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Ancient Egypt : Ley Lines and Earth Energies
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 9/12/2008 2:22 AM
Ley Lines and Earth Energies

In the book, the author states that: One of  the museums in Iona has a number old carved cist covers (grave) of nuns and abbots, centuries old. 
They had been laboriously carved by hand, and each of these engravings emit a surprising amount of energy which could be interpreted as individual waves, but was more like an aura (my bolding). 
It take no great stretch of the imiagination to see the carvings surrounded by invisible energy, the same shape as the images themselves.
The ancient Egyptians for instance, believed that the individual on death would separate into three souls, the Ka, the Bai, and the re-animated mummy. 
They were experts in the art of embalming, which they believed enabled the animal spirit to stay in the mortal remains as long as possible.
He also notes that the Polynesians, the Chinese, and Native Americans had similar beliefs about the soul and represented through the totem pole.
The Egyptians tried to keep the spirit around.(so we moderns say)
The Egyptians carved cases for their mummies (especially the rulers).
The cases/ sarcophagus were in the image of the person inside, so they apparently created an aura or energy that represented the person.
It probably wasn't just decoration for the mummies, but a deliberate creation of a representation of their aura.
So, would it have "fed" or fueled the soul?
Would it have kept the soul attached to earth--or to "itself" as it would be similar energy, a holographic representation of the body.
Prescious stones were placed inside of the wrappings of the mummies.
Instead of "warding off evil" doesn't it make more sense that these crystals were used to raise the vibration of the body, fuel the aura of the body carving?
Maybe this ernegized the soul to make the heavenly transition easier, rather than binding it to earth.
Does this throw some light on native legends that spirits can be trapped in statues/idols etc?  Vooddoo dolls?
Does this explain why carvings of gargolyes etc placed on building were thought to provide protection (They must actually give off auras of  fierce beings)?
Author Unknown~

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