Jack Amulet - A powerful amulet used by practitioners of folk magick in the Southern regions of the U.S. (esp. Mississippi) A jack amulet consists of a piece of red flannel shaped like a human finger, stuffled with coal dust and dirt, and often containing a silver dime. After being charged with magickal power by an incantation invoking the presence and help of the old gods, a jack amulet can be worn or carried to prevent a traveler from losing his or her way.
Jettatura- (jet.tat'tur.a) AN Italian term used to describe an individual who has been possessed by, or cursed by, the power of the evil eye.
Jinx - A person or thing that is believed to attract bad luck or misfortune; to bring bad luck to misfortune to.
Juju - In West African magick, an abject used as an amulet, magickal charm, or fetish by socerers; also a word used for certain African rites involving witch doctors, black magick, and the casting out of demons from possessed persons and places.