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Alt.Healing Info : Health Through Fire Signs --- Aries/Leo/Sagittarius
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 9/8/2008 11:47 PM

Aries - Medical Astrology Sun Sign

ARIES (March 21 - April 19): You're a leader! But then, you knew that, didn't you? And a pioneer. A person with great ideas and ways to lead the charge to open up a whole new field of endeavors.

From a health perspective, Aries always lead with their heads. Have you ever watched the way you walk? Have you noticed that your head is out in front of the rest of your body? Most people lead with their hips, not their head out in front, instead. Since Aries rulership is over the head, why not?

If you've ever watched a Bighorn Sheep, your symbol astrologically, they have a huge, massive set of horns on their heads. And typical of Aries, the Bighorn Sheep, you lead with your invisible set of horns, too--with your whole head out in front of your body.

This is fine, except that if you hit something--guess what's getting hit first? Yep. Your head! Typically, if you ask any Aries if they've ever had a head injury, a concussion or scars on or about the head somewhere, they always say: "Yes, how did you know?!" They're always amazed by this, but they shouldn't be. Good leaders lead and consequently, leading means risk taking and that's what you do best--taking risks.

All this translates into taking physical risks too and it means you're going to accumulate injuries on the head, as a result. Some of the more profound results means headaches endured after hitting your head. Some of you Aries types may have awful, constant headaches from an old concussion or injury you sustained many years before.

Aries rules the head of the body--but there are some exceptions to this general statement too. Aries rules the BRAIN, and the SKULL. Other zodiac signs rules the eyes (Cancer), the brain covering (Cancer), the cheeks of the face (Cancer), the teeth (Saturn), sinus cavities (Cancer), Eustachian tubes of the ears (Gemini) and the bones within the ear (Saturn). Aries also rules the outer ears, the nose and skin on the face and head.

Aries has a quick, hair-trigger temper and did you know every time you get angry, your blood pressure shoots through the roof? I'm not talking a little bit--but a lot. Many Aries get blood pounding, throbbing or hammering headaches after they get angry because their blood pressure has skyrocketed. When you're young, you shrug and say: "So what? It will go back down. No harm done..." Well, that's true--up to a point.

Older Aries have to watch this because they are prone to high blood pressure in later life. They should have an annual check up to keep tabs on this potential condition. What can happen is if it's not diagnosed, it can wear out the capillaries and veins in your brain matter and a stroke can occur. The good news is that via homeopathic treatment, blood pressure can be lowered and most of you won't need drugs to do it. Go to the Network Directory to find out more about where to locate a homeopathic practitioner who can help you remedy this condition--naturally.

Sometimes, Aries will tell me about this "backache" they've had off and on for years, and inevitably, they will point to just above the waist line region and tell me "it's here." That spot is where your kidneys are located. Aries are prone to kidney infections or what I call "kidney aches" that aren't an infection, but they're just gunked up kidneys that are working too hard and it produces a "backache" symptom. You think it's a backache or that you've strained a muscle in that region, but it may not be so.

If you've eradicated the possibility the ache is due to a vertebrae being out of place (your chiropractor can tell you that), or an injury (your physician can confirm or deny that possibility), then you're looking at "gunked up kidneys," which is a modern condition.

Most Aries complain of headaches--all types and varieties. Stress always begins and ends for Aries within their head, so headaches are quite common to a goodly percentage of you. Migraines can attack too, when you're REALLY under big time stress.

Leo - Medical Astrology Sun Sign

LEO (July 23 - August 22): You're the King or Queen of the zodiac and everyone knows it! With your incredible integrity, the way you carry yourself (like royalty) and your word being your bond, there's a lot to like about Leos.

Health wise, Leo rules the heart and circulatory system (our blood that navigates throughout our body). Leo is a fixedign, which means s/he has definite opinions, ideas and ways that they should operate in our world, but also, how others should, too. Not only that, but Leos expect everyone else to have their morals, values and integrity--and some don't. Therein lies the crux of potential health problems for Leo.

We all cannot be strong, brave, forthright, knowing and stand our ground like valiant Leo does. And when we aren't able to stand toe-to-toe with Leo, s/he gets highly disappointed in our all-too humanness in the face of overwhelming odds or a challenge. Disappointment emotionally for a Leo goes straight to his or her heart--and with enough of these hurts, it begins to take a toll on this magnificent organ in this magnificent sign and person.

Leos are very aristocratic-like in that they behave in a certain fashion. That's fine, but they are absolutely CRUSHED when the rest of us can't aspire to their lofty level of actions or reactions. So, again, we hurt the Leo and again, that injury, whether real or perceived, goes straight to their heart.

Leos get their feelings hurt very easily, but they'll let you know it, too, unlike Cancer's who hide their real feelings from us. These arrows of humiliation, shame, embarrassment or whatever--go to Leo's heart. After awhile, the heart muscle is laboring under a terrific emotional strain. So, it's not surprising that many Leos, especially men, get heart attacks in their forties, usually at 42, 45 or 49 years of age.

