils are very loud especially in groups ranging in sounds from barks to snorts to screams. If the devil screams into your life ask yourself how you are using your energy? Do you have power issues that need to be addressed? If the devil quietly slips in the back door your personal power is probably being manipulated by another. The tasmanian devil is a no nonsense totem pushing and prodding you into the right use of your personal power. Although a challenging totem to have the rewards it offers are great! Sayada and Earth Bow |
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Chasing the Tiger's Tail Blessings for Holding One's Boundaries in Ascension The Tiger Kingdom through Karen Danrich "Mila" October 6, 2001
Dear Beloved Ascending Human, The Tiger Kingdom has much to say today about our purpose and how we may serve you in your choice to ascend. The purpose of the Tiger Kingdom is to hold the boundaries of Terra (Earth). Boundaries are thought-form that set precedence for what one will allow in their field, and what one will not allow or in other terms push out. Thought-form that is destructive often allows entities that are abusive and harmful to use a field to target harm at others, or receive harm from others causing mutilation of both a nonphysical or physical form. For a long time, Terra has suffered from the harm emanating from other planets and stars towards her. Such harm has been used to pierce her field, and the blows shattering her grid work, which is then stripped. As more of the grid work is stripped, records, chi, information, moving energy systems are also then pulled apart. This ultimately has lead to fall after fall in vibration and consciousness for Terra over time. In Terra's ascension, she is learning not to allow such blows towards her field any longer, and to retrieve all that has been lost over time. In the ongoing retrieval of lost knowledge, Terra is able to reconstruct her field as it was at each phase of prior fall in consciousness. In so doing, she is playing out her many falls in reverse, and will continue to build herself until she enters the fourth and then fifth dimension in her global ascension. One might think of Terra as a sick or deformed human. All illness in the human dance is a reflection of the same pattern in which one has stripped another of the information necessary to hold their vibration and form in health, and in the loss of records the other becomes ill. Terra, in her own way, has been a very ill planet, equivalent to one in human form with terminal cancer. It is for this reason that those in human form whom suffer from disease will find much compassion from Terra, as this too has been her experience. The toxic waste that is emitted by the human dance is just a reflection of Terra's toxic thought-form, thought-form that says "I must sacrifice myself for the well being of another to the brink of death and extinction". Any human that has a disease holds a parallel thought-form. Through ascension, thought-form can be modified a little at a time until it ceases to be what it once was. As the thought-form of self-destruction is modified, the damage allowed to one's field through such beliefs can begin to be reversed. Terra is recovering from cancer at this time. One would equate her current state in ascension with the concept of a "remission". Form along with the genetic components is the result of the thoughts of God Goddess All That Is, of which one is apart. As one modifies the thoughts of the God Goddess within, genetics alter and form changes. For Terra, a period of great detoxification begins now in which all that remains with toxic thought-form and patterning will cease to exist upon her embodiment or in other terms upon the land. This detoxification process shall come forth over the coming quarter century cycle. One might equate this in human form with going upon a special diet of food to assist the body enough to detoxify an illness. Through ingesting special herbs, fasting on fruits and vegetables, and taking time to detoxify the human form, it can recover. Terra is going on a detoxification program that will shed from her skin that which continues to pollute or damage her in any manner so that she may recover in full from her disease, and ascend to the next dimension. Form is form, and all form mimics God Goddess All That Is. If each human were to magnify the grid work of the etheric body to be proportionate to the size of your planet, one would see the equivalent of their nighttime sky in their own form. There are tiny points of lights, much like the stars, with vast space between or darkness. The darkness is indeed density. Ascension brings about an increasing of the light and a decreasing of the dark. In time, your nighttime skies will not be dark at all but permeated with ongoing light. This shall occur as Terra enters the photon belt of the Great Central Sun, at which time she will exit the unconscious or space between of your creation having completed with such an experience. For those who are ascending, one is decreasing the darkness or space between which equates to the density of the form, and increasing the light. This has the effect of increasing the size of the points of light and shrinking the space between gradually and over time. In order to enter the fourth dimension of thought-form, one must be 70% light and 30% density or dark. To enter the fifth dimension, one must be 80% light and 20% density. Alas this is impossible to accomplish without biological and genetic modifications. However such modifications are coming forth in newborn children of all species, including humans, and therefore shall occur gradually and over the coming few centuries and into the next millennia. For most humans, taking the form from cancer to ascension to the fourth or fifth dimension will