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Aroma Board : Aromatherapy and Essential Oil Precautions
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From: MSN NicknameGhostmist6  (Original Message)Sent: 4/30/2006 3:28 PM

Aromatherapy and Essential Oil Precautions

General Common-Sense Practices for Safely Using Essential Oils

~ Medical Conditions: there are many medical conditions for which some essential oils are contraindicated; if any type of medical condition exists or there is history of any medical condition, consult an authoritative resource or an experienced Aromatherapist before using any essential oil

~ Essential Oil-Drug Interactions: essential oils can interact with prescription and non-prescription drugs; depending on the oil and the drug, the drug’s actions can be either increased or reduced by an oil

~ Research the Oils: do thorough research before using any essential oil to ensure that it may be used safely


~ Dilute the Oils: use vegetable oil or carrier oils to dilute essential oils for safer topical application; use 10-20 drops of essential oil per ounce of carrier oil for applications intended for healthy adults

~ Avoid Contact with Eye: essential oils are very irritating to the eyes; avoid using essential oils near the eyes, or touching the eye area with hands that may have essential oils on them

~ Store Oils Safely: keep essential oils out of reach of children and pets

~ Pregnancy & Breastfeeding: if pregnant or lactating, consult an authoritative resource or an experienced Aromatherapist before using any essential oil

~ Caution with Children: use extreme caution when applying essential oils to babies and children under 12; many oils are not suitable for babies and children, and those that are suitable should be used only in very small amounts and diluted at 2-4 times the adult dilution

~ Dermatitis & Sensitization: any essential oil can cause dermatitis or sensitization, even those oils (such as lavender) that are widely regarded to be "safe;" use only a very small amounts at a time, and take breaks from using specific oils rather than using the same oils day after day

~ Verify Botanical Names: always check the botanical (Latin) name of the essential oil to make sure there is no confusion about which oil is being used; more than one essential oil may go by the same “common�?name but the oils may have very different properties; many oils also have more than one "common" name

~ Do Not Substitute Synthetics: use only pure, natural, unadulterated, unaltered essential oils; never use “fragrance oils,�?“perfume oils,�?or any other synthetic oils as substitutes for essential oil applications �?these synthetics are not essential oils

Additional Information for Aromatherapy Safety

~ Unsafe Essential Oils - Some Oils Should Never Be Used: Some essential oils are considered unsafe, hazardous, or even toxic. Some of these oils can cause severe reactions even in small amounts. The International Fragrance Association (IFRA) has established recommendations for many essential oils. Refer to these guidelines from the IFRAas a resource for recommendations regarding specific essential oils. Always consult an authoritative resource or an experienced Aromatherapist before using any essential oil.

~ Pregnancy & Breastfeeding - Use Extreme Caution: There are many essential oils that should not be used if pregnant or lactating. Although some essential oils may be safe to use if pregnant or lactating, an authoritative resource or an experienced Aromatherapist should be consulted before using any essential oil.

~ Homeopathy - Some Essential Oils Inactivate Homeopathics: Those who are using homeopathic remedies should consult with a homeopathic practitioner before using essential oils, as some oils may inactivate homeopathics.

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamemyckkiaSent: 4/30/2006 6:38 PM

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From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 5/31/2008 6:41 PM
great information thank you for sharing