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Alt.Healing Info : Nutritional Astrology --- by Librajoan
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 9/8/2008 10:35 PM
Nutritional Astrology

by Librajoan

A most interesting part of astrology is how it relates to the body and health. Astrology gives insight into health weaknesses, strengths and warnings about possible health problems. Here are some of the things to look for.


Note the house position and the sign the eclipse is in. Look at the aspects it triggers in the natal chart. Eclipse effects last 6 months. It emphasizes things of the house in which it falls.
There will be a heath crises if the eclipse falls in the 6th or 12th house.
6th house = acute illness
12th house = chronic illness or genetic illness.
Aspects relating to health with eclipses are conjunction and opposition. Transits trigger the crisis.


  • 1st - How the body is constructed.
  • 2nd - connecting the body to the mind - the senses.
  • 3rd - is the mind.
  • 4th - food processing; psychosomatic problems inherited from parents.
  • 5th - food preparation and ceremony.
  • 6th - eating and initial digestion/natural eating habits.
  • 7th - small intestinal digestion.
  • 8th - final digestion and elimination.
  • 9th - nourishment/using nutrients for growth.
  • 10th, 11th and 12th have other meanings that relate to dysfunction and disorder.

ARIES- Hit and run eaters. Prefer hot and spicy foods. Tend to underchew and need more protein and iron than others.
Cell Salt: Kali Phos (potassium phosphate mineral salt)

TAURUS - Slow eater, sensuous gourmet. Not particular about the food as long as it is well prepared. Keen taste for desserts.
Cell Salt: Nat.Sulph (natrium sulphate mineral salt)

GEMINI - Eat when you feel like it. Like to cook and prepare meals for others. Like mealtime conversation, salty well seasoned foods.
Tastes in food change often, and you are willing to try almost any food once.
Cell Salt: Kali Mur (potassium chloride mineral salt)

CANCER - Likes to feed everyone else first and enjoy their enjoyment.  Tastes in food tend to run toward traditional. Takes pride in cooking and is good with baking. Like desserts and dairy.
Cell Salt: Calc.Fluor. (calcium fluoride mineral salt)

LEO- Like to entertain and dine in royal style eating in prestigious places. Like food well cooked, served in warm surroundings with pomp and ceremony.
Cell Salt: Mag. Phos. (magnesium phosphate mineral salt)

VIRGO - Picky eater , wipes silverware, sanitary, concerned with germs. May follow a strict dietary regimen such as macrobiotics or veganism. Likes to serve meals on time or on a fixed schedule.
Cell Salt: Kali. Sulph (potassium sulphate mineral salt)

LIBRA- Dines in style, intellectual, entertains with form and ritual. Probably concerned with balance of the meal and content or style. Good conversation at mealtimes. Lots of sweets.
Cell Salt: Nat. Phos. (sodium phosphate mineral salt)

SCORPIO- Good health depends upon proper elimination. Like to dine in the dark, out of the way places. Can eat the same food again and again. Fixed ideas about food. Doesn't mind eating alone. Liquid at meals is a must.
Cell Salt: Calc. Sulph. (calcium sulphate mineral salt)

SAGITTARIUS- Lots of friends and good cheer. Exotic foods, Tend to overeat. The table may groan under the weight of food. Guests are often invited for food. Doesn't like help in the kitchen when cooking.
Cell Salt: Silica mineral salt

CAPRICORN- may send restaurant food back. Perfectionist. Careful about what eats. Can stop eating when or before full. Concerned with form, good manners and how a meal is served.
Cell Salt: Calc. Phos. (calcium phosphate mineral salt)

AQUARIUS - Fondness for salty foods and a lighthearted entertainer. Likes conversation. Irregular eating habits. Careful about food preparation and likes to experiment with new and unusual foods and recipes.
Cell Salt: Nat Mur. (sodium chloride mineral salt)

PISCES- eat when the mood strikes. Definite likes and dislikes. Eats plenty of protein. Fits easily into social eating gatherings. When hungry eats too fast without chewing properly. Enjoys cooking and entertaining. Tend to over salt. Likes compliments on your cooking and meals.
Cell Salt: Ferrum Phos. (iron phosphate mineral salt)


Moon in Cancer rules food allergies
Moon in the 6th house or Cancer on the cusp of the 6th house can indicate food allergies especially dairy.

