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Angels : Arch Angels and their Duties
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 7/21/2007 3:06 AM
Each of the Archangels have specific duties, specific likes, specific dislikes and individual characteristics. They do not have an evolving consciousness as we do.
The Archangels do not work alone. They command a great host of beings, the Angels. The angels do not do any interpretation. They take direction from the Archangels and then follow up doing the task set out for them.
The Archangels are direct manifestations of the Creator and therefore have no free will as we have. They are like the right arm of the Creator and have no will separate from the sourse. They are non-growing except as the Creator grows. They serve the Creator exactly as they are programmed to do. At the end of a specific time in creation they will be pulled back into source.
As a general rule, Archangels are not assigned as personal teachers, however, we can ask for help from any of them and we do study with them. Everyone has attended classes these great ones teach on the inner planes. They are only allowed to help you if the assistance you need is within the scope of their responsibility. They can only help within the framework of their job area. In other words, if you are shopping for shoes, dont go looking in the cosmetic section. These archangels mainly teach evolving consciousness on the inner plane.
You may call on the "Four Corners" which are Micheal, Auriel, Raphael, and Gabriel for protection. They stand ready to guard you against any type of energy that is more disassociated from the Creator or those who have separated from the Divine.
According to Christian tradition, Archangels belong to the eighth of nine choirs of angels. Arranged according to their importance, in descending order, they are Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominations, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angles.
-a direct representative of the Creator.
-his main job is to acquaint individuals with their divinity.
-the spring board that brings the energy at the point of creation into a manifested state.
-directs beautiful, pure light from the source to the various departments and then down 
  toward Sandalphon.
-he can be asked to attune you to source if you have some hesitation of approaching source
  directlly. You will still get the essence of purity of source. But wont be overpowering
-it is his responsibility and privilege to represent the source. He does this at Planetary
  Hierarchy Board meetings
-he reaches classes on the inner planes. Teaches extensively in the area of using light within
  physical manifestation to raise the consciousness.
-responsible for bringing awareness of the great light source to the people.
-completely different energy from Metatron. Since he is not as close to source, his vibration,
  although very intense, is not as fine.
-holds the focus of all potentialities. Continuously working to bring the conditions of existence
  into fullest creation.
-allows energies to come forth with all potential, burstion forth in as full and encompassing a
  manner, as evolution will permit. When cration has evolved to a certain point, he can bring
  into manifestation a certain potential, but not before then.
-watches to see which things are ready to evolve. He looks at all things to see if they are
  ready for him to do his work.
-changing and becoming closer to Metatron in his area of work
-full of much joy and love
-changes direction to focus
-helps you combine mental, emotional, and physical energy with soul energy
-fjoundation in the sense that you depend on him
-the practical one, bringing plans into the casual area, which is the higher mental level where
  they can be picked up for practical use.
-a very visual manifestation of the love aspect of the Creator.
-teacher of class "creating a Universe" on the inner planes
-quite regal and powerful looking, a lot of energy, confidence.
-within his essence is the energy of Creation
-he or his department fill the need for focus more energy at specific times
-focuses a lot of his energy on Earth because of the changing times and the changes to come
-known as the defender of the just. He will go all the way to defend right of free will. 
  however if you ask him for justice, you will receieve justice as he sees it, and it may not be 
  what you are asking for.
-he is the balance of existence. There is a polarity in existence and everything struggles to be
  perfectly balanced. If existence sways on way or the other, hi is the one to maintain the 
-the diplomat in creation. He focuses a harmonious feeling on creation and by attuning to him
  you can participate in the harmony of his energy.
-settles arguments between close associates. His harmonious energy helps to ease the tension
  in a situation.
-he is kind of arbitrator and, although he may not solve the problems you put before him he
  clears the tension so that you can find a harmonious solution. He facilitates but you must do 
  the work.
-in charge of the wonderful celebrations they have for the creator on the higher planes. 
-a beautiful great being involved in logically deciding the best way of accomplighing 
  everything. This includes bringing the most appropriate type of higher consciousness to 
-the one you call on to show you the best ways to achieve your objectives
-the logical focus that deduces the specific ways of bringing about what has been outlined
  and energized
-helpful to those who wish to understand more in the mental area
-great intellect and understanding to get to the heart of matters
-part of his service is to aid you to cut through the illusion of Earth living
-seeks to clarify existence, focus the Divinity from the heights into the physical and
  conversely allow those who live in the physical to focus and transcent through him to the
  heights. He is the one with the horn, which will be blown in the second comming
-deals with the astral plane...the one part of creation closest to the physical 
-says"I am going to blow my horn here so that you can find me." He is saying that you must
  penetrate the astral illusion and see what is truly there, because it will be coming into 
  manifestation in the physical
-focuses all the others energy. All the creative activity of all the other Angels is then passed
  into Sandalphon, the Archangel of the Physical.
-bottom of the tree of life.
-archangel of the physical
-the feeling of his energy is very solid
-works with Earths energies transforming them into highest level possible
-seeking to help Earth in its direct manifestation into smoother flowing path as we move
  into the next millenium
-focuses 7th ray and seeks to implant it more securely on Earth now

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