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About Goddesses : Goddess: Nut
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From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 9/29/2008 7:34 PM
"Smell the Breeze Day"  (Egypt)
Today's Goddess:  Nut
Themes:  Air; Health
Symbols:  A Pot; Turquoise, Musk; a Star; Wind; Cow Images
About Nut:  This great Egyptian sky goddess bears a star-spangled belly that stretches over the earth like a protective atmosphere.  Today she breaths on us with a late-March zephyr bearing health and well-being.
Legend tells us that when Ra went to escape the earth, Nut offered her aid by becoming a huge cow who lifted him into heaven. 
When Nut found herself dizzy from the effort, four gods rushed to her aid.  They later became the four pillars of creation--the four winds.
To Do Today:  If the weather permits, I highly recommend a brisk, refreshing walk. 
Breathe deeply of the air, which has rejuvenating, healthy energies today.  As you exhale, repeat the goddess's name, Nut, and listen as she responds in the breeze.
Any type of wind magic honors Nut, and it's certainly fitting today.  If the wind blows from the west, sprinkle water into it for emotional healing. 
If it blows from the east, toss a feather out so it can return to you with healthy outlooks. 
If it blows from the north, sift a little soil into the wind to give fruitful foundations to a generating idea, and if it blows from the south, burn musk incense to manifest vital energy and a little passion.
By Patricia Telesco~ From "365 Goddess"

Ancient Egyptian Goddess of the Cosmos, she was also known as "she who bore the gods".

Nut was the eternally permanent sky arched over the earth, with her children, the sun, moon and stars, moving through her.

It was she who poured the nourishing rain down from the heavens with her water jar and she who offered water and food to the souls of the departed.

Her image was often pictured inside the tops and bottoms of coffins so that the dead could be embraced by her for eternity.

Ceiling relief from the Temple of Hathor, Denderah, Egypt, 1st-4th century CE.

 Nut (also Nuit)

Egyptian Sky Goddess and Mother of Osiris, Isis, Set and Mephthys. Her sacred candle color is royal blue.

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 9/30/2008 6:44 PM
awesome thank you for sharing