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About Goddesses : Warrioress to Goddess
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 Message 1 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 1/2/2008 1:03 AM
Warrior to Goddess
How to Transform the Feminine~
By Suzanna Kennedy
There are many types of women in our society, but the one that cries out for the healing the loudest is the Female Warrior. She longs to transform herself into the Goddess and yet doesn't even know it. Nor does she know how.

 Who is the Warrior?

The Warrior is powerful, independent , self -reliant and successful --because she has to be. Yet, she resents all of the responsibility and obligation  that goes with her role. She's the only one around who can get things done, and get things done fast enough and perfectly enough. 

She is bitter (at least inwardly) toward men, who she believes get all the breaks, but do little of the real work. She sees men as the weaker sex, responding emotionally and acting illogically - when they act at all. She believes herself to be surrounded by wimps that she couldn't trust to punch their way out of a paper bag. She says that men are only good for one thing - moving furniture. Well, two things -- maybe.

She has long since let go of the fantasy of a knight in shining armor or Prince Charming. She is bitter, angry and cutting in her dealings with these inferior male beings. She consciously or unconsciously seeks revenge against the male transgressors in this patriarchal society.

She respects other Warriors, yet has no tolerance for 'weaker' females who don't carry the Warrior's sword. She may be a good wife and a mother, protecting and providing for her family. Yet she expresses even these roles through the stance of a warrior.

She has grown tired of fighting. She has battle wounds that she has displayed proudly in the past. But has made as many conquests as she cares to. Her armor has grown heavy and she longs to remove it for good. She longs for the Goddess within, yet believes she couldn't survive without her Warrior's sword. Little does she know the power of the Goddess.

Who is the Goddess?

The Goddess is quite simply -- the embodiment of the Divine in a female body. She is discerning and acts with integrity. She has a core of inner peace that is unshakable. The Goddess radiates an energy that is so powerfully beautiful, loving and soft, that others are drawn to her like a magnet.

She may have been a Warrior at one time, but she has healed her wounds. She has let go of the anger, pain, fear, guilt and judgement. She has let go of feelings of betrayal and abandonment. She has replaced those lower vibrational emotions with compassion and joy. She has transformed her limiting beliefs, attitudes, and thought patterns into a loving allowance for all to be as they are. She has no need to change anybody, for she sees the Divine in all beings. She understands that any attack is simply a demonstration of fear. She remembers fear, and yet knows how to neutralize it with her unlimited flow of love.

The Warrior and the Goddess -- two powerful female archetypes. One tired and wounded, one radiant and healed. How did the Warrior get wounded? And how can she transform herself into the Goddess? To answer these questions, you must first understand how energy moves in humans.

 What are Male and Female Energy Patterns?

Energy has patterns of movement and we can call one pattern male, the other female. The male pattern of movement is assertive; it initiates action. Look at the male genitalia as an example. It is outside the body, action oriented. It takes pleasure in moving against the walls of an enclosure. In humans it expresses itself as a need to understand, to analyze, to find the limits. The mind seeks to master the physical world. Male energy expresses itself through the mind, wanting to give, to protect, and to provide comfort in the physical reality. All human beings have a male aspect to themselves, sometimes called the inner male.

Likewise, each individual has an inner female. This energy pattern is receptive and responsive - an open space with defined boundaries. But the open space is dark and mysterious. The feminine is comfortable with the unknown. From this mystery springs creativity and intuition. It is the womb - nourishing and nurturing. Female energy expresses through the heart, through the senses - using its creativity to give birth to an outer space that is inviting, nourishing and sensual.

Ideally, each individual would have the healthy, mature male and female aspects working together as equal partners. Yet, this is rarely the case. As humans experience the slings and arrows of life, their inner males and/or females becomes wounded, and their development arrested. So a Warrior is a female who predominantly expresses male energy because her female aspect is wounded and dysfunctional.

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 Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2USent: 1/2/2008 1:15 AM

How Does a Female Become a Warrior?