not be possible. However a recovery from the cancer and an opportunity to witness the unfolding new era and new civilization born for the human dance founded upon unity is a possibility. Many a human may begin their recovery from disease through ascension now that Terra has accomplished this in her own ascension, as Terra has anchored the possibility of this when prior to her last global initiation, this was only a hope and not a reality. For those with healthier forms, there is the possibility of riding the wave of ascension from third to fourth to fifth dimensional awareness. Terra is proceeding slowly, and therefore one may be able to go with her over the coming 1000-year cycle, living to see entry into the photon belt and the ongoing restructuring of her form into seeming molten lava in the third dimension. One's own form will mimic such changes through ascension and will also appear as molten lava in the third dimension as one moves into the fifth. In order to recover from disease or even ascend, one must become clear about their boundaries. Sometimes boundaries are held through anger. Much like the roar of a Bengal Tiger, those who would threaten to continue to do damage to one's field are held at bay as one stands their ground and terrorizes the forces of the dark into retracting. Much like a war, in which one has soldiers holding the line in any given battle, those that tend to be inwardly harmful must learn to fight, fight for their right to recover and ascend. It has been in the choice not to fight back that one has been compromised again and again throughout one's ancestry into disease. Mila's predisposition is towards peace, nonviolence, and harmlessness. She learned early in her ascension that if she failed to fight those entities that were beating up her energy field, she would not only fail to ascend, but would also rapidly become diseased and die. Indeed she ascended into and out of disease many times, and learned her lesson well. Often I, Tiger, would appear to remind her to hold her boundaries, and growl at the dark showing Mila that she required taking an aggressive stance in order to win. The dark when puffed up and assured of themselves are relentless warriors. When deflated due to one who will fight back, they become scared rabbits and run off and hide. Soon Mila learned that simply screaming at the beings in her mind and slashing them with a sword of light was enough to cause them to never return again, so terrified they would become. In a similar manner, Tiger patrols Terra's boundaries day and night, terrorizing those that might like to infringe upon her outside of the dance of karma. There is a difference between karmic harm and non-karmic harm, and Tiger would like to explain. Karmic harm is any incident of harm that is founded upon karma that has yet to be released by Terra, or a human for that matter. Such harm often occurs just as Terra is about to release the karma and bring to consciousness the agreements and incurred the violation long ago. As the agreements are released, the harm is reversed, and Terra transcends the next layer of violations against her over time. Non-karmic harm is harm that is perpetrated without karmic agreements or bonds and through manipulations of one sort or another. Sometimes karma is inserted into the field that is not Terra's and then harm acted upon that is not truly karmic. Sometimes thought-form that Terra has already transcended is thrown back into her field allowing the violation to occur yet once again. Sometimes the forces of the dark construct psychic machinery that overrides Terra's will again causing her harm. Such manipulated harm incurs more karma for the perpetrators. It is non-karmic harm that Tiger wards off day and night, and such harm would impinge so much upon Terra's field that she would not be able to ascend. So it is for Terra in her global ascension, so it is for human ascension. Ascending humans are faced with karmic and non-karmic harm just as Terra is. For a long time, the dark have run rampant control over Earth and all upon her, including the human dance. Mila will tell you that her ascension has been extremely difficult, with more non-karmic harm than karmic harm occurring over the past few years in particular. This has caused her to progress very slowly towards her goal, as the forces of the dark would not honor her boundaries as an ascending initiate. This has also been so with Terra's own ascension, which has progressed slowly towards its goal. However over recent years, Terra has come to understand the manipulations and karma surrounding how and why the dark came to be in her creation, and the karma has been released at long last. As a result the forces of the dark plaguing Terra and ascending humans have now been pushed from Earth. This shall allow other human initiates to ascend with greater ease than Mila or Oa, or many other map carvers global wide. As the dark leave, an understanding of how they perpetrated non-karmic harm has been gained, and the machinery and equipment to perpetrate such is being removed from Terra altogether at this time. Many do not realize that it is the very beings that many in the metaphysical movement have worshipped that are behind the non-karmic harm. Such beings view Terra's ascension as a loss so great that they were willing to sacrifice all to retain their dominion. This is neither right nor wrong, but such beings are so lost, they do not remember that there are other dances possible outside of the dance upon Earth, and that the other dances will lead them "home" one day. Sad, to see that which is so lost and remembers so little that is holds on to what it knows in such great terror of change. And yet how many humans are in terror of change? Change plagues the nature kingdoms not, for we do not perceive reality