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About Goddesses : Goddess: Sopdet
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From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 9/29/2008 7:26 PM

Dog Days (Various Locations)


Themes:  Fertility; Destiny; Time

Symbols:  Stars; Dogs

About Sopdet:  The reigning Egyptian Queen of the Constellations, Sopdet lives in Sirius, guiding the heavens and thereby human destiny. 

Sopdet is the foundation which the Egyptian calendar system revolved, her star's appearance heralding the beginning of the fertile season. 

Some scholars believe that the Star card of the Tarot is fashioned after this goddess and her attributes.

To Do Today: The long, hot days of summer are known as "dog days" because they coincide with the rising of the dog star, Sirius. 

In ancient Egypt this was a welcome time as the Nile rose, bringing enriching water to the land.  So, go outside tonight and see if you can find Sirius. 

When you spy it, whisper a wish to Sopdet (also known as Nut) suited to her attributes and your needs. 

 For example, if you need to be more timely or meet a deadline, she's the perfect goddess to keep things on track.

If you're curious about your destiny, watch that region of the sky and see if any shooting stars appear.  If so, this is a message from Sopdet. 

A star moving on your right side is a positive omen; better days are ahead.  Those on the left indicate the need for caution, and those straight ahead mean things will continue on an even keel for now. 

Nonetheless, seeing any shooting star means Sopdet has received your wish.

By Patricia Telesco~From "365 Goddess"

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 9/30/2008 6:47 PM
wonderful thank you for sharing