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Ancient Times : Posible Locations for the Atlantean Halls of Records
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 Message 1 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameAscendingSWITW1  (Original Message)Sent: 10/25/2005 9:33 PM
Locations of Atlantian Record Repositories
1. Locations Of Repositories of Records That Describe The History of Atlantis (HA) or Which Explain Procedures For Crystal Construction (CC). Patterns Indicate General Areas In Which Some Repositories Are Believed To Lie.

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 Message 2 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameAscendingSWITW1Sent: 10/25/2005 9:36 PM

Yucatan Repository. Here are the readings that discuss the location of the repository for Atlantean records on the Yucatan peninsula. These records were carried from crumbling Atlantis by Iltar and placed in a temple he had built there, most probably on what is now a submerged area known as the Campeche Bank.

Then, with the leavings of the civilization in Atlantis (in Poseidia, more specific), Iltar - with a group of followers that had been of the household of Atlan, the followers of the worship of the ONE with some ten individuals - left this land Poseidia, and came westward, entering what would now be a portion of Yucatan. And there began, with the activities of the peoples there, the development into a civilization that rose much in the same matter as that which had been in the Atlantean land. Others had left the land later. Others had left earlier. There had been the upheavals also from the land of Mu, or Lemuria, and these had their part in the changing, or there was the injection of their tenets in the varied portions of the land - which was much greater in extent until the final upheaval of Atlantis, or the islands that were later upheaved, when much of the contour of the land in Central America and Mexico was changed to that similar in outline to that which may be seen in the present.

The first temples that were erected by Iltar and his followers were destroyed at the period of change physically in the contours of the land. That now being found, and a portion already discovered that has laid in waste for many centuries, was then a combination of those peoples from Mu, Oz and Atlantis.

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Sent: 10/26/2005 2:11 AM
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Sent: 3/23/2006 3:07 PM
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 Message 5 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamemyckkiaSent: 4/11/2006 6:17 AM

 Message 6 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameRevDebraAllen10Sent: 5/26/2006 6:23 PM
What about Peru?  I remember seeing something about finding some ancient artifacts ----no the huge Chrystal--in Peru after an earthquake or something.  Do you or anyone on here know about that and if it has happened yet?
Reverend Debra Allen

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Sent: 5/29/2006 2:37 PM
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Sent: 6/2/2006 6:08 AM
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 Message 9 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamenonoj5Sent: 6/26/2006 4:56 AM
Thank you for this info.
The Crystals of Atlantis will be found in and around Eygpt - a country that contact was made befor Atlantis fell into trouble, Peru, and theYucatan Peninsula.  They are memory/record Crystals.  They are not overly large, but they aren't small either.  They are safely tucked away in chambers.   When they are found they will be under supervision, will not be known to the public until the authorities ask for help to "figure" them out.  Only the true Atlanteans can read them.  It will be like the legendary King Aurthur and the Sword in the Stone.  Only the true people from Atlantis will be able to know what to do with the Crystals.  
So keep your eyes and ears open - they will be discovered very soon!!
Keep your thoughts pure
Love Lots

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Sent: 6/26/2006 8:07 PM
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 Message 11 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameRevDebraAllen10Sent: 6/28/2006 3:15 PM

 Message 12 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameWolf8372Sent: 11/4/2006 2:16 PM
Greetings fellow travellers, i am new here, i was browsing the net when i came across this site, so i had a look, the first thing i discovered was the mark, i have two, one on each palm, but here is the thing, a couple of months ago i went to cornwall to visit a freind and while there i went and had a past life reading which was recorded on tape, anyway during this reading i mentioned that i came from atlan, now i have never heard this name in this life, i worked with crystals, i am a crystal healer in this life as well as a reiki practioner, anyway i took this reading with a pinch of salt, until i stumbled on your site and this post which mentions people from the household of atlan, well i then realised spirit gave me confirmation, which i shouldnt be suprised at, i also had a psychic artist do me a spirit guide portrait a couple of years ago, anyway included in the write up of this spirit guide, it said that i would be a natural if i wanted to go into crystal healing, at that time the only thing i told the artist was that i wanted to work closer with my spirit guide, i did not tell him that i was a crystal healer and i had it done on line so i couldnt be cold read, so it seems this explains why i love crystals and why when i moved to cornwall wild crystals used to pop out of the ground at me, this was before i became a crystal healer, it was in the early eighties, what i wanted to ask, was, can anyone tell me more about the household of atlan, where did this info come from and does anyone know anything else? heres to a long and happy relationship with everyone on the site, even when i ran my own covens years ago i was drawn to crystals too, so there are a lot of synchronicities for me with crystals, love and light to all

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