as humans do, from such a limited vantage point. We guide humans to surrender to the change. As one releases, embracing the change with ease, moving where one is required to continue to ascend, life will flow with joy, ease, and into greater experiences of freedom and expansiveness. And so what would Tiger like to tell our human ascending masters today? Stand tall in your truth beloved. You are God Goddess in form, and a fully conscious species. Full consciousness equates to understanding in form who and what you are, and what your truth is. At this time, nature does not understand this as form, only as soul and in the nonphysical realms. Humans hold the keys to the recovery of each kingdom to a state of full consciousness, and it is for this reason that we watch your ascensions so intensely. For we too are headed towards full consciousness, and if humans can restore their own biology to such a state, so can we, although our journey shall be much longer, for we have fallen further than man. What is full consciousness? Full consciousness is a biological level of awareness in which one understands inside of form the nature of one's reality, and all that one understands as soul in the dreamtime realms. Once there were Great Human Masters that understood the entire dance of soul, evolution, dreamtime, and the nonphysical multidimensional dance of your creation. Indeed there are some like Mila that have begun to recall what their ancient ancestors inherently understood as Great Masters. The time of the return of the Great Human Masters is upon you beloved. Such Masters shall lead humanity home. Such Masters shall come now en mass through the newborn children in the years ahead. You may call upon Tiger as your boundaries are violated in any manner. If there is karmic cause, I will assist you in discerning who the karma is with and when it was incurred so that you may release it. It if it a non-karmic violation, I will assist your in undoing the manipulation and standing in your truth such that your boundaries shall hold. Many have well been aware of the dwindling Tiger population. Indeed, we had taken upon ourselves, as a species, death karma for our beloved Mila so that she could live to see to fruition her purpose; for without her purpose fulfilled upon, there was little hope for global evolution. Mila has been able to retrieve and release this karma at last, and so our populations will now be on the rise. Nature can and will do this, take on karma of the human species to assure a successful ascension of the whole. Many ailments of any pet are generally the owner's issues that the pet has assumed. As the pet owner retrieves his or her own patterns, the pet may well have an opportunity to recover. Humanity does not cause extinction beloved, as each species controls the numbers born each year, even in lieu of toxic substances or human populations overrunning our territory. Most species are ascending out of the toxic dance and in a few short years, there will be no manmade substance that shall affect those with a crystalline form. As for human populations, this too is anticipated to dwindle in the coming 15-year cycle of global cleansing. We look forward to the day when Tiger and human may live side by side in peace. Tiger is related to shark in the aquatic realm. Shark too patrols the boundaries of Terra as Shark and Tiger is one and the same energy field. Many a human is frightened of Shark as well as Tiger. Beloved, all species react to human fear, and it is the fear that humans are in that causes any species to attack. Without fear, humans and all species will live together in peace, unity and non-violence. In the Hawaiian tradition, Shark was revered as a master of the sea. Shark was often prayed to if there were dwindling supplies of fish to feed the populace. Shark then communicated with the fish to move closer to the shore to assure that our human brothers and sisters were fed and nourished. Both Tiger and Shark invite humans to cease to fear either of us, and understand the important contribution our species makes to the whole of earth. Many blessings upon your journey. The Tiger Kingdom |
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From the Heart of the Honu or Turtle Blessings for Living in Harmony with Earth The Turtle Kingdom through Karen Danrich “Mila�?/SPAN> June 7, 2002  Dear Beloved Ascending Human, We of the turtle kingdom are pleased to be able to speak forth our guidance and truth to our fellow human brothers and sisters. Turtle has long been associated with privacy or an ability to tuck our head into the shell for safekeeping and protection. In essence we carry our home upon our backs and therefore the return home is simply an act of pulling our head and legs into our shells and resting. In parallel manner, each species learns that all that each requires to sustain oneself is contained within. Self-reliance has long been lost in the human dance. Humans have learned to rely upon farmers for food and builders for houses, and manufacturers for clothing. One becomes so far out of sync with nature that one may not remember how to survive if such manufacturers, farmers or builders cease to be. What would one do? How will one cope if the current technology humanity relies upon simply ceases to exist? This turtle ponders; and alas we have seen many a human civilization go through a parallel turn of events, and most perished sometimes from starvation due to the inability to forge for oneself the necessities of life. A state of self-sustenance comes as one learns to tune inward and listen to the nature kingdoms. Nature will point one in the right direction for food, shelter and any implement one may require in order to sustain oneself. Nature is conscious. Often nature creates that which certain species require to survive, whether