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Alt.Healing Info : Health Through Water Signs --- Cancer/Scorpio/Pisces
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 9/8/2008 11:30 PM
 Cancer - Medical Astrology Sun Sign

CANCER (June 21 - July 22): No one loves dairy products more than you--and ice cream is next to heaven as far as you're concerned! Milk isn't far behind as one of your favorite foods. What gives you trouble is your digestive system. You should never eat when you're emotionally upset about something because all it does is turn sour and then you can get a nasty case of heartburn or nausea--yuk!

Cancers live their lives through their stomach; they have a wonderful sense for the taste, texture and fragrance of the food they eat. And because Cancer is the sign of the mother, it's not surprising that milk and dairy products are so important to you. However, dairy products can get you into a real jam too, and in more than one way.

Generally speaking, only infants and young children should be drinking milk. Most of us, as we grow into adulthood, lose the milk enzyme in our digestive system; which means we can get allergic to it, or have nausea or heartburn, or all kinds of other unsettling and annoying symptoms. Our mouths feel like glue-stick after eating or drinking a dairy product. Think what this mucus does to the rest of your body's "tubing"--the arteries and veins! Nothing good, that's for sure.

The thing you love most is the thing you should have the least amount of--dairy--for good health. Having ice cream or cheese once a week is fine, but not every DAY!

>From a health perspective, Cancer also has rulership over the "sacs" of the body. The eyeballs, the cheeks of the face, the uterus and stomach are all sacs of some kind that hold SOMETHING. They are all under Cancer's domain and these consequently become the weak points of this sign's superstructure. Usually, Cancer's main problem comes from the stomach or digestive region, but they can also have attending and POTENTIAL problems in these other identified regions, too.

Cancers are more prone to cataracts and glaucoma than a lot of other zodiac signs, simply because it has rulership over the eyes and everything that goes on with them. (Aquarius rules the rods and cones of the eyes--the black and white and color we see). Homeopathically speaking (see: Alternative Medicine icon), cataracts and glaucoma, if caught early enough, do respond to this natural treatment instead of drugs or surgery. For most of you, there's no need to worry about this development until you are much older (50's+) and also, if genetically, it's in your family.

One thing Cancer sun signs ask me is this: "If I'm a Cancer born between these dates astrologically, does that mean I can get the disease, cancer, too?" Absolutely not! Medical astrology speaking, we have identified a number of "signatures" that can show potential cancer in a person's natal chart--and if we do see this signature, we warn them to see a homeopath for immediate constitutional treatment.

So, heave a sigh of relief--you're not getting the disease cancer because you were born under the sun sign of Cancer!! It's just a coincidence that is meaningless, thank goodness.

Instead of heading to Tums or some other stomach digestive aid because you ate when you were emotionally frazzled, stressed- out, or otherwise upset, try thinking of a natural alternative that will take care of it immediately, but by enlisting the body's help in a natural manner. 

Emotions play such a heavy part in your health--or lack of. Cancer can't help but be super emotional because your ruler is the Moon, which astrologically rules our sub-conscious and emotions/feelings. There's no magic "pill" to deal with our emotions! But poor Cancer has his and her hands full with their vibrant mass of constantly shifting feelings, intuition, and emotions.

Health or lack of it is directly connected with our emotions, and there are three signs in the zodiac who have their hands fuller than usual in this arena: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces sun signs. Your health fluctuates depending upon where you're at emotionally. Too many bad stresses and you will go down with a cold very easily; so this is a "red flag" that you need to stop and do something about the stress that's getting to you and your body. I would suggest Natural Essences as a way to gently, but naturally, keep this boiling mass of emotions soothed and fed in a positive way.

Scorpio - Medical Astrology Sun Sign

SCORPIO (October 24 - November 22): Your health rarely crashes, but when it does, you go down like a bull felled with a sledge hammer! Scorpio is one of the strongest, healthiest signs in the zodiac, partly because you are such a powerful energy to begin with. Your ability to be strong and persevering is wonderful in many ways, but if you begin to ignore and hide from your intense feelings and emotions, then health trouble is brewing.

One area of weakness for Scorpio is the large intestine, especially the colon region. Our fecal matter is known as bowel movements. In a healthy person, a BM (bowel movement) occurs two to three times daily. Scorpios have an awful problem with CONSTIPATION. Once, I knew a patient who had come to me for help who has a BM once every 12 days!!! The poor thing was bloated in abdomen, in pain and absolute misery--and she was a Scorpio.

You see, your passionate, intense emotional structure, while strong and often over-riding, can also be your downfall health wise. Stuffing your feelings and emotions and not expressing them verbally via communication, puts that energy into your bowel area and guess what? Constipation is the result. You can tell if you're stuffing your feelings by how many BM's you have a day. If you don't have at least one, then you are stuffing.

