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 Message 1 of 1 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 1/6/2008 8:43 PM
From: Jewels
Date: 1/6/2008 12:15:21 AM
Subject: Re: Reptilians on Earth with Video
Foolish that is.... There are many starseeds as myself that do and it seems your sheltered too much to not know it...
The pleiadians do NOT condone ostrich behaviour in folks that spred dogma like yourself.. You are spreading nothing more then New Age Dogma, and it is no different then fundamental thinking.  Get a life and learn from Spirit, and stop being a sheep.. For, you know nothing obviously about Pleiadians from your post.. You are probably a operative set out on a group to disrupt and to promote complacent behavior that got us into this mess in the first place.. For all we know your a Reptilian in drag..   Go and flee with your complacent ones that you hang with.. Your agenda is see through and easy to tell..  You are transparent and the only ones who promote fear are those that say you should not fear..
When a person is spirituall centered, fear cannot enter, nor be... When one is centered spiritually, one can view all angles, and be untouched by fear or hatred, that you obviously possess, per fact of bring this up in such a way.. If you have " fear " issues, may I suggest getting more centered in Spirit, and may you be blessed with a backbone to do it.. 
Those that say the " F " word or " Fear " word are nothing more then cowards who use that word to belittle and who have lost their humanity..  To be a true starseed, one must see all as it is and to have real compassion, one must feel, see, and understand the issues... Even with the Lost Mode of Prayer it is mentioned that Thought + Strong Emotion + Strong Spiritual Intent = Prayers.. Without feeling emotion one cannot have prayers answered and seeing our Spirits were not meat to be selfish, and that we were not meant to lose our humanity but to live and feel it, I suggest to you, to get real..  This New Age blah blah is not of the Pleiadians ways, nor are they New Age..  Creator is EVERYTHING to them, yet they follow no Dogma such as yourself..  The ones that go after posts such as you, are usually in the pocket of those that seek to control.. Many times in trance states themselves, and not knowing, however are effectively used to pass the dogma on..
Dare to be un programed...  you will find your ideas will change quickly as you come out of your obvious trance states..
The pleiadians go way back in the Reptilian wars above.. If you do not know this by now, then I suggest you have a lot of man/woman hours a head of you just to get caught up to par with this...  When you have put in literally thousands of hours, and have the type of constant contact that I have with the Pleiadians come back and talk to me...  It does no good to talk to someone that is not well experienced, nor one who is ignorant in Starseed matters.. Those that are starseeds on the Intenet that got pulled into Trance will one day soon have to make a choice and they will be shown beyond doubt that the dogma they got pulled into was a weapon of those of dark.. I hope you come out of it soon.. I say this with all heart and Spirit.. Its very sad to the pleaidians and other star brethren above to see this complacency.. This is how the world got taken over in  the first place.. May I suggest if your fear is too high, to stand aside and let us do our missions of light which we came here to do..  part of which is to snap people out of their complacent trance modes so that they can stand aside those above to take our world back from those that stole the original creators creations, including us and Earth... 
There are many Pleiadians like myself that have been shown the things I have mentioned.. And there are many of other races as well... Wars in the heavens go way back..  To think you will blink your eyes and think or wish away eons of abuse, you are sadly and grievously mistaken...  Karma is due for abuse of mother Earth and its inhabitants.... Also, no Arch Angel has been done away with..  If Arch Angels still are in battle and ETs above, then think not that we should be so blessed to not face the music of our choices.. Part of facing the music is taking personal responsiblity of actions and events that are taking place on Earth..Part of taking responsibilty is getting back our humanity and compassion, not by ignoring pain and suffering but by accepting responsibilty, facing it, feeling it and changing that which we caused, not by ignoring negative events, but by facing them in True Spiritual Centering.. if you say that ETs ignore things of the heart, or events because they wish to let the universe fall apart while they sit in a protective bubble, well your in for a surprise.. If you think the Angels and ETs condone your statements, think not, for they abore this type of attitude and they know that this is the Illuminati's plan.. To create Complacent Beings that would not dare to question or challenge.. Part of the dogma you carry is part of the problem that has caused so many to lose their lives and Spirits...
If one is centered Spiritually to Creator, then one would not fear...  
