N Namaste- (nam-a-stay) An ancient Sanskrit word meaning; "I honor the place within you where the entire Universe resides. I honor the place within you of Love and Light, of Truth and Peace. When you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me, there is only ONE of us."
Natural Magick- Another name for the practice of low magick
Necromancy- 1. The art of revealing the future through magick and especially through communication with the deceased. 2. The practice of summoning the souls of the dead.
Necronomicon- A pseudo-grimoire. The notion of such a book was made by H.P. Lovecraft in fictional writing, but an unknown author wrote it and some people today still believe it is a valid source of occult information.
Necronomicon symbol:
The symbol I'm referring to is on the cover of the Simon translation of the Necronomicon. This complicated star design is not a symbol from antiquity and is as fictional as the book itself. So this really isn't a Pagan symbol at all, but one that represents some campy occult folklore.
Neophyte- n.nee-o-fite. 1. One beginning to learn about witchcraft. 2. A student starting to learn but has not been dedicated or initiated into Wicca. 3. A newcomer into a coven who will be trained in order to receive initiation. Thereafter the Neophyte will be considered a Wiccan.
Neo-Pagan- Literally, new pagan. Modern earth religion which branches from paganism and is based on ancient pre-Christian religious practices. Wicca, for example, is a neo-pagan religion, derived from ancient witchcraft and paganism.
New Age- The modern movement which involves combining metaphysical concepts with the practice of an organized religion.
Nirvana- Contrary to popular belief that Nirvana meant paradise, it was really quite the opposite: an eternal not-being, with cessation of all feeling, the ascetic ideal of disappearance of the self into the infinite. Nirvana meant final escape from karmic wheel of earthly reincarnations ruled by the cyclic Mother. It was supposed to lie beyond all sense perceptions, memories, loves, hates, fears, joys or will; it was like the Tantric idea of Dreamless SLeep, forever. It could be achieved only by holy men after many cycles of reincarnation taught them to conquer all desires.
Numerology- (nUU. mer.ol.ogee)- An ancient method of divination that analyzes the symbolism of numbers and ascribes numerical values to the letters of the alphabet.