it be a mountain lake for water and bathing, a mountain cave or burnt out tree for warmth and protection in a winter storm, or a bed of grass one can simply lie down upon and have a wonderful rest. Nature does indeed provide all for all species that are a part of earth’s dream. Recent revelations in earth’s global ascension have shown that the human dream was never a part of earth’s dream. Alas humans were seeded with a Sirian dream from Sirius A; and earth did not know of human presence until some 800 years after the seeding was completed upon. The human dream remained a separate force, and this did not allow earth to either embrace or protect humanity from forces of the dark. Over time the dark destroyed the grand masters of great human knowledge; as the grand masters died, the very ones who could potentially unite the two dreams had passed, and earth was then in for a lengthy downward spiral into destruction from forces using the human dream to manipulate her dream. Earth acknowledges that she made a mistake in the rejection of mankind. She did not invite mankind to seed earth; for man has a horrible reputation as a species for destroying most places man dwells upon. What consensus wishes a species that destroys to participate in the global dance? No consensus wishes this. Alas, the forces of the dark manipulated the agreements and contracts of earth to make it appear that earth requested human seeding. Perhaps if earth had embraced the human seeding and woven humanity into her dream, she could have better advised the human grand masters in a manner that they would not have died. This might have avoided the entire 50,000 year decline in vibration earth has since experienced. Hindsight for earth is not unlike hindsight for an ascending human; it is crystal clear. There are many lessons here. For one, there is the lesson of rejection. Earth herself has been rejected many a time upon many a dimension and understands this well. This time she herself rejected a species that chose to incarnate onto her body. When one rejects another, one ultimately rejects oneself. As earth rejected humanity, she more or less also rejected herself, which was then the fertile ground for her destruction to come forth. For rejection breeds hatred; and hatred is a vibration of non-love; it is non-love that causes one to destroy oneself or destroy another, whether that other be another human, member of the plant, animal or mineral kingdoms, or the earth mother herself. Earth is learning her lessons in her own ascent. She is learning that one cannot reject; and she now embraces those humans willing to ascend into a harmless and loving state in the coming quarter century as a part of her dream. This ends the manipulative dance of the dark as humans now have a place upon earth and are a part of the global dream. For our fellow human brothers and sisters, we know that the wounds of the heart are great. We invite you to heal now; heal the original sense of rejection by nature and the earth mother that is an inherent part of your ancestral history; and to heal the sense of “not belonging�?and “not being welcome�?that has plagued you since your inception upon earth. It was out of the rejection of mankind that mankind drew unto itself and into his dance another group of humans from another place that was foreign and dissonant to earth. These humans were known as the Annanuki (Greek and Roman Gods). The Red Race rejected the Annanuki humans much as humanity was rejected by earth. The Annanuki did not feign at the rejection; instead they chose to gain dominion over the red race along with earth. This is the other side of rejection earth is exploring in her own ascension, and is the dance of dominion. In the dance of dominion, one says “If I cannot belong, I will make you subordinate to me! Then you will belong to me, and how can I not belong if you belong to me?!�?/SPAN> The red race was docile and worked in harmony with all other kingdoms upon earth even though they were not a part of earth’s dream. However this new form of human Annanuki was not docile and harmless at all. They utilized science to manipulate earth’s energy flow to create their dominion. Indeed they “owned�?the red race and forced them into subordination. Members of the red race lost their land much like the Native Americans and Hawaiians have lost their land in recent history. Furthermore the tactics to cause subordination over the red race also subordinated earth into fall after fall in vibration and consciousness. Earth drew unto herself her own mirror of rejection of the red race in another group of humans who instead of returning home following the rejection, chose to subordinate all of life upon earth unto them. Although the Annanuki have long perished, humans who carry the holographic remembrance of the Annanuki nature and are related to their DNA carry on to this day in parallel manner. Turtle has shown Mila how humans tear up the beautiful landscaping nature has constructed, leveling the ground to mere dirt, and then building a home later only to add “landscaping�?of human desire. Why do humans tear up nature’s perfect work of art? Why must humans shape nature into neat and tidy rows of plants that do not work together collaboratively to sustain themselves? Everything in nature is designed to work together beloved in unison to support the health and well being of the other. Certain plants and animals are drawn to live within the same region because their very dance supports one another in thriving. In looking at a recent gum forest in the Blue Mountains of Australia, Turtle explained to Mila how each kingdom provides what another kingdom requires; from the waste of the fecal matters of the small mammals such as the koala bears, kangaroo and wombat that provide nourishment to the gum trees, to