We begin the month of March with everything up in the air and unresolved, feeling as if we are living in the midst of a snowglobe that is being well shaken. By the end of the month, many of the airborne elements will be moving into their rightful positions. Some will be totally gone, replaced by new, unexpected elements that we can't even imagine at this point.
Our concentrated focus on rowing day and night into the New and True causes the huge Wheel of Destiny to turn. This sets off a chain reaction that moves numerous wheels and cogs within our existing matrix out of their old duality-based positions. A monolithic shift takes place that affects absolutely everything. This sets off the unpinning process, freeing many of us to move onto a totally new level.
As the mammoth Wheel of Destiny continues to turn, the mesh of our mind expands immeasurably. As it does, the empty spaces in between the mesh become so vast that what has long been hidden in the depths of our cellular memory banks rises to the surface.
One of the key elements of 2008 is the alignment of our inner and outer blueprints. They need to match up so that our outer lives perfectly reflect who we truly are on a core level. When they do, we are in our "New Lives". If we don't spend the time and effort on refining, recalibrating and expanding our inner blueprint, we won't be able to manifest the changes that we really want in our outer lives.
The entire month will be laced with many elements of surprise and the unexpected. Numerous Wild Cards and Golden Opportunities come to us from Out of the Blue when we least expect them. At times there will almost be an overload of new possibilities, miraculous occurrences, and major breakthroughs. This is just what we've been waiting for! And hopefully, we've done our work to make ourselves ready for them.
March will bring a major clicking into position on some key levels. Our jigsaw puzzle is going to make much more sense as more of the bigger picture is revealed. Many of us won't yet physically be in our New Lives, but at least we be clearer on where we are meant to go, how we will get there and who we are meant to be with.
By: Solara