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Alt.Healing Info : Health Through Earth Signs --- Gemini/Libra/Aquarius
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 9/8/2008 11:35 PM

Gemini - Medical Astrology Sun Sign

GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): Versatile, multi-talented Gemini gets sick because he or she just tries to do too much, too fast and their central nervous system goes "kaphooey" on them from the incredible stress load put on it!

Gemini's run on nerve-energy fuel. Forget gasoline, jet fuel or rocket fuel! Your nervous system is wired for the speed of light! Other areas that Gemini is likely to get injured or have to pay attention to, healthwise, are their hands, arms, shoulders and lungs. I haven't seen a Gemini yet that didn't have nicks, scars, gouges or broken bones in these areas! You're always getting paper cuts, smashing fingers in odd and assorted ways (car doors, for example--ouch!) and because you're rushing around too fast or you've got that computer web site mind of yours clicking at a million miles a second, you aren't watching where you're stepping--and some door is going to get you--probably your hands, fingers or elbow!

Generally speaking, most Gemini's, when they get sick, get over it very quickl y. If everyone else is having a 7 day cold, you will get it for 3 or 4. Why? Because you don't have time to be sick! Or, maybe it's because when you are sick, you do go lay down and rest, but typical Gemini, you'll have your laptop computer, a book or something to occupy that voracious mind of yours while recuperating. So, while your physical body has all that energy to heal itself with, your mental faculties haven't been stinted at all and you're a happy camper being zoned out in the mental world of activities!

>From a health standpoint, Gemini also rules other parts of the anatomy. For instance, it has rulership over the Eustachian tubes that run from the ear into our lymph gland system. The Bronchial system where our air flows in and out of our lungs. The other "tubes" in our body that Gemini rules is the fallopian tubes in a woman, the ureter tubes (those things that hang from the kidneys down to our bladder) and into the urethra (that little tube that extends from our bladder to the outside world!).

Most important is your lungs and they are your weak spot physiologically speaking. Gemini's are in such a hurry they are ALWAYS shallow breathers on the inhalation. They wonder why their brain gets fuzzy and they have trouble remembering everything they were going to do and when they were going to do it--it's because there isn't enough oxygen available for all those hyperactive brain cells. So, if you can just stop and take a few deep breaths, this will help immensely and in a very short time--which is Gemini's requirement: Do it, but HURRY!

Colds just naturally gravitate to your lungs, which is your weak link in your body. So, other ailments such as bronchitis and pneumonia can stalk you, too. If you would take an hour out of your hurry-scurry day, Gemini, and do some yoga or meditating, this would really keep most of the colds and flu away from you. Wouldn't' that be nice? Of course, getting a Gemini to sit still for five minutes, much less a whole hour, is asking for a major miracle in itself!

Libra - Medical Astrology Sun Sign

LIBRA (September 24 - October 23): Born with beauty and brains, Libra has it all. Whether you're man or woman, there's a wonderful internal beauty that just glows through you and everyone sees it. Beauty may only be skin deep, but you've got it inside and out! You have the nicest complexion in the Zodiac! Others may spend huge amounts to try and get what you have naturally.

You're such an easy going person who loves peace and harmony rather than dissension, fighting and confrontation. Your diplomacy is at an art form level. Would that everyone be as diplomatic, charming and graceful as you are!

However, all this has a price to pay, healthwise, for Libra in general. Despite your easy going nature, you can be hurt, get angry and all those other nasty emotions us humans have. You would rather STUFF those things however, than DISPLAY them to the world! What happens is that you suppress these things and they are buried--or, at least, seem to be buried. Out of sight, out of mind? Right? Wrong.

The weak link in your body as a Libra is your kidneys. But, let me cover some of these items here.

Your kidneys are one of the major ELIMINATIVE organs in your body. Your liver is the number one eliminator, the kidneys are number two and your skin is number three. The kidney's function is to clean all fluids that come through them (sort of like a cleaning station) in the form of red blood cells, and resorb the poisons and toxins that they carry.

Red blood cells only have so much room on their tiny, circular surface, so it's important that as they circulation through the bloodstream attracting "dirt" (poisons and toxins), that somebody in your body be responsible for cleaning it off! Once a red blood cells are cleansed of its dirt products, it can then whisk up to the lungs, catch a bunch of fresh oxygen and bring it back and "feed" it to the organs and other systems of your body.