the birds such as the parrots and kookaburras that provide nourishment in their waste to the ferns. The plants furthermore provide berries and leaves to feed the mammals. Additionally, certain plants create just the right soil as the leaves decay into mulch that allows certain other plants to grow and thrive in ease. Even the insects have a role, with the bees pollinating the plants through the gathering of honey, to the ants and worms who till the soil, to the maggots that allow the compost to be created. All parts of the gum forest work together in a beautiful, magical and synchronistic manner that supports the life, health and well-being of all species therein. And then of course enters mankind; and mankind does not support the environment. Mankind generally tears everything down only to build a home upon the now shredded landscape, bringing in foreign materials that are toxic, and planting trees and shrubs not native to the neighboring region. Soon a whole new life begins to overtake what once was a balanced kingdom, and the native plants and trees along with bush animals begin to die, or worse yet become dependent upon humans for their sustenance. |
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All of nature wishes to be self-sustaining. No species wishes to rely upon human handouts to survive. And yet nature often will be found digging through garbage cans or begging for food if the sustenance required for survival has been destroyed by the very building modalities utilized by humanity. The nature kingdoms in your cities and suburbs have become co-dependent upon mankind for survival; and so we understand codependence ourselves from such a relationship. Mila used to feed the birds from her apartment in Hawaii. She is learning to allow all birds to find their own source of nourishment now and no longer feeds them. She sees that there is plenty of natural provisions in Hawaii, and her handouts only create a certain form of codependence that does not allow all kingdoms their sovereignty. We honor her for seeing this, and she often tells the small birds and pigeons who come up to her begging, “Go eat your grubs. You do not need to beg. There is plenty here for you�? Suddenly, as the birds acknowledge the truth they cease to beg and move off feeding from the worms and grubs in the grass or bushes nearby. You see, begging is as big a habit for nature as it is for humanity to take away our source of nourishment through your building practices. As all humans cease to feed nature, nature will provide for herself. As all humans learn to work in harmony with nature, nature will also provide all that humans require in order to thrive and survive. Turtle perceives that the reason humanity redecorates the environment rather than simply living in the environment that nature has provided is the result of a deep feeling of “non-belonging�?that goes back to the original Sirian Seeding and the lack of collaboration between earth’s dream and the human dream. Without participating in earth’s dream, man is always “outside�?of earth, and quite naturally he/she would feel “homeless�?and as though he/she does not belong. This creates an internal need to create a “home�?which manifests in the act of redecorating the land rather than simply living from the land as it is provided by nature. As such issues are healed between humanity and nature, and in particular in the coming 25-year cycle and through incoming ascending children, Turtle sees a new future ahead. Such children will feel as at “home�?in an open field as within the house the parents may provide. Gradually and due to global changes and the requirement for humans to relocate, future humans will accept nature’s blessings of providing houses in the natural landscape of the valleys, hillsides and mountains that they are guided to move. This will restore a state of collaboration in full between nature and mankind at such a time. In so doing, humans will learn that their home is really within their heart; and that they can be at home anywhere upon the earth mother; for every valley, hillside or mountain will have a special place and home prepared to insure one’s safety, sustenance, and needs. This can only be so as the human dream becomes a part of earth’s dream. For if the human dream is not a part of the consensus dream of earth, how can earth know what humans need in order to survive? She cannot anticipate that which is not a part of her dream beloved. And this is why humans have felt victim to hunger or certain natural disasters over time, and even in your present day circumstance in some parts of your world. Is not starvation a problem in certain sectors of human civilization, and in particular, in parts of Africa? How can earth modulate her weather providing enough water to grow the food necessary to feed the human populace if the human populace is unknown to earth due to the separation of dreams? This is the problem with separates dreams; earth knows not of human presence for it is the dream that allows her to know and sense such. Now that the dream has been rewoven to include ascending humans, future generations will not know such hunger, as weather patterns will be adjusted to assure that all species are provided for, including mankind. Nature disasters often put humans in great fear of nature. Humans being outside of earth’s dream cannot likewise sense when the dream is calling for earth movement, flood, tornado or hurricane to cleanse a particular region of a particularly dense and stuck energy. In not sensing the impending movement, humans are caught in a disaster that might be avoided otherwise. This too is due to a separation of dreams. Humans further build cement structures in regions that are bound to be hit by such forces over time, and the very nature of cement calls the disaster