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Astral Info : Time Travel
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From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 9/13/2008 2:34 AM
Time Travel

Most of you are not aware that time is not a linear, inevitable progression from past into present into future, but rather, it is like an artist’s canvas.
It can be painted over, erased, modified, exaggerated, minimized and otherwise manipulated according to a soul’s free will and the collective free will of all souls who find themselves in one time frame or another.

Even our scientists have recently discovered that time is a variable and that it speeds up or slows down depending on the speed of the observer, among other factors.
You all know about psychological time, or the sense of time, and how it seems to drag on forever when you are doing something unpleasant, and flies by when you are having fun.

Without movement, there is no time and in fact, nothing that can be measured. All time and all measurement involve the relationship (relativity) of one object to another.
Our calendar is based on the revolutions of the Earth about your Sun. Without this movement, your timepieces would have no meaning.

Our scientists also recently discovered that they can make changes to a particle and see the results in the past. Or, to put it another way, what happens in the future changes the past.
The surface intellect or rational mind has a hard time with this. It’s impossible, you say. No, it’s part of the larger reality that we are beginning to explore in these discourses.

Let us use one of the channel’s analogies and expand on it for a moment. Instead of a single timeline going from past to future, there are an infinite number of timelines that form a tapestry of time and space, intricately interwoven to form a spider web of parallel dimensions on different levels.
It is hard to picture, but we will try to describe it. Imagine a web of highways crisscrossing and intersecting not just on a flat plane, but in three dimensions. Imagine this three-dimensional network stretching into infinity.
Most of the pathways lie dormant until a soul travels one, then it becomes imprinted in what is called the Akashic medium. In other words, it is painted on the canvas, the canvas being the interconnected web of timelines. As each timeline is experienced, it becomes part of the painting you call reality or the web of life.

So how can the future change the past? Isn’t the past fixed in time? The answer, beloveds, is NO. You CAN go back and change your past.
Psychologists call this “reframing�?and the popular catch phrase is “You can have that happy childhood you always wanted.�?Clever marketing? No, it’s real. Let us explain.

When you go back and imagine a different past, if you do so with intent and focus, you do not change that timeline directly. Instead, you move into a new timeline and paint a new picture on a new part of the canvas. Although the original past experience still exists on its own timeline, YOU have moved onto a new timeline that does not contain that same past.
Not only has your past changed, but the cells of your physical body, as well as your emotional and mental bodies, record the change. To your lower bodies, it is as if the old timeline never happened and you are now the product of a new past. Outrageous isn’t it, dear ones! Your cellular memories now remember the happy childhood that didn’t exist before the reframing.
Therefore, your behavior, your outlook on life, your experience of life has changed completely. You are literally and figuratively not the same person.

Timelines can also change for entire planets. Do you remember, back to 1982? California was supposed to fall into the sea that year.
It didn’t happen �?at least it didn’t in the timeline you are currently experiencing collectively. But it actually DID happen in an alternate timeline. So why didn’t you experience it? Because collectively you changed your consciousness sufficiently that you jumped into a new timeline �?you, your neighbor, the country next door, and the entire planet shifted.
In this case, you changed the future by changing the present, which is a lot easier to understand than changing the past by changing the future. But the principle remains the same. You jumped into a new timeline, with a new future.

Your free will allows you to go anywhere within the infinite network of timelines, adding your experience as you go. If you don’t like a particular timeline, you can hop out of it by selected a different past, present and future.
The old timelines are imprinted in the Akashic medium, but YOU are free of those imprints, free to explore the infinite vastness of creation, unfettered by so-called past memories and beliefs.

So in a way, it’s not entirely accurate to say you change the timeline. It’s more that you create a new timeline every time you change your consciousness. To “heal�?an alternate timeline means going into one of your many parallel lifetimes and changing it to suit your soul’s evolution at this time.
For example, if you were tortured and beaten in a “past�?lifetime, you can reframe that lifetime to something beautiful. Once you do this successfully, you no longer have the tortuous past life at all, but you carry with you the karmic imprint of a most pleasant lifetime indeed!
Any symptoms you bring with you into this lifetime from the old imprint will disappear because they no longer have a source. We have seen this work countless times and the channel is being witness to changes in the lives of clients as a result of this work.

We will attempt to outline your planetary history in a broader stroke of the paint brush, keeping in mind that time and space are illusory in nature, and any portrait of timelines is subject to distortion. The time frames we give here are the rough equivalents to your current 3D timeline.
However, as this channel and many others have recently indicated, time can be changed and modified by your own awareness. Therefore, history is not written in stone, but is an ongoing tapestry of events, continually being rearranged and rewritten.

