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Atlantis: The quest for power[email protected] 
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Past life dream of Atlantis

During the month of September '04, for about a month or so, have been having reoccurring dreams about a previous life in Atlantis.  This Past Life has come to me in pieces ( in several dreams ), and the following is a combination of all of them.

Have a happy and peaceful life.  Am married and have 2 daughters.  We live in a modest home in Atlantis, and have many friends and neighbors.  Am in the import / export business.  Not directly as a shipper, but as a distributer.  The work is interesting and fulfilling.  It produces a good income, we are financially comfortable.

Atlantis was originally an agricultural society, but then our engineers discovered how to produce energy from natural crystals.  It was found that crystals tap into the subtle energy produced by the interaction between the molten metal core of our planet, and the moon circling it.  This energy comes from the gravity of the moon pulling against the gravity of the earth.  There is a natural harmonic frequency produced, which the crystals tap into and modify.


Our engineers, soon discovered how to grow very large crystals.  They place these large crystals into domes, and energy produced was then broadcast all over our continent.

In the beginning, this was thought of as a great discovery.  Every piece of machinery we had, could be powered, and many new ones were designed to operate using this free energy source.

Soon we sent out ships to various places on our planet, to place crystal domed generators in a grid.  This grid power our ships, and trade and commerce flourish.  This age of discovery was financed by our merchant class, who were reaping much profit from these new discoveries.


One of the races discovered by our merchant ships, were the Lemurians.  These peoples were completely different than we were.  They were very advanced, but rather than rely on technology ( as we did ), they had developed their mental abilities.  They were a race of psychics.  Clearly, these people where different than we were, but fortunately they kept to themselves.

In time, our engineers discovered that the geometric surfaces and shape of our large crystals, controlled the frequencies and power they produced.  So our crystals, all over the world were modified.  And the power out put was increased.  This inspired our engineers, and they kept finding more and more ways to increase the frequencies of the crystals.


This tapping of the earth's natural power began to have an affect on our planet.  The weather began to change.  There were frequent volcanos.  Also, the Lemurians were being effected by the increase in our crystal frequencies.  They complained, and demanded we stop making changes to our the crystals.

At home in Atlantis, many of us also complained, and formed a faction to oppose the engineers.  We were able to slow down the frequency changes, but not stop them.  The engineers kept making changes to the crystals, and more and more power was available.  This appealed to the closed minded greedy, who benefited from the continually increasing power available.  The engineers where unstoppable.

At home, my wife and daughters where scared.  There was one storm after another.  We were getting reports from all over the world, massive land masses being displaced, tidal waves everywhere.


But the engineers continued.  They kept saying, it was simply the earth's surface adjusting to the power being draw from it.

Then it happened.  The Lemurians attacked us.  With their natural psychic talents they tried to take over our crystal power stations.  They wanted to turn them off.  Without any control, many of our crystals went wild, energy was projected everywhere.  The moon was hit many times.

Our engineers struck back.  But both continents, Lemuria and Atlantis were hit hard, and the ground masses began to break up and sink.

Frantically I rushed home to try and get my family off Atlantis.  My wife and daughters were hysterical.  Our homeland was literally breaking up and sinking before our eyes.


We had a boat in the harbor.  We all ran as hard as we could, to get to our boat.  When we got there, quickly helped my wife and daughters into the boat., then cast the lines off.  It was an old fashion sail boat, but we cleared the harbor, and made it out to open sea.

When we were several miles off shore, we all turned and looked back, to see our homeland, Atlantis.  It was break up, and slip beneath the sea.  My thoughts were, where will we go now?  Our old lives are now gone, beneath the sea.  Would the other continents still be there?  What will happen to us?


Then with terror, saw a giant tidal wave raise up before our little ship.  The sinking of Atlantis, must have caused it.  In panic, pushed my wife and daughters into the cabin of our ship.  As I did, the tidal wave hit.  It swept me off the deck, and the undertow plunged me deep beneath the sea.  And as the water swept me down, it became colder and darker.

And as I lose conscious, my last thoughts were, hope and pray my wife and daughters reach safety...

So now the question is:

  • Did this really happen?
  • Was it a past life?
  • Or was it just a reoccurring dream?
  • If so, what's it trying to tell me?

Questions, comments, or opinions, always welcome.

Peace and Love,