to the regions; for cement creates the very dense energy that requires the cleansing. Cement or anything seemingly permanent is not a good foundation to build any home with, as earth is continually changing her surface to meet the needs of her own ascent. Into the future, such earth changes will speed up, and if one fails to pay attention, one could build a home today only to discover it destroyed by earthquake or flood tomorrow. It is for this reason that Turtle guides humans to find natural places to construct the home and to work with nature in the planning. One can build a home from natural elements provided from the land. In earlier history, humans took from the land to construct your homes. This is witnessed in the “log cabins�?of the United States and Canada, along with the natural thatched houses of those in tropical regions such as Hawaii and Tahiti. Such dwellings did not collect negative energy that would cause earth to create such a large natural disaster to cleanse; furthermore if such a disaster did develop, such homes could be easily reconstructed from the same materials as before as they are already provided for by the land upon which one lives. Much of the natural disasters ahead are simply the result of the nature of cement, and in particular, the cement used to construct your cities and suburbs. Cement and rebar collects radiation and electricity. Earth is purging electricity and radioactivity at an ever-increasingly greater speed in her own ascension. Those regions that continue to collect such vibrations will become increasingly dense against the backdrop of rising vibration of the countryside; the increasing density will draw a natural disaster to “move the energy�?in such stuck points global wide. This will call earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes and floods to such cities and suburbs. As humanity learns to build in alliance with earth and in natural materials that are resonant, such a dance will be avoided into the future. For those planning your communities, call upon Turtle for advise and suggestions about how to structure a residence that will work with nature in a manner that will avoid the current pitfalls of human building practices. Mila has long learned that weather will follow her conscious intentions. Following a workshop she taught in Hawaii in 1998, and noticing how much nicer the vibrations of the islands were; she intended that California (where she lived at the time) rise and match Hawaii’s vibration. What occurred following this intention was two years worth of rain and flooding of unusual proportions as her intention called in storm after storm after storm to assist in the cleansing of California. California did rise in vibration, and this supported her ascent until she moved to Hawaii to live a few years later. Since this time, Mila has also noticed how her intentions affect the weather. She has been working in collaboration with earth to balance the weather patterns to allow for an entirely green island in Hawaii. This is important, as earth wishes to be green from region to region around the globe, as it is the lush plant life that supports her skin in holding the vibration upon the land. At this time, the island of Oahu is completely green all the way around. It took over 2 years for the weather patterns to be corrected, and Mila worked collaboratively with earth to allow this to be so. A model was first constructed from the island of Kauai, which is considered the garden island by the Hawaiians because of it’s lush flora and fauna and heavy rainfall that falls upon all parts of the island. As the energy movement was altered around Oahu to mimic Kauai, low and behold the weather patterns altered to allow for a totally green and lush Oahu to emerge! The weather balanced itself out. This success has caused Mila to move on to her next project on behalf of earth, which is to balance the rainfall upon the Big Island of Hawaii. Upon the Big Island, is it much more difficult as there are many more desserts. Mila has found that desserts are the result of a lack of divas or angels to call the rain to the land to grow the plants for which they hold the genetic blueprint for. In global trauma, often divas are crushed, or sometimes they have been moved elsewhere through human ancestral expression. As the karma upon the land is released and the divas retrieved and restored, soon the rain begins to fall and the plants begin to grow again. It is anticipated that the weather upon the Big Island will be corrected no later than by the end of 2004 allowing for the emergence of a totally lush and green island all the way around. Why is this so important to Earth, the balancing of weather in Hawaii? As a template is constructed for Hawaii of balanced rainfall and water, it will then be implemented around all of earth. As the karma for how the divas in certain regions were lost, sometimes which is the result of nuclear warfare or testing, and sometimes simply due to other painful moments in earth’s history, the divas will return. As the divas return, they will call in the rainfall to construct the plants for which they hold the genetic blueprint for, and earth will be green from end to end again. In so doing, there will not only be enough rainfall to support all species including mankind anywhere one so lives; but the flora and fauna to support earth’s continued ascent into the future will also be present global wide. Much like Mila, those living in dessert-like regions may work with earth to support the rebalancing of energy flow and assist in the release of land-based karma and the recalling of divas so that the rain may begin to fall again. This is what becoming a steward to earth is all about in Turtle’s estimation. Turtle reminds ascending humans of the power of your thought-form. As one