There are several possibilities. She may start as little girl that grows up not feeling that her father provided the required safety and protection. It could be her father is absent emotionally or physically. Or she may have a father that expresses mostly the feminine energy, not modeling a mature male archetype. She may have modeled herself after a mother or other influential female that was a Warrior. She may feel betrayed or abandoned by one or both her parents. She may have felt, for whatever reason, she needed to play the role of the male and be the provider and protector of the family. She may have felt that she had to develop Warrior-like qualities to survive in the business world.

Whatever the reason, she puts on her armor and fights. She fights for herself, her family, her job, recognition and validation. She accumulates wounds and battle scars. And she has her conquests too. But her ego is over taxed and her soul cries out for retirement.

 How Does Ego Operate?

Ego has gotten a bad rap. Some disciplines suggest that we should suppress the ego or even kill it. But ego plays a very important part when we are in a physical body on this planet. It is ego's job to protect us.

Whenever we enter a situation, the ego  scans the system for cell  memories  that are similar to the current  one. If it any similar situations that resulted in our being hurt, it try to protect us from being hurt again.

Cellular memories are stored in the DNA, which we receive from our ancestors. Cellular memory is created whenever we experience trauma or make an emotional decision. And if you believe in such things, cell memory comes in from other lifetimes, other aspects of ourselves in other dimensions. With all that history, when the ego does a scan, it can almost always find a similar situation where we have been hurt. So it puts up the defenses to prevent us from getting hurt again.

It may throw up feelings of fear and doubt. It may initiate thoughts, beliefs or memories that distract us from participating in the situation. Sometimes it will create roadblocks that will prohibit us from participating, such as limitations of time, financial setbacks and illness. It will do anything to get in the way.

And these defenses keep us limited to reacting the same way we always did. And guess what? If we react the same way, we will get the same results. No new experiences can come from this. We can't change from this. We are married to the sameness.

 How Does the Soul Use the Law of Attraction?

The reason we encounter hurtful situations is because of the hurtful energy that is stored inside our DNA. The soul it is always seeking to bring us back to health and joy. So it is trying to release the hidden and suppressed energy. It uses the law  of attraction (like attracts like) to magnetizes the people and situations to us that will trigger the opportunity for release.

That's why the wounded Warrior female attracts wounded men to her. For the opportunity to clear and release this stored energy. The Warrior can clear the hurtful energy in the DNA. And when she does, she begins moving through her life without the hurtful cellular memory. The ego's job is so much easier because there is no hurtful energy to be released - she is not drawing hurtful situations anymore. And when she moves into a new situation and ego scans for hurtful memories, it can't find any. So the ego then allows her to move into new experiences with no limitations.

In my own case, when I looked inside, I saw that my inner female was in a heap in the back of a dark cave. She was dirty and frightened and was only about six years old. My inner male was a giant Warrior King - strong and always on the defensive. It was in this image that I came to understand how I had become a Warrior - a Warrior King in the body of a female. The inner female totally incapacitated - nonfunctional.

I know my Warrior King was very tired. He had carried the burden by himself for lifetimes. He was tired of using only his mind and physical strength to master the world. He longed for his queen to contribute her feminine gifts in equal partnership. His most recent objective was to create a safe environment for her to come out of the cave, grow up and see that the world was once again a safe place for her to express her femininity.

My Warrior King committed himself to a quest. The quest was to rid himself and his child queen of the past feelings, attitudes, beliefs and cellular memories that kept them stuck in limited thought and behavior patterns.

So my Warrior King led me to techniques that helped me clear, clear, clear all the stuck and suppressed energy. And then as a validation, I met a man who mirrored to me -- my new self. We had a short, but very enjoyable relationship. He was balanced in his male and female aspects. In our relationship he expressed the male aspect - initiating our time together, making the plans, providing a safe environment for us to explore each other.

For the first time in my life, I surrendered and allowed a man to take the lead. He told me what he wanted and what he thought about things. I told him how I felt about what he said and wanted. And he respected my feelings. He made the necessary corrections to allow me to continue to feel safe and cherished.