Often it becomes a win win situation.. For even those that fear, it becomes a catalyst to cause a person to turn to Source/Creator.. It then becomes a tool to bring one back to Source.. So even for those that do fear, it often becomes the thing that leads to courage and true spirituality.. But however, most do NOT fear.. This term " Fear" was created by the Illuminati in all its guises and has infiltrated just about every Light Worker site on the Net.. The pleiadians use me to expose this fallacy and lie....
The truth does cutteth to the soul at times, and i cannot fix your issues, that is something you will need to face if you have fear within... For those tha tmention fera are those that feel it..
Hope you come to terms soon..  If not, let those that have, do their light missions and stand aside while they do..  for all I know your an operative or rep in drag... I also have taken quite a many threats and even death threats from your type, all in their own way of expression, yet, are nothing of true light but do their speaking under pretense.. Yet the ETs and Angels of light know those that do this...  Nothing is hid from the dark, nor is anything hid from those of light either..
I dont write my messages in the past to you, nor to those that dont see this, but to others that are of like mind and in hopes that a seed is planted and one day soon those that do not see will have this seed grow.. If you do not like my posts, simply delete, and let others think for themselves and decide..  For every person that thinks such as you, there is another that does not... Nothing wrong with that, seeing most are aware of the wars that go back eons with the Reptilian factions and Pleiadians and other races above..  Even the Angels were invovled and the Pleiadians and many others walk amongst the angels continually.. I know, Ive seen them.. i am but one of a few thousands that see the Pleiadians on a continual baiss.. I am watched by them and they watch over me continually due to this mission I am involved with and per fact that I am one of their own..  Simply delete if you do not like.. I see many posts I dont agree with, but I am curteous to allow free expression,, To thwart Free Expression like you are suggesting, is not of light but of dark for that is Darks wish and that is to stop free thinking and expression, ganging on by New Agers is sort of their forte, yet I am also in to many things Metaphysical, and yet i am not a New Ager, but do practice things of healing, crystals, astology, and numerology etc, and yet, I do have friends that are New Age that do not have their heads in the perverbial sand... Its a choice , we need to respect paths of each other, and so please allow folks to express without ridicule.. Read it and take it or leave it... Like I do, like others do..
-------Original Message-------
Date: 1/5/2008 11:37:45 PM
Subject: Re: Reptilians on Earth with Video
New Message on Atlantis: The quest for power
From: ¦¦????¦¦
Message 7 in Discussion
Bravo, Jewels.  Your post has about as much genius in it that the illuminati has.  In fact, it is from the illuminati.  You see, "real" pleiadian starseeds don't post nor support videos of this nature.  Why?  Because it's only purpose is to create fear and pleiadians don't participate in that type of activity.  This post is an attempt to create fear about the reptilians and to give pleiadian starseeds a bad name through slander.  Why?  Because the majority of the reptilians are a very good and loving people capable of great deeds in the eyes of the supreme god.  Reptilians can be of great help and creating fear about them will cause people to run from the reptilians who will be of great help to this planet in the future.  This is a typical brainwashing strategy of the illuminati.  Also, claiming to be a pleidian starseed ranting and trying to say everything under the book to try to convince people of its authenticity using guilt trips, slander as well as subtly implanting ideas that are not, I repeat NOT, helpful for anyone or the planet.  An example is this, "Not so to keep us reliving things over and over in the mind ".  Just by saying that you implant the idea.  "I've got starseeds claiming to be starseeds trying to convince me that this is not true", yet another attempt at slandering any pleiadian that will speak out against your post.  Fortunenately, pleiadeans are wiser beings than the illuminati and see right through the attempts.  Sadly enough, a lot of them work but look at the responses in this post.  Everyone is already aware of the truth, that our government is evil and trying to take over the world... we do not need to be given scare tactics to attempt to render true warriors of love and light into fear and nonaction.  Lastly, there is no positive advice whatsoever about what people can do about this problem, even if it's true.  Personally, I send the worst of them the power of love and light (that which renders evil helpless and strengthens the giver of love) and I do so without fear.     As a true pleiadean starseed, I love you the same as I love everyone else, Jewels.  Although, I do sincerely question your motives here.  And a little advice, let people make up their own mind about what to do, how to feel, and mostly what to think (message to the brainwashers).     John, I would respectfully recommend to delete her post to stop any further negativity to spread.  Thanks.   Love and light!
(I reposted it here so we didn't lose it on the General Board)

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