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Alt.Healing Info : Health Through Air Signs --- Taurus/Virgo/Capricorn
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 9/8/2008 11:42 PM
 Taurus - Medical Astrology Sun Sign

TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): You're a person of impeccably good taste! No one loves food more than you do--gourmet or connoisseur quality. And therein lies a possible problem: weight gain.

It's true: food is your oyster and buttery gravies, fragrant, freshly made bread and rich dessert are just too much to pass up for many Taureans. There is no magic bullet or cure for weight gain except to acknowledge that yes, you over ate or you should have taken half a portion instead of a full portion. Only YOU control that. However, there is another reason for weight gain that comes with the purview of the Taurus domain--a hypothyroid condition.

What's a thyroid? It's a small, ductless endocrine gland that sits in the center of your neck and is nestled near your larynx or voice box, and your vocal chords. What are the symptoms of a hypothyroid?

There are several, and here are some of them:

1. Your skin turns dry or even flaky anywhere over your body

2. Hair loss from your scalp--it may come out in gobs on your comb or brush

3. Tiredness--and I mean you just lost your pep and vigor and no matter how much sleep you get (thinking you've over worked and that's why you're so tired) you can wake up tired!

4. Low blood pressure--this can be detected by getting it checked.

5. Every day, around 3pm, you "crash" and all your energy fizzles out until 6pm, when you start picking up again.

6. Weight gain--for no reason! If you haven't been overeating, and you are getting the same amount of exercise and the pounds keep "creeping" on and if you try to loose them, they grudgingly "cling" to you, that's a big sign of a hypothyroid.

Get to the doctor and get the proper blood test to determine if something is wrong. If you come out "borderline low hypothyroid" or "hypothyroid," go see a homeopathic practitioner to cure the condition.

More women than men get a hypothyroid, so you guys can relax out there. And women who have a child are more likely to have a "borderline low hypothyroid" condition than anyone else.

Taurus, regardless of gender, always has throat related problems such as hoarseness, colds that "settle" in their throat and make them absolutely miserable. They are often more susceptible to Strep infections, or have longer, meaner sore throats than any other sun sign. All this can be helped nutritionally as well as homeopathically. Go to the Network Directory for further information on this condition.

You aren't the most physically active sun sign in the zodiac and sometimes, meanies refer to you as the "zodiac couch potato"--however, in your defense, let me say this, that Taurus people DO get some form of exercise! One of their great loves is being outdoors and puttering around in a flower or vegetable garden. In general, you enjoy the beauty of Mother Nature in a multitude of ways. Granted, you're not usually the "hard charger" that's out there jogging daily, but if you can walk a mile, that would be great--that's just another way to keep off excess weight.

Usually, you don't get sick, but when you do--WOW, is it a doozey! When you go down like the proverbial "felled ox," and you feel really lousy when ill. But, that's not too often, so that's the good news. Another great thing about you is your love of ALL foods--you are NOT a picky eater like some other zodiac signs (Virgo,for instance...), and you usually get a good deal of fruits, vegetables, bread and meat. Aquarians are such heavy starch eaters (pastas, macaroni and get the picture), but Taurus people instinctively know the wisdom of eating all the food categories.

Virgo - Medical Astrology Sun Sign

VIRGO (August 23 - September 21): No one is more health conscious or health aware than you! Every germ, bacteria and virus, comes under your personal scrutiny! And no one is more aware of the spreading of germs, so you may wash your hands frequently--just to make sure you're not carrying one about or transmitting it elsewhere!

Hand washing, in the extreme, becomes an obsession, but most Virgos don't carry it to that end--although some do, and then we need to seek out homeopathic constitutional treatment to come back into harmony so we don't think every "bug" is out to get us.

One of the healthiest signs in the zodiac because you DO watch what you eat, where it comes from and observe strict sanitary states of cleanliness (your saying is: "Cleanliness is next to godliness"). Virgo would never think of eating anything that looked remotely dirty or putrid or foul looking. Perish the thought!

No one understands like a Virgo that what you eat will show very clearly on you. Consequently, they do best on a grain heavy type of diet, with vegetables, some fruit and a little meat (poultry or fish). They are more apt to be vegetarian or vegans, than any other sign in the zodiac. Meat is repugnant to them. One reason is they have such a soft heart for animals that they cannot bear to see them slaughtered in the name of food.

Virgo rules many things anatomically speaking; among them, our liver, which is the major cleansing station of the body to get rid of poisons and toxins that could kill us. Another is the pancreas, which keeps our blood sugar stable--if it isn't, then we're open to hypoglycemia or low blood sugar, or hyperglycemia, which is diabetes.

Many Virgos have indigestion, but it comes from a sluggish liver, not from weak stomach digestive acids. These are the weak organs for Virgo: the liver and the pancreas, plus the small intestines. Unfortunately, when Virgos get stressed out, they get diarrhea. Some Virgos will get a chronic version of this, known as Crohn's Disease.

Virgo is a mutable sign like Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces, and none of them can stand stress for inordinate amounts of time. If they are under, unrelenting stress for short periods, they can handle it. But long term, then their weak spots in their body come under direct, physical attack. Natural Essences work well for Virgo and the other mutable signs because they are ultra sensitive to even subtle energies and emanations. They don't need to be hit over the head with heavy amounts of drugs, either--about half the adult dose will usually do it for them--but consult your physician first before trying this.

Virgo is repelled by the dirt of the world. They are immaculately sanitary in many ways and interestingly enough, like the other mutable signs, are more susceptible to food poisoning.

See: my book, POISONS THAT HEAL to find homeopathic remedies for this condition that can cure it and get you back on your feet in a jiffy!

Capricorn - Medical Astrology Sun Sign

CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 20): Being the symbol of half fish and half goat, this is an interesting combination. From a health standpoint, your emotions (the fish/water part of you) are often hidden from view (the craggy mountain goat). Your emotions are very rarely shown or displayed publicly, and even in private, you are conservative and careful with whom you share them.

All of this can lead to health problems in the future if you don't speak up and speak out at the appropriate times. Capricorn is taciturn and serious and doesn't smile or play precociously very much. Regardless of your age, you are an older adult mentally and emotionally speaking. This isn't bad, but if you stuff your feelings and don't get them out, then a certain medical condition can result: Gallbladder inflammation.

The gallbladder is a sac that sits up under the fold of the liver on the right side of our body. This sac holds a lot of things that the liver makes, and sends them up there to be stored and used later, usually during the digestion phase after you've eaten something. Capricorn's, because of their desire not to create an emotional display, may have problems in the gallbladder--usually in their forties, onward. They are prone to gallstones, which are usually soft, fatty globules that form in the gallbladder. They may sit there for years and not be a problem until the "stone" starts rolling toward the tube or duct, and then it gets stuck! That's called a gallbladder attack and believe me, it's awful painful!

Symptoms of a gallbladder attack often parallel a heart attack, did you know that? The person may experience pain across the left shoulder and down the left arm--sometimes, it is reversed, and it's the right shoulder and right arm. There is a sense of suffocation, or that you can't breathe in or out fully. There can be a "heartburn" kind of feeling in the central chest region, and it can literally feel like a fire is burning inside you! Heart palpitations can cause you to really get concerned and maybe, even your pulse becomes harder and stronger. Gasping for air, in a nasty gallbladder attack, can occur, too.

All of these symptoms mirror a heart attack--and chances are if you have experienced these, you have called 911 or run to the emergency room to find out what it was. Sometimes, in some people, it MIGHT be a heart problem--so don't take these symptoms lightly and say: "Heck, it's just my gallbladder." For some of you, it might not be and you can die of a heart attack, but rarely a gallbladder attack--so, see your physician right away on this. If you are diagnosed with a gallbladder problem, in the future, there will be information on these conditions and how to fix it. There are Alternative Medicine remedies for this condition that may cure you of these symptoms.

Another weak area for all Capricorn's are your knees. I have a little joke that I share with my medical astrology students: How can you tell a Capricorn is in the room? The answer is: You can tell because when they get up or sit down, their knees pop, crack and make funny, sometimes embarrassing sounds that everyone else can hear!

It's true: your knees are like the knees of an old man or woman--they crink, click, pop, snap and in general, talk back to you--especially if your rising or sitting down. Once you get into motion, they usually stop "talking" to you. Many Capricorn's have weak knees or problems in that area which may require surgery later on. Capricorn's get scars, scratches, cuts, bruises and other injuries on their knees more than any other part of their body. Jogging for Capricorn's is iffy proposition--your knee "cushions" will wear out sooner and cripple you later on, usually in your forties and for sure, in your fifties. Surgeons love you: They see knee replacement surgery written all over you when you come to see them! So, take good CARE of your knees. I would suggest swimming over a brutal game of Squash or jogging. Horseback riding (let the horse wear out HIS knees instead!) instead of jogging. Walking is fine and I encourage that. And if you absolutely are a jogging fanatic, talk to your sports doctor about properly wrapping your knees before a run so that you help them rather than wear them out too quickly! There ARE Alternative Medicine remedies that can help knee conditions and knee injuries in the future.

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