All of time is like an infinitely large fabric, and each thread represents a probable or possible reality. The 3D world is a series of threads that are imprinted in the Akashic energy medium.
Each event in 3D is an imprint and this electrical impulse is recorded as having "actually happened." Yet any event that has "actually happened" can be moved into another timeline and you, can jump from one timeline to another, both individually and collectively.
Therefore, if you desire to change history, you can simply select another thread in the fabric and make that your new timeline. In your physics, you call experiments with this idea "quantum entanglement."

Alternate Timeline Dynamics Part 1

Your Creator brought into the universe many spatial-nets,(tapestries) of light, love, wisdom and power. Among these is the tapestry of time-space. You, as junior creators, are given domain over this tapestry of time and space.
In other words, you are given the authority to create timelines (and spacelines) within the tapestry. Whenever a thought or spark of consciousness is rendered unto the tapestry of time-space, a timeline is created. If the timeline is created by an individual soul, it resembles light filaments or fiber optic wires lighting up with electricity against a dark background.
 Whenever two or more souls join in consciousness within a given timeline, the ignited strand of fabric grows in brightness and intensity until it leaves a sizable imprint on the tapestry. Timelines that have the collaboration of millions of souls (such as the timeline of planet Earth) have great brightness and power. You could say in your limited vernacular that collective timelines are stronger and more “real�?than individual timelines, although this is not entirely accurate.

There are an infinite number of possible timelines, and a finite number of probable timelines. Probable timelines are those fabrics that are given a great deal of consciousness.
If there are almost seven billion individual souls on your planet and six billion of them are giving consciousness and focus to a particular timeline, that timeline becomes a probable reality, meaning that the reality “dominates�?the surrounding threads of the tapestry, leaving a great imprint on the Akashic medium.
The Akashic medium is similar to what you call a camera, or snapshot, or photograph, in that it records the movement and manifestation of timelines within the tapestry. All activity with the time-space matrix is recorded in the Akashic medium and can be recalled by anyone versed in Akashic retrieval.
You can think of the Akashic as a giant universal computer memory bank with infinite storage space. Souls can recall a particular event along a particular timeline simply by accessing the Akashic.

Although individual souls cannot change Akashic imprints directly, they can dynamically alter the intensity and experience along each individual timeline. When a soul alters a timeline, the quality and intensity of that timeline changes.
However, because the Akashic continually records imprints in the medium, every change, no matter how minute, is imprinted as if it were a static occurrence in time and space.
This, although ultimately illusion, gives the appearance that reality is a solid, unchanging linear progression, and that once something has occurred in time and space, it remains forever unchanged.

In this series of lessons, we will explore the truth about changing timelines, altering timelines and jumping timelines. This is an advanced series, currently beyond the capability of the channel and most humans to fully comprehend.
We will attempt to go slowly and hopefully will not lose anyone. It is perhaps unfortunate that the limitations of this language mean that we are bound somewhat by the third-dimensional laws and limitations when disseminating this information.
Therefore, it will, of necessity, be given in a linear manner, with varying complexity, in a series of small parts so that the reader does not feel overwhelmed or lose interest due to its length.

Every moment of every day, in linear time, souls are creating new possible and probable timelines in the infinite fabric of time-space. Every thought in your consciousness changes, however imperceptibly, the nature of the fabric.
In any given moment, you have an infinite number of possible paths to choose in order to manifest your next moment of creation. Most of your actions, thoughts and experiences will proceed along predictable timelines of mass creation.
For example, you have a collective timeline called evolution of planet Earth, which proceeds with relative stability, even though there are a number of variables. As an example, one minute from now you will probably be doing something similar to what you are doing now. Perhaps the physical location of your body will change somewhat, perhaps different thoughts will flow through your mind, perhaps you will get up from your computer and turn on the television, etc.
However, your body will still occupy the same general space on a planet hurtling through space at tremendous speeds around the center of the galaxy.

The collective timelines are constantly changing. To illustrate, let us dive into the basic physics of your planet.
There are five general movements of the Earth through time and space. The first is the rotation of Earth on its axis, occurring once in what you call a day. Then there is the revolution of the Earth about the sun, occurring once in what you call a year.
Then there is the precession of the solar system as it moves through your region of the galaxy, which is known as a Grand Cycle of approximately 25, 920 years. Then you have the movement of this region of space around the central sun of the Milky Way Galaxy, which occurs about every 225 million years.
Finally, you have the movement of the Milky Way Galaxy through and around the Great Central Sun of the universe, which occurs about every 20 billion years.
All of these movements are actually spirals, not circles, although the smaller ones appear circular or elliptical because you cannot see the higher dimension interactions involved.

The point in diverging into basic physics is to illustrate that even your collective timelines (the ones large numbers of souls have agreed to create) are constantly changing, even though they change in a periodic fashion through what you call cycles, or repeated passes through a spiral progression.

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 9/13/2008 5:54 AM
thank you for sharing