Planets square the moon show food allergy. Look for the foods and plants symbolized by the aspecting planet for the cause of an allergy.

Gemini on the 6th can bring food allergies if Cancer occupies the latter degrees of the house.

Moon square 6th house cusp or any Cancer cusp - allergies to melons, cucumbers, pumpkins, cabbage, endive, turnips, seaweed, mushrooms, lettuce. rosemary, nightgrowing plants (nightshades)

Food Allergies for Planets square the Moon

Mercury: Carrots, parsley, walnuts, filberts, hazelnut.

Venus: Peppermint, wheat, apple, pear, fig, pomegranate, almond, peach, apricot, grapes and other vine plants.

Sun: Rice, cinnamon, pepper, honey, citrus, walnut

Mars: Onion, garlic, mustard, peppers, radish, ginger

Jupiter: Asparagus, sage, leeks, cloves, rhubarb, strawberries, mints,sugarcane, almond, berries

Saturn: Barley, spinach, wintergreen, ivy, pine.

Uranus: Clover, corn, wild game, popcorn.

Neptune: Anesthetics, alcohol, caffeine, fish, tobacco, cocoa, gelatin, green tea, marijuana, ice cream, shellfish, tomatoes, yeast

Pluto: tobacco, coffee, fermented foods, marijuana, oysters


Each planet rules various nutrients and depending on how heavily aspected the planets are in the natal chart shows what nutrients may be needed in more than normal amounts.

Squares, opposites, and conjunctions cause problems.

Sun: oxygen, A, D. Paba, Iodine, Magnesium, Manganese

Moon: Water, B2, fluorine, fluoride, potassium.

Mercury: All B's and thyroxin Venus: Sugars , starches, E, Niacin, P. Rutin, Copper, Molybdenum, chromium.

Mars: amino acids, HCl, adrenalin, B12, cobalt, iron, phosphorus.

Jupiter: Fats, insulin, B6, choline,inositol, biotin, sulfur, selenium

Saturn: protein, carbon dioxide, c, folic acid, calcium

Uranus: zinc

Neptune: alcohol, heavy metals, pantothenic acid. Also sensitive to vaccines, solvents.

Pluto: enzymes, sensitive to bacteria, viruses, RNA and DNA and Folic Acid

Misc: Venus ruling the 12th can show chronic problems with sugar or carbs metabolism Sag on the 12th can show problems with weight.

Jupiter on 12th can show overactive thyroid or pituitary or underactive.

Pluto 12th shows abnormal growth such as birthmarks, warts, tumors.

Mercury can mean mental nervousness or worry according to the house it is in the natal chart:

  • In the 1st over appearance.
  • 2nd over money.
  • 3rd over everyday things.
  • 4th over home.
  • 5th over children or creativity.
  • 6th over health or job.
  • 7th over spouse or partner.
  • 8th over sexual preferences or partner's money.
  • 9th over travel, law or spiritual matters.
  • 10th over what others think.
  • 11th over friends or organizations.
  • 12th over everything


  • Sun: energy
  • Moon: Secretions, fluids
  • Mercury: central nervous system, hormones
  • Mars: infection, inflammation, pain,muscular system, stored energy, anger
  • Venus: vision, hearing, touch, sugar and starch metabolism
  • Jupiter: overeating, indulgence, excess
  • Uranus: spasms, uncontrolled responses
  • Saturn: skin, bones, deformities, hypoactivity, underdevelopment
  • Neptune: delusions, hidden poisons like alcohol, drugs, suicide, psychosis and neurosis, deceptive diseases
  • Pluto: enzyme related digestion, karmic illnesses, sudden death under mysterious circumstances.

These are just some of the possibilities relating to health and the natal astrology chart. Predicting critical diseases, watching for transits over natal planets and solar return charts can help forewarn so measures can be taken to prevent or minimize the consequences.

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