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Astrology Board : How Can Astrology Help Me?
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 1/3/2008 3:51 AM
How Can Astrology Help Me?
A good question to address! 
Astrology, via the birthchart, provides us with a symbolic blueprint of the planetary patterns at a particular time and place.  In other words, at the time of our  birth it provides us with a blueprint of the energy patterns to which the cells of our human being-ness vibrate. 
The planetary patterns are like a mirror, reflecting back for us our own human characteristics, potentials, strengths, weaknesses, abilities, talents, and struggles. 
There is no such thing as a *bad* birthchart.  Nor a *good* one.  There is no birthchart that preordains a specific fate. 
Every birthchart contains the roots of many potential personalities--each planetary pattern can run the infinite continuum between a positive and negative expression of its symbology as well as be expressed on a variety of different levels. 
Each and every one of us has the free will to choose how we will make use of the planetary energies. And, it is tremendously helpful to have an understanding of the dynamics of the planetary patterns in our own birthcharts so we can choose consciously.

So what can astrology do for us?  I'm going to borrow from an insightful astrologer & author I deeply respect, Steven Forrest, because he states this simply.  First, our birthchart  clearly indicates the happiest path for us to walk.  Second, it indicates the tools we have available for walking that path and how best to use them. 

Third, it indicates what our lives will look like if we step off that path. In addition, the birthchart provides the means for discovering our unique life purpose.  And, it is usually that which we ultimately find the most joy in doing, that presents the greatest challenges to overcome.

Astrology is just one of many means to self-discovery.  What I like best is the speed with which that discovery can be made.  Astrology can validate who we already (however unconsciously) know ourselves to be when it might take years to make such discoveries using other means. 

Your birthchart will indicate your unique self and the skills and gifts you have to offer the rest of humanity.  It will point out areas of imbalance and indicate the means to regaining balance.  It can assist you in making satisfying choices in regard to your relationships, work, education, and life goals.  It can help you to gain clarity and perspective when in conflict, confusion, or transition. 

It points out your natural cycles--such as, the most opportune  time for planting seeds, nurturing the seeds to growth, harvesting the 'crop,' or plowing the crop under to prepare for a new cycle. 

Truly, for everything there is a season... So, in addition to assisting you in embracing the whole of yourself, astrology can also help you to prepare for emerging opportunities and to develop appropriate timing.                                                        

Article By Terri McCartney

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: wingnutSent: 2/3/2008 8:45 PM

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 2/8/2008 2:49 PM
thank you for sharing

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamejeffmarzanoSent: 2/9/2008 6:31 PM
The origins of astrology are mysterious I think.  Perhaps it was the Atlanteans who gave us astrology I don't know. 
Interestingly there are twelve signs of the zodiac, twelve being a mystical number and perhaps the number of universes.
The Mayans believed that the position of the earth in relation to the rest of the galaxy is important and indicates times of change and growth.  We are in one of those periods of change now according the Mayans.
Many people today are curious about what is going to happen on the winter solstace in 2012 which