Our diet is terrible and because of it, the miles and miles of paper thin, very tiny tubules that are packed within each kidney to clean off red blood cells, can get coated with things such as mucus, which is created by dairy products (milk, ice cream and cheese are the WORST). If a tubule is coated with "gunk" then it can't vacuum off each of the red blood cells that pass through it. So, the red blood cells goes back into the blood stream carrying poisons and toxins! Yuk!

Which means those red blood cells can't (a) carry as much oxygen around to other parts of your body which badly needs them or (b) it begins to "dirty" up your blood and gives you specific symptoms.

What are these symptoms?

1. Skin problems: dry patches of skin here and there, red/itchy skin, acne-like eruptions, or later, it will be misdiagnosed as eczema or psoriasis. (If the kidneys can't clean off the red blood cells, the body tries to get rid of the poisons and toxins by pushing them out via the skin--so you get these "disturbances".)

2. Headaches that come and go for seemingly, no reason at all.(This is because the red blood cells are carrying too many toxins and poisons around on them).

3. General fatigue or tiredness. (Red blood cells that aren't carrying enough oxygen into the body makes you feel mentally dull brain-wise and sluggish physically).

By cleaning up your diet: no milk (unless you're age 12 or under), ice cream or cheese once every 7 days, lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, and some whole grains (fiber in cereal for breakfast is good!), the kidneys will become cleaner and begin to work up to their full potential. And then, these symptoms will gradually go away over time.

Aquarius - Medical Astrology Sun Sign

AQUARIUS (January 21 - February 18): No one loves salads, greens, and all that healthy food such as mung beans and alfalfa sprouts like you do! Of course, your downfall or weakness from a medical astrology perspective, is that you're the world's biggest STARCH eater, too.

Potatoes, bread, macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, and pastas of ANY kind, are your favorite foods in life, Aquarius. And while this is an excellent food group in moderation, I'm afraid you're not moderate at all in this area. You could eat starches morning, noon and night and forget about the rest of the food groups, entirely! No one is trying to take away your delicious pasta salad, or say you can't have any more macaroni and cheese--but I'm suggesting that you become more moderate about it, instead.

Starch for an Aquarian is a sure way to put them to sleep shortly after the meal they eat! You don't have narcolepsy (people who fall asleep any time day or night without reason), you have starches that make you sleepy!! Well, how in the heck can that happen? Sounds ridiculous doesn't it? Let me explain.

Starch, when it enters a body, requires the MOST amount of fresh oxygen, which is carried on the backs of our red blood cells, in order to chemically break it down so that the body can utilize it. Aquarians love their starches, so they over-eat on them and exclude the salad greens, the fresh fruit and whole grains. The body is alerted that you've eaten a huge bunch of pasta, so it "calls" a lot more red blood cells that are carrying fresh oxygen, to the stomach region to begin the long-term process of breaking the starches down.

As this happens, Aquarians begin to get sleepy about 30 minutes to an hour after eating. You get groggy, you can't think clearly, you yawn a lot (did you know that yawning is the body's way of getting fresh, extra oxygen into the body???), your eyes go half closed and all you want to do is lay down and take a nap!!

This is very bad for Aquarians particularly if they're DRIVING or flying a plane or doing some other skill that requires you to be mentally alert. If you're feeling blah or groggy, then accidents happen--a car wreck, you lose a finger in a machine or some other awful injury. All because you ate too big of a load of starch foods and the oxygen went to your stomach and not to your brain to keep you alert or awake enough!! Italian mothers everywhere are wailing on this one right now! They favor starch foods more than most! Now, it looks like I'm taking this away from them, but I'm not--not really. Moderation is the key here and I'll bet Italian mothers make a mean antipasto salad and know a lot of fruit dishes to go with it, too!

Check out Alternative Medicine remedies for information available on this condition so that you can help yourself. Ideally, you can do most of it yourself by not eating starches every day, such as bread, pasta, spaghetti, macaroni and cheese or potatoes in some form. Choose items from other food groups, too. Be sure you have a salad and for dessert, a fresh fruit. Then, not all the oxygen is going to go to your stomach and leave your poor brain deprived and you groggy!

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