As I reflected upon our relationship, I noticed the difference between this and all my past relationships. I acknowledged to myself how much I enjoyed expressing feminine energy in this relationship. And as I did this, I saw my inner female stand up and take notice. She came out of the fetal position in the back of the cave and stood in the sunlight. She basked in the energy of my appreciation of my femininity.

And as she absorbed this appreciation, she began to transform. She started growing up from a girl of six, through adolescence, through puberty, into a mature woman. And as she transformed, my inner male stood by and watched in fascination and growing excitement. Yes, yes, this is what he had been waiting for.

She grew into a beautiful woman and stood to face the Warrior King. They gazed into each other's eyes. She thanked him for all of his patience, kindness, and for running the show for such a long time without her. She thanked him for his protection and for creating a safe environment. They embraced and they walked off into the sunset, presumably for to enjoy their honeymoon.

Since that time, my creativity and intuition have increased tremendously. I have been given the gift of healing to share with others. My inner male and female now work together in Sacred Union as equal partners. I see them sitting on matching golden thrones side-by-side, ruling the kingdom with power, wisdom and compassion.

 Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2USent: 1/2/2008 1:23 AM

How does the Warrior Transform into the Goddess?

First she needs to engage ego in the clearing process. She reassures it that she seeks to make its job easier. She acknowledges it for its valuable service. She assures it that she still needs it to help keep the physical body healthy and safe.

Then she states - commands - her intention to be clear. She asks her own spiritual team for help and guidance. This starts the process. She may be guided to create a sacred ceremony to step out of one form of consciousness  and into another. She might create a metaphor in her ceremony that deals with death of the old self and rebirth of the new self. She might see herself as a snake, shedding its skin.

Her spiritual team might direct her to a clearing  facilitator to act as witness and assist with this transformation. She chooses someone who is already radiating and demonstrating the clear Goddess energy in her own life, as she can transmit high frequency energy and assist in the graceful transformation of Warrior to Goddess.

This clearing process allows her to transfer her sense of safety and security into the identification of herself as a Divine Being who is divinely guided and protected directly by The Source of All That Is.

She becomes the Goddess. Clearing transforms her life. Some relationships may fall away, including some people who are very close. If the law of attraction brought a relationship into her life because of shared suppressed negative energy, she will see a shift or dissolution of that relationship. She will retain all the relationships that were attracted to her through joy and unconditional love. She might lose her job or home if it doesn't support her.

But the universe hates a void. So when all these negative relationships and situations are cleared out of her life, she will automatically attract relationships and situations that vibrate at her new frequency of unconditional love, peace and joy.

 How To Recognize a Goddess;

The Goddess has let go of all that is not Divine. She enjoys and expresses her femininity with courage. She finds that both men and women are easier to work and play with than ever before.

She has let go of her suppressed feelings of betrayal and abandonment and radiates the energy of trust. So others open up, let down their walls and she draws out the trust worthiness and integrity in them.

She treats others with understanding and kindness. Yet she is discerning and knows how to draw boundaries when appropriate. She speaks the truth, from her heart, with respect, honoring the feelings of others.

The Goddess carries a particular energy, a higher, faster vibration in her electromagnetic field. She has created an environment in her body that magnetizes more refined Divine energies.

Her body becomes a radio tower that grounds the celestial energies of profound compassion and joy into the Earth and then radiates it outward in all directions.

She radiates the energy of Sacred Union within herself and that magnetizes a Sacred Union partner to her in the physical world. In accordance with Divine Timing, of course, she will attract a God to compliment her Goddess.

The Law of Attraction operates to magnetize others who are of a similar energy. Soon she finds herself surrounded by Gods and Goddesses - all living harmoniously in Heaven on Earth that they created from their joy, wisdom and love.

 Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: wingnutSent: 1/13/2008 7:46 PM

 Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 5/29/2008 4:39 PM
wonderful thank you for sharing

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