chooses to intend rain, so it will rain. If one’s garden is filled with divas, they will call in the rain for oneself as needed to sustain the life of the garden. Alas most seeds do not grow vegetables filled with divas, as farming practices are so painful that soul has withdrawn. As an ascending being, one can call the divas back, inviting them to dance within one’s garden again. In so doing, the garden may ascend and provide the necessary nutrients to support one’s own ascension. Furthermore, the garden will call the rain in necessary to sustain its health and well being without the requirement for outside water. As humans recognize their innate power as ascending beings, one will see that one can be at home wherever one is, and learn to work again with the divas and elements to provide for one’s garden, oneself, one’s family and one’s community. However one may wish to move out of the cities and be in the country in order to allow nature to dance with oneself. Nature cannot dance with those living within the cities; one will have to leave and find a new means of living from the land again. Those that choose this path will be greatly rewarded and supported by all kingdoms upon earth. One shall not starve or be harmed in the years ahead as a result; and one will be guided to move as the earth changes make one’s current residence soon to be uninhabitable for whatever reason. In so doing, one will survive the coming times of change ahead. Turtle reminds humans that your home is in your heart. One will access the nature kingdoms along with the consciousness of earth from the heart. The heart holds the keys of holographic knowledge; holographic knowledge knows all that ones�?ancestry understood and all that all kingdoms have ever understood in the lengthy history earth has experienced within your creation. Such knowledge will provide oneself with whatever one requires knowing in the moment that one needs to know. Turn inward, and the plant kingdoms will talk to you, guiding you to foods you can gather to eat to ward off your hunger; or places to dwell that will keep one safely out of the sun or rain and warm and dry; or through the passageway of the mountain so that one can enter the valley beyond which is to become one’s home. As one opens to talking to nature in relation to one’s garden, the kingdoms will tell you which plants to plant next to one another so that they can create an intricate system of self-sustenance that enhances the garden’s ability to grow, providing it’s bounty in greater amount and ease. Nature provides such out of the love of the human species as a part of the whole; a part of earth’s dream for the future. Humans often utilize toxic pesticides to eliminate insects in their gardening and farming practices. Alas, this only causes the toxins to move into one’s food; humanity is literally poisoning itself through it’s own non-conscious farming practices. There are natural fertilizers. Alas an organic coffee farmer in Hawaii that Mila and Oa recently visited told them that natural fertilizers require twice as much, costs 3 times more and works only half as good as commercial fertilizers. This is only because the farmers fail to share their love and “mana�?or life force with the coffee plants. If the farmer were to love his plants, he would find that the production would be greater than any commercial fertilizer could cause, and might not even require organic mulch at all. Life force is love. Love flows from the hearts and through the hearts of all species, even the plant and mineral kingdoms. Where is the heart of the plant kingdom? For some it is in the fruits, berries or flowers produced. This is why when humans eat of the fruits and berries of the nature kingdoms; they also eat of the heart of such kingdoms. Provide no love in return, and the heart of the plant kingdoms is crushed. In the rejection, the soul of the plant retracts, and indeed most plants upon commercial farms are soulless, even the organic coffee farm that Mila and Oa recently visited. In order to sustain soul, one must love one’s garden. It is the exchange of love that will allow the energy of the plant to expand, growing even further than would be otherwise; producing even more fruit to share in the love of the human gardeners. In so doing, there will also be enough to share with the insect kingdoms, each of which also provide an essential role to a balanced and self sustaining garden. Therefore there is no need to kill the insects with pesticide; there is a need perhaps to understand that they too serve a particular purpose in one’s garden and to allow them their role. And what if one pest destroys an entire harvest? Well, one will have to look within to see what nature is mirroring unto oneself; for nature will mirror one’s own unconscious. If one is in balance, the garden will stay in balance and there will be enough for all, including the insects. If one is out of balance, then the garden too will go out of balance as one’s mirror. Therefore as one pays attention and does their inner ascension work, retaining a more balanced field, the garden will reflect such providing for all of one’s needs and the insects needs at the same time. In eating of the fruit provided in love by the plant and through the shared love between the human gardeners and the plant kingdoms, humans will feel nourished and loved from within, and nourished in a manner that has long been forgotten by mankind. Mila sadly observes how the Polynesian race is often so heavy in weight and size. Many in the Polynesian race eat and eat and eat, as they are trying to fill themselves with love; however there is no love in the nourishment grown through non-conscious farming practices. And so they eat more, hoping to find the love that was once present even as short a time as 100 years ago. For 