In the future I'll list the different ways to relieve one's self of constipation. In the mean time, you can change your diet to a degree: drink plenty of water (4-6 glasses daily), have a high fiber diet (whole grains such as a "high fiber" cereal or rice, and raw fruit like an apple). Get plenty of exercise, too! Just moving around, sometimes, helps.

Most importantly, stay in touch with your feelings and TALK about them--Scorpios are so closed mouthed!!! If you speak to the person who is making you feel like an emotional roller coaster, then you're relieving yourself of the possibility of stuffing, which, in turns, spells constipation for you. Isn't it nice to know that you have control over this situation? Yes!

Scorpio's other weak spot is their reproductive system. Nowadays, "safe sex" is more than a casual by-word--for Scorpios, it's an absolute necessity. (That doesn't mean if you aren't a Scorpio you don't have to practice safe sex, because you do!). It's just that Scorpios have a very strong, robust sex drive and consequently, may enjoy many more sexual contacts than some other zodiac signs. So, safe sex is Scorpio's by-word.

If you don't practice safe sex, then because the reproductive region is your weak link, you are open to STD's--sexually transmitted diseases--such as Candida, genital herpes, genital warts, acquired syphilis or gonorrhea. NONE of these are fun to have! Worse, HIV and AIDS is out there--and YOU have to be particularly careful--so practice safe sex.

Pisces - Medical Astrology Sun Sign

PISCES (February 19 - March 20): When the Zodiac was created, it wasn't created equal and guess what? The sign with the most fragile and delicate state of health is YOU!! Which means you can come down most frequently with colds or flu! Boo! Hiss! It's not fair, is it? But cheer up, Pisces, because there are lots of natural ways you can "buck up" that lymph gland system (part of our immune system) of yours and not contract every cold and flu that comes around in the future!

Every sign has a weak spot, and yours, Pisces, is your lymph gland system. Just what the heck IS a lymph gland system??? Picture this: you're aware that we all have a circulatory system that our red blood cells use as a highway (our arteries and veins) to get from here to there. There's a heart with it, that pumps, so the red blood cells get around very easily and quickly.

Our lymph system "shadows" our circulatory system within our body. It has it's own tubular system just like the circulatory one, does. However, the major difference between them is: this system doesn't have a heart to pump the white blood cells around with in order for them to get from here to there! The white blood cells don't have a formula one racer (the heart) like red blood cells do. Instead, the lymph gland system has to rely upon a tractor-like conveyance to get around--exercise!

Yep, that's right, the muscles of our body, as they contract and squeeze tight, also work to move white blood cells along the highway system of your lymph glands. In essence, the muscles are the "heart" of the lymph gland system. So, exercise is vastly important to you, Pisces and if all things were equal, you'd rather sit than work out and break a sweat! However, you have a saving grace: You love to swim. Water is your medium, so swimming is one of the BEST ways to "massage" your lymph gland system because all the muscles of the body are used in this form of exercise!

The lymph gland system does another highly important thing to maintain good health in all of us: It picks up dead cells, debris as a by-product of the body and collects poisons and toxins. Once they are collected, they are either gotten rid of via urinating or having a bowel movement. The "collectors" however, is our lymph gland system. So, you can begin to appreciate that MOVEMENT is essential to good health.

Pisces just isn't an avid exerciser. But the good new is: You don't' have to be! If you swim a couple times a week, or go for a walk daily, this will do it. IF you want to pamper yourself, MASSAGE is a wonderful way for the Pisces person to maintain their health because massage of the muscles automatically means movement in the lymph gland system.

Your health is completely predicated upon your emotional structure, Pisces. You are one of the most highly emotional signs in the zodiac (Cancer is second and Scorpio is third), and your health or lack of it is directly tied to your feelings. 

Another way to maintain health for you is to have foot reflexology performed weekly, if you can afford it. Pisces health is directly connected to their feet--and this is a weak point in you--is your feet. Chances are you've had more injuries to this part of your body than any other! Bruises, cuts, scrapes, and maybe even surgery. Many Pisces have bunions; but don't have them surgically removed or this is asking for more trouble!! Pisces have all kinds of foot problems, including "fungus amongus"--a nonmedical term for Athlete's foot! Homeopathic remedies can take care of this problem, thank goodness!

All in all, Pisces, if you continue to let out your emotions, as this is healthy for you. Have a good cry! Take a walk when the sun is rising or setting. Stay in tune with yourself for you have the best instincts and inner knowing than any other zodiac sign. Your body will "talk" to you and tell you what food it wants on a daily basis--so trust it--and yourself. Meditation and yoga are perfect health producers for you--so try them out. Swimming is wonderful for you, if there's a pool nearby. And even if there isn't, and you've had a "bad hair day" at the office, go soak yourself in a nice tub of warm, fragrant water that evening and you'd be surprised how much better you feel afterward! All of these are health tips for you.

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