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About Goddesses : Goddess: Nepthys
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From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 9/29/2008 11:04 PM
Goddess: Nepthys
All Soul's Day (Egypt)

Death; Spirits; Rebirth
About Nepthys
This Egyptian funerary Goddess has a hawk for a sacred animal.
Together they guide and watch the souls of our loved ones in the afterlife.
In Egyptian tradition, Nepthys lives in the east, where
she can receive the rising sun, a symbol of the hopefulness she can instill and of resurrection.
To Do Today: 
Today was Nepthys's festival day in ancient Egypt.  As with other festivals for the dead, it was a time not only to propitiate the goddess with offerings of aromatic incense like myrrh but also to satisfy any wandering spirits. 
If someone you care about passed away during the last year, burn some incense for this Goddess and leave a small basket filled with a token for her on your altar. 
This acts as a prayer to Nepthys to keep a watchful eye on that soul and grant them peace.
If you find your sense of hopefulness waning under everyday pressures, light a candle honoring Nepthys today, and every day, until you sense a difference in attitude. 
Try to choose a candle whose color represents
hope and change to you (sprout green is one good choice). 
Inscribe the candle with a symbol of what you most need to turn things around so that this Goddess can shine dawn's revitalizing light into your heart and
begin lifting some of that heaviness
By Patricia Telesco From "365 Goddess" and GrannyMoon's Morning Feast

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 9/30/2008 5:52 PM
awesome thank you for sharing