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Alt.Healing Info : Cell Salts by Zodiac Signs
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 9/8/2008 10:11 PM
Cell Salts By Zodiac Signs
Submitted by Jeanne M. Williams

Following is information about cell-salts in the body and their relationship to the 12 Signs of the Zodiac: This information is from the book "The Finding of the Third Eye" by Vera Stanley Alder. First published in 1938 by Rider and Co., London; most recently in 1970 by Samuel Weiser.

"Some of the biochemical experts have declared that the twelve principal cell-salts found in the human body are ruled by the twelve signs of the Zodiac. They affirm that a person uses up more of the cell-salt belonging to the Sign under which he was born, as that chemical is connected with the keynote of his activity. Therefore the first deficiency that occurs in his internal laboratory is tilis cell-salt, his "birth salt", and the various symptoms of his ills may be traced primarily to this depletion. All this was apparently known to the ancients, but as they gave to the cell-salts the names of gods, and described their activities in mythical parables, we are only just beginning to understand what they meant." (Page 61).

"With regard to the twelve cell-salts which are the principal agents of activity in the human body, let us note the interesting relation they are said to bear to the Sinns of the Zodiac." Note: The following information from the book "The Finding of Third Eye" by Vera Stanley Alder is taken from "The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation" by G.W. Carey and I.E. Perry.

Aries, the Ram, the brain worker, uses up very much of the Potassium Phosphate which nourishes the brain fluid and produces the highest rate of vi-bration in the body. A deficiency causes brain-fag and lack of comprhension.

Taurus, the Bull, ruling the liver, governs the cell-salt Sulphate of Sodium, which eliminates excess water from the body, due to the abundant intake of the luxury loving Taurian. A deficiency of this salt causes such ills as diabetes and quinsy.

Gemini, the Twins, ruling the nervous system, governs that cell-salt Potassium Chloride, which forms fibrin in the blood and so builds the nerves; while a deficiency causes thickening of the fibrin, and therefore bronchitis, asthma and other nervous diseases result.

Cancer, the tenacious Crab, rules the spleen, and governs the salt Fluoride of Lime, which builds the tenacious elastic fibers holding the body together. A deficiency of this causes sagging throughout the organs, with many attendant ills, from depression to dropsy.

Leo, the Sun, ruler of the heart and vitality, governs the salt Phosphate of Magnesia, which regulates the muscular spasms such as those controlling the heartbeats. A deficiency causes cramps, lack of muscular force, palpitations and meningitis.

Virgo, ruler of the solar plexus and stomach, governs the salt Potassium Sulphate, which makes the oil necessary to keep the machinery going throughout the body. A deficiency causes thickening of the oil, which clogs the pores and produces various forms of stagnation.

Libra, the Balance, ruler of the kidneys, governs the cell-salt Carbonate of Sodium. This salt holds the balance in the system, and produces harmonious life. A deficiency engenders acidity, with hate, jealousy, depression and their attendant ailments, such as headache and lumbago.

Scorpio, the Scorpion, ruler of the sex organs, governs the cell-salt Sulphate of Lime. This needs to be transmuted by water to form the white plaster of Paris; this strengthens the whole system and gives tone to the grey matter of the brain. A deficiency demoralizes the brain, destroying the power of elevated thought, and renders the body prone to infectious diseases.

Sagittarius, the archer, rules the thighs, and governs the cell-salt Silica, which is really quartz. This is formed of strong minute arrow-shaped pieces, which stiffen the walls of hair, nails, nerve sheaths and cells, and pierce a way outwards to the surface for necessary eruptions. A deficiency produces weakness of the cell walls, leading to various forms of self-poisoning such as rheumatism and other inflammations.

Capricorn, the Goat, rules the bones, and governs the cell-salt Calcium- Phosphate. This uses albumen to make cement for bones. A deficiency causes diseases due to overflow of albumin, which upsets the gastric juices and brings on such inflictions as Bright's Disease and other digestive troubles.

Aquarius, the Water-Carrier, rules the white corpuscles, and governs the cell-salt Sodium Chloride, which acts as water-carrier to the human system. A deficiency causes general frailty and such diseases as jaundice.

Pisces, the Fish, rules the feet, the foundation of the body, and the red corpuscles, and governs the cell-salt Phosphate of Iron, which is the foundation of the blood. A deficiency gives bad circulation, chills and fevers.
Love yourself, be healthy, vibrantly alive and in the highest perfection by which God made you. And so it is.

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