I'm not sure if this goes here or what, but I'm compelled to write about it because It keeps nagging at me.
I had a dream the other night... about Chalandor
I was at the castle and it was up in what looked like Bobbi's area, near a river,,, rolling hills type place
and I met someone, she was dressed fairly normally for a Ren fest.. long light brouwn skirt, tan blouse, forest green vest. She had long wavy dishwater blonde hair and looked to be about in her mid to late 30's
She was a nice lady, but very serious. We were having a problem with the machinery for the well. Kinda like what's going on at my farm now... over worked and under powered.
As we were trying to fix the problem, she mentioned something, that made me look at her face and she LOOKED at me , and said, " We can't depend on the outside. If this is going to work, we have to be self suffiecient." Next thing I knew the solution was clear. Go back to basics.. hand pump. Something she said made me feel like we were going to have to work on knowing how to live and thrive without dependance on any one or anything, not because of a lack of trust, but a lack of availability.
even getting around... instead of cars, using our feet or horses and wagons...growing our own food we save the seeds for from previous crops. Making our own tools and clothes. More or less going back to the dark ages just to survive.
I don't know... I just have this nagging feeling something is going to happen to everyone where the knowledge of how to survive is going to be something people will be looking for and we need to know how to be able to help.
I mean REAL basics, foxfire book type stuff. This is really weighing on my mind.