100 years ago, the Polynesian race still thrived off of their tarot patches and harvested from the sea and lands what they required to thrive; all of which was farmed and gathered out of love. Why? The Polynesian race is one of the few indigenous races that remember how to love; the Polynesian race therefore has much to teach the human species from Turtle’s point of view. Often ascending humans heal greatly in coming to the land of Hawaii where one can remember one’s own ancient Polynesian ancestry and retrieve one’s own records on how to love, fueling the opening of one’s heart through ascension. The intent to love is not enough; one must have an open heart for the energy to exchange between the garden along with nature and oneself. Opening the heart is a painful thing in the human act of ascension; or so Mila has shown Turtle. However as the heart opens, one does love again; and it is the love shared with nature and all of her kingdoms that fills oneself from within. As one is filled from within, the requirement to eat more than one requires is no longer necessary, and one will then find the weight most suited to one’s health and well being along with one’s continued ascent. For some in human form, they wish not to eat and have the opposite problem of those who tend to be obese. One wishes not to eat because there is no love in the food provided in your grocery stores; the act of eating “empty�?food causes one to feel even more lonely and isolated than before. Alas, one must eat if one is ascending, as there are nutrients required to transform the cells to the crystalline structure. Eat not enough, and one’s ascent is delayed; if the delay is long enough, one can also create a disease in a particularly dissonant part of the form. Therefore one should eat bountifully and as needed in order to ascend. What to do then if the food one is eating leaves one lonely and sad? Bless the food. Honor the kingdoms that are providing for you. As you call the divas back into the food, even if it was grown in non-conscious farming practices, it will fill you. It will fill you with the love of all kingdoms that wish to support one’s ascension home. It is only as more humans ascend that nature too can ascend. Therefore you are needed in this role beloved; and turtle invites each to give unto the form whatever it needs to ascend. In so doing both your kingdom and my kingdom can go home. Call upon our kingdom. In Hawaiian, Turtle is known as Honu. From the heart of the Honu to yours, Many blessings upon your journey. Namaste The Turtle Kingdom |
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Your Animal Spirit for Today Turkey
Has turkey gobbled his way into your life today? If so he brings a message of sacrificing for the greater good. To some indigenous tribes, Turkey represents the spirit of the giveaway--a ceremony where those who have more give to those who have less, thus "sacrificing" for others. If Turkey helps you feel the spirit of giving, who can you help? |
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Ancient Guidance from Turtle Adapted from Animal Life in Nature, Myth, and Dreams, by Elizabeth Caspari (Chiron Publications, 2003). Simple Solution Wondrously self-contained, ponderously slow, and proverbially steady, Turtle has carried wisdom on its back for people throughout history. Some psychological theories see in the turtle a connection with the self; the unity of the personality as a whole. In Eastern religions, the turtle is thought to be the balance of opposing principles, such as heaven and earth. Find out what Turtle can teach us today: The turtle represents security, solid grounding, and support. It is seen as slow, steady, strong, wise with age, protective, and unshakeable. Slow-moving, steady, and armored as it is--seemingly impervious to attack--the turtle appears a very model of settled, universal order. The Chinese traditionally see the tortoise as a supporter of the world, its four feet being the four corners of the earth. Turtle-shells were used in divination and the animal itself was thought to have oracular powers. Called the Black Warrior, the tortoise is a symbol of strength, endurance, and longevity. In Mongolian myths, the central mountain of the universe is carried on the back of a golden turtle. Like most animals that produce large numbers of offspring, the turtle is associated with fertility and sacred to the goddess Aphrodite. To many Africans, the tortoise is generally a symbol of wisdom, skill, and power, often depicted as a trickster figure. Because it is literally so self-contained, the turtle has often been seen as a symbol of focus and meditation. In Hindu tradition, the world rests on the back of an elephant, a male solar symbol, which in turn stands upon a tortoise, in this case a feminine lunar symbol. The two together represent the creative principle. The Iroquois of North America believe that they are descended from a turtle that rid itself of its shell, and that the earth sits on the back of the Great Turtle. Other Native American tribes see the turtle as a symbol of endurance and persistence. Many tribes have turtle clans. If you need more grounding, focus, endurance, or deep power, calling in Turtle for help is a time-honored way of wisdom. |
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Power, devotion, tactful, skillful, expect new adventures, examine what is happening to you in life. Are you expressing your passion appropriately? A new sense of new direction is opening up so expect new adventures on your journey with Tiger. You are awakening to a new passion and power within, self confidence, discernment along with increased healing abilities. Tiger can teach the gentle art of going with the flow with patience and diligence. |
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