What can we do?
There are many things the adults, parents, grandparents and teachers can do. First we must accept that the children of today are different then we thought they would be and then we must learn as much about the child as possible. Don't be afraid to ask, they really would love to share with you what they are thinking and feeling. The best gift you could give to your Indigo is simply, acceptance. Please, do not react as though you do not believe something they say, you will send them away again. There are many things that an Indigo can tell you that you would never have thought were true, at least not in this lifetime. But we are all here on this planet right now to help with this transition and evolutionary change.
At Earth Angel Spiritual Center we teach classes on how to identify an Indigo and then what to do once you've realized you have an Indigo Child. We also teach classes for teachers about how to creatively teach Indigos.
In addition we offer support and counseling services. One of our Angel Therapy Practitioners is a 16-year-old Indigo who has patiently educated me in ways of her world. I have since learned a great deal and have joined Emilyanne in her life mission, to help the children and educate families so that they can raise happy, healthy Indigo Children.
Indigo and Crystal Children usually suffer from poor nutrition, their bodies resonate at a higher energy then most human bodies. The fast food lifestyle is doing damage to our children. At Earth Angel Spiritual Center, we teach the value of proper nutrition and organic foods in our classes, but we have also found the perfect dietary supplement for Indigos and their families. Gano Excel is a great tasting beverage that helps children and everyone with their concentration, keeping it level throughout the day. It offers many amazing health benefits. Click on the link (word) for additional information on this product. We highly recommend it, everyone in our family enjoys it everyday.
Who are the Indigo Children? As I said at the top of the page, everyone knows an Indigo Child, but in my opinion it is time to change the name to something other than Indigo Child, because most are no longer little children. The Indigos first started coming to earth right after World War II, so that makes a few of them in their 60's. There are very few that are that age, but from that time on the population of Indigos grew steadily until the 1990's when our largest percentage of Indigos were borne. So, yes, there are many, many Indigo Adults on our planet, so many in fact that we now have entire communities populated with them. Look at the parents of today's elementary school children, chances are you are looking at an Indigo Child with their own Indigo or Crystal Child.
How can you tell if you are an Indigo Adult? We work with many adults who have felt their whole life that they just have never fit in. They have grown up thinking that the church and religious teachers just didn't get it, and doubting why they seemed to know more then the church about the "true" ways of heaven and God. These kids were often loners in Junior High and High School because they didn't think anyone could understand them. Although some of these now Adult Indigos actually created a persona that would allow them to "fit in" well with family and friends, but inside that was not really who they were. These people are very passionate about their environmental projects or what ever humanitarian activity they had taken on. They will work endlessly for their cause. These are Adult Indigos, please see our message board where many Adult Indigos have explained their feelings in discovering their true identity as an Adult Indigo.
Over the last few years more and more of these Indigo Adults have felt like they are being pushed out of the closet. Their connections with the Divine are guiding them to be active in activities that will help bring about change in the world. They are feeling their intuition working over time and don't understand why this is happening now. Many feel that they had buried that so well, so many years ago to fit in, why is it back now.
The world is changing, the Indigo Spirit is much stronger now then it ever has been because of the huge population of Indigo people on the planet. It is very important for the adults of that population to be part of the active group to help the younger ones bring about the changes of peace, and a healthy society for mind, body and spirit. These changes will take place, they are in the process of happening right now, the young people of our world hold an amazing message of love and harmony. With the support of their parents and the adults who came here first to help lay the path, these children will bring their loving message to life right before our eyes.
For additional articles and information about Indigos and Crystal Children please see the section of this website for publications. It is there that we link all of our current writings. Also, see the very latest on our message board.
* The term Indigo Child comes from the color of their aura. Nancy Ann Tappe, first mentioned the Indigo Children and began to characterize them in her 1982 book, Understanding Your Life Through Color, where she talks about babies and small children having a new color of aura that has never been recorded before, that color, Indigo.