The Pagan Man, by Isaac Bonewits
Definately a "Must Have" book for Male Pagans, everywhere.
Bought this a while ago at a Barnes & Noble; I couldn't put it down while I was in the store. It describes the History of our Craft quite well, outlines and discusses the ways men are treated in a female-ruled environment such as our own, and details amazingly, in my opinion, the values, honor, and commitments each and every Warrior, Hunter, and Wise-Man should follow.
Various male Pagans from all walks of life, from Lawyers to Police Officers, discuss what it is that makes them Pagan, why they feel they are indespensible to the craft, and what their beliefs mean to them. Also, the book gives some very nice suggestions for a Male-Only Gathering, styled after what seems to be an Asatru-like Warrior's Council.
There are many different jewels of wisdom between these pages, and reading it certainly made me feel a bit more understood and a bit stronger in my Faith and Craft. I definately give this book Five Stars.