6. Kali Phos or Kali Phosphoricum
Kali Phos is the remedy for jangled nerves. It has become essential in the treatment of nervous conditions. Used around the world as a natural tranquilizer, it has helped people who have suffered from such problems as grief, despair, and sorrow for long periods of time. It is important in the treatment of irritating skin ailments, such as shingles. Kali Phos is a brain builder and the basis of brain or nerve fluid. Indications for this remedy are a lack of nerve power, prostration, nervous headaches, loss of mental vigor, depression, student brain-fog, rapid decomposition of the blood, as a stress remedy for shock.
7. Kali Sulph or Kali Sulphuricum
It has a beneficial effect on the respiration of the body by working with Ferr Phos to help blood carry oxygen to all the cells. It also aids in conditions of the lungs, sinuses, and the bronchi. Known as the anti-friction cell salt, Kali Sulph acts like a lubricant of parts. Use this cell salt in the late stages of all inflammations. Kali Sulph is very important for healthy skin. A deficiency of this remedy causes oil in the body to become thick and clog the pores, or present as a sticky, yellowish discharge from the skin, mucous membranes, or any orifice of the body. This oil substance can discharge from any glandular swelling, abscess, cancer, etc.
8. Mag Phos or Magnesium Phosphate
This antispasmodic cell salt is a remarkable remedy. Its primary function is in correcting violent ailments, especially spasms. Being a nerve stabilizer, it reduces spasmodic darting pains such as those found in sciatica, or neuralgia. Mag Phos works well with Calc Phos for most kinds of cramps. Deficiencies of Mag Phos result in conditions such as flatulence, convulsions, and other nervous disturbances.
9. Nat Mur or Natrum Muriaticum
This remedy regulates the degree of moisture within the cells. Exceptional dryness or excessive moisture in any part of the body usually shows the need for Nat Mur. The organs in the body most influenced by Nat Mur are the kidneys and sinuses. This remedy is an anti-histamine. It also relieves imbalances of the lymphatic system, blood, spleen, and the mucous membrane lining of the alimentary canal.
10. Nat Phos or Natrum Phosphoricum
As a biochemical antacid, it regulates the acid-base balance in the stomach. Use Nat Phos when symptoms of acidity are present such as dyspepsia, digestive upsets, and heartburn. Another key function of Nat Phos is its ability to help in the assimilation of fats. Nat Phos is the principal remedy for ailments arising from an acid condition in the blood, such as rheumatism. It also acts upon the bowels, glands, lungs, and abdominal organs to bring the system back into balance.
11. Nat Sulph or Natrum Sulphuricum
Nat Sulph acts to remove wastes from the cells. Use this cell salt when there are symptoms such as chills, malaria, influenza, watery infiltration, and other conditions where there is a need to regulate the excretion of superfluous water. Nat Sulph is also important as a liver salt. It controls the healthy function of the liver. This cell salt is also useful in the later stages of digestion.
12. Silica or Silica Oxide
This remedy cleanses and eliminates waste. It helps the body to throw off non-functional organic matter, and is called the "homeopathic surgeon." Silica can create a passage to the surface of the skin and rid the body of impurities. It can often help with the healing process of abscesses and boils. Since Silica restores activity to the skin, and aids in the cleansing process, it helps to cure chronic skin conditions. Silica acts as an insulator for the nerves; influences the bones, joints, glands, skin, and mucous membranes; and is associated with ailments that create pus formation.
Using Cell Salts
Take biochemical cell salts with perfect safety. They do not produce unwanted side-effects, conflict with other medicines, and are non-addictive. Even babies and small children can take them with complete safety. Cell salts are usually available from health food stores in the form of tablets. Some health practitioners make them available in liquid form. You can mix the different cell salts together.
Copyrighted ©1996 Dr. Skye Weintraub, ND, All Rights Reserved
About the Author
Skye Weintraub, ND, received her doctorate in naturopathic medicine from National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon, 1988, after 5 years of post-graduate education. She has lectured throughout the United States on current health issues and has written several articles appearing in health journals.
Her books, published by Woodland Publishing, include: Allergies and Holistic Treatments; The Natural Treatments for A.D.D. and Hyperactivity; Healing the Body with Cell Salts, and The Parasite Menace. Her newest book, The Bacteria Menace Within, should be available in late spring of 2001. You can find or order her books from your local bookstore or healthfood store. They are also available on the Internet from most booksellers.
Dr. Weintraub is a practicing physician in Oregon with extensive experience in helping people with chronic health concerns especially allergies and digestive disorders. She specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of food, mold, pollen, chemical and environmental sensitivities, as well as parasite infections and the intestinal overgrowth of yeast and bacteria. Dr. Weintraub also treats other digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, Crohns, and ulcerative colitis, as well as other health concerns