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Astrology Board : What is your Power Sign?
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From: MSN Nicknamegoddessbrighid2  (Original Message)Sent: 7/4/2007 5:19 AM
What is your Power Sign?
Pluto is one of the Planets in our solar system that has a generational influence. It takes between twelve and twenty-eight years for Pluto to pass through a single sign, so its effects are very broad and more likely to impact the world at large than any certain individual. Pluto is a transformational Planet. It rules the inevitable changes that take place in the cycle of life -- from birth to death and all the important decisions in between. The location of Pluto during one of its extended spans is important to you as an individual only if your personal birth chart has aspects to this Planet. The real influence of Pluto has to do with how your generation uses its power and handles new developments that sprout up through their lives.

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From: MSN Nicknamegoddessbrighid2Sent: 7/4/2007 5:24 AM
Your Power Sign


Because it takes Pluto 248 years to pass through the Zodiac, the last generation of individuals born under Pluto in Pisces lived during the first couple of decades of 1800s, and no one will be born under this transit again until 2043.



Your Power Sign


Because it takes Pluto 248 years to pass through the Zodiac, the last generation of individuals born under Pluto in Aquarius lived during the time of the French Revolution in the late 1700s, and no one will be born under this transit again until 2023.



Your Power Sign


Pluto in Capricorn excels at organization. This placement has watched over such historical events as the United States Declaration of Independence and the invention of the steam engine. The generation born under Pluto in Capricorn will likely be able to pick up after Pluto in Sagittarius' spiritual meanderings and create structure. This generation will be the type to make quilts out of leftover scraps of material and decorations from used wrapping paper. This generation will persevere in an effort to add some order to an unsystematic world. Any anarchy left over from previous generations will sift away to be replaced by a new code of law and order. The Pluto in Capricorn generation will take a strong, hands-on approach to guiding the world into a new era.


Your Power Sign


Because it takes Pluto 248 years to pass through the Zodiac, the last generation of individuals born under Pluto in Aries lived during the 1830s and 1840s, and no one will be born under this transit again until the second half of the 21st century.



Your Power Sign


Because it takes Pluto 248 years to pass through the Zodiac, the last generation of individuals born under Pluto in Taurus lived during the mid 1800s, and no one will be born under this transit again until the 22nd century.



Your Power Sign


The generation born under the placement of Pluto in Sagittarius may work, in a way, to get rid of many of the outdated traditions of generations past. This generation may develop a spiritual bent, but shun the organized religions of their grandparents. Instead, this generation may develop personal systems of belief far removed from anything that came before. Spirituality won't be the only thing this generation explores. Part of developing a higher viewpoint will come through travel into space and investigations under the sea. There will be a lot of educational reform during this time, as well, with a focus on developing the scope and quality of higher education. This generation may very well revolutionize the way we teach and learn. They could take everyone to a place previously unimagined.



Your Power Sign


The telephone was invented while Pluto was in Gemini. The Planet of Change in this outgoing Sign will oversee advancing communication systems and increases in networking capabilities throughout its span. The issues that arise during the time of Pluto in Gemini will be mostly societal. Individuals may use their power of communication to influence those around them. While destructive influences may rise to high levels in society, counter pressures will help bring them down. During this time, pamphleteers and grass roots campaigns can learn to network well enough to be heard even above the voices of high-level political personalities. Pluto in Gemini is a placement of mental activity, and this generation may take a less emotional and more detached view of the world.


Your Power Sign


Those politicians who began the trend of espousing family values as their campaign platform were mostly born while Pluto was in Cancer. Those of this generation may be highly involved in investigating and preserving all things of historical importance. The appearance of family life, however, may take priority over everything else. To the Pluto in Cancer generation, if a family looks okay on the outside, there must not be anything wrong on the inside. It is Pluto's job, however, to bring underground influences to the surface. Many families who focus solely on the upkeep of appearances may ignore the dangers that lurk behind a perfect front. An all-powerful authority figure is important to this generation, but Pluto in Cancer should be careful that they are not overlooking the issues of those with quieter voices.


Your Power Sign


The Pluto in Leo generation does everything they can to reject the values instilled by Pluto in Cancer. This generation gave us the Beats and the Hippies, who were known to shun the formal structures of society and turn up their nose at copious material possessions. This generation is searching for self-awareness on one level, but a feeling of community on the other. Instead of being bundled into family units like other age groups, Pluto in Leo seeks to first figure themselves out on an individual level, then share this knowledge with the world community. Fighting against the conservatism of the past, this generation has an innate sense of playfulness and fun. Pluto in Leo should be wary, however, their exploration into their inner selves may serve to heighten their egotism.



Your Power Sign


The Pluto in Virgo generation is interested in saving the world, and there's no reason why they shouldn't be able to. This group of people, above all, is not afraid to work. In a revolt against the destructively egotistical forces of previous generations, the Pluto in Virgo group may take it upon themselves to start from the ground up and establish a healing process to preserve the Earth for future generations. This generation is neither idealistic nor optimistic. They may feel like their efforts are just a drop in the bucket when it comes to the problems humans face, and they don't expect anyone else to pick up where they left off. This won't stop them, however. They are content with delayed gratification in their own lives and may be happy knowing only that they are doing their best.

Your Power Sign


The focus of Libra is on relationships. Many babies are born when Pluto is in Libra as a result of their parents making efforts to improve and revitalize their relationships. These children grow up watching their parent's relationships either thrive or fail completely. This generation, however, is determined to make all of their partnerships work out. They watch what has worked for previous generations and incorporate it into their own lives, and they see what has failed in the past and try to make working changes. Some of those born while Pluto was in Libra might cast aside the idea of formal marriage in favor of more unconventional approaches to unity. Others, however, may decide that the free-form approach does not work and choose to rely on the more conservative elements that worked for marriage in earlier generations.

Your Power Sign


When Pluto enters its ruling Sign of Scorpio, the blanket of mystery may be pulled back as previously hidden things begin to resurface. Scorpio is the Sign of Sex, so those born with Pluto in Scorpio will be surrounded for much of their lives by a focus on sex and sexuality. Fatalities as a direct result of sexually transmitted diseases skyrocketed during this time, something that the children of this generation are faced with every day. For the first time in history, young people are more concerned about dying as a result of sexual escapades than they are about accidental pregnancy. There is a positive side to the revelations of this generation, however. Activism for human rights reclaimed the ears of the world, and more and more digressions from the 'societal norm' gained acceptance in today's society.