If Leo doesn't deal with his or her emotional baggage, it adds up in the long term and the damage is done directly to the circulatory and heart system. There's much that can be done holistically to prevent all this, or at least, take the deadly edge off it. Natural Essences and Homeopathic treatment are two areas you might investigate further, because Leo's respond well and it can address their emotional "stuffing" that they do so well (they're a fixed sign and all fixed signs--Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius- -are able to suppress a whole lot of anger, hurt and humiliation subconsciously and never have to deal with it consciously until it rises up in the form of a chronic physical disease later in life, generally in their forties).

Leo needs fresh air, walking or jogging or some form of moderate exercise to keep their circulatory system running at peak speed. If, for some reason, Leo gets sedentary and doesn't feel like getting off the couch, then circulatory problems could set in--such a phlebitis, which, if not caught in time, can be deadly. Or, they may experience some tingling or coldness in the fingertips or toes.

Sometimes, if they bend over and then straighten up too fast, they can get lightheaded or dizzy for a moment or two. Sometimes it's misdiagnosed or vertigo--or, it may indeed, be vertigo. Or, you will get out of breath very easily; these are signs of a circulatory system under distress. If you ever get pain down your left arm, or right, for that matter, shortness of breath, "heartburn", heart palpitations, go see your doctor and make sure your heart isn't the root cause of all these symptoms.

There are many ways to protect your life-giving heart and circulatory system. I'd suggest looking into the Alternative Medicine to locate natural ways to keep yourself healthy throughout your life.

Sagittarius - Medical Astrology Sun Sign

SAGITTARIUS (November 23 - December 21): When the zodiac was created, it wasn't created fairly toward all signs. Sagittarius is the HEALTHIEST of the twelve signs! Isn't that good news for YOU! You rarely come down with anything, and if you do, it's a fleeting cold or a 24-hour type of flu--and that's all!! Jupiter, your ruling planet, has really done you a favor, and you're the healthiest of the lot!

Medically speaking, Sagittarius rules over our exhaled breath, the sciatic nerve and our hip region of our body. Athletically, you are one of the most active of the zodiac signs, so chances are, unless your surfing the Net too many hours a day (the couch potato syndrome of sitting too long in one place...) you are getting plenty of exercise.

The symbol for Sag is the Centaur who is half man and half horse. Your love of Nature, the outdoors and being a part of it, on a primal level, suits you just fine. The only problem is, you breathing can be improved upon. "Shallow breathers" is a syndrome that you and Gemini share exclusively. Gemini's don't breath in deeply enough, and Sag's don't breath out fully enough on the exhalation. You say: "So what?

"Well, breathing is vital to optimum thinking skills (one of your powerful areas and forte's!), not to mention, your body needing to get RID of the "bad air" as the red blood cells circulate up through your lungs to release the poisons and toxins on the exhalation of your breath.Red blood cells "carry" fresh oxygen into the body (a Gemini ruled trait) and once the oxygen is delivered to an organ or system, they then pick up the "bad" stuff known as toxins and poisons.

Breathing is one way to get rid of carbon dioxide, for instance, that is created within our body or inhaled because we live in a highly polluted area, such as a city. So, if you don't breath out FULLY (it's called air volume in the lungs), then the red blood cells will carry this stuff back into your body!!! Not good.

This is very easy to rectify, Sagittarius: All you have to do is pay a little more attention to your breathing capacity and make a conscious, concerted effort to exhale FULLY. Another way to do this is through vigorous exercise of your choice. Or, because you are so heady and filled with philosophy and love to learn, meditation or yoga are other ways to get full advantage of your breathing cycles to rid your body of this toxic waste dump inside you.

Symptoms can include: headaches, skin problems, a general "blah" feeling or fatigue and tiredness. Just think: If you exhale fully, these symptoms will go away with time!

Another area you're weak in is the hips and thigh region. For the guys, it's no big deal, but for the women, it's another matter. Usually, Sag women end up with big hips and abundant thighs. Weight will gather there as you grow older and there's not much you can do about it. The guys usually stay thin and they don't get this extra gift of weight!

One thing, though, regardless of your gender, is sustaining injury to this part of your body; a cracked pelvis, a broken hip or thigh (femur). Or, a lot of bruises, cuts or scratches occur in this region. The worst is sciatica, which is the inflammation of a very large nerve that runs from the lower spine, down through your buttocks, your thigh and all the way down to the heel of your foot! This is a big, long, central nerve pathway.

For Sag's, Sciatica gets inflamed from time to time. It can be highly crippling to get a sciatica attack and usually, it comes in the form of a burning sensation or an electrical jolt sensation (like you stuck your finger in a light socket and the 110 AC current is hitting your hip or thigh area). And because you are truly half horse and love your freedom and love to gallop around endlessly, being crippled with this condition from time to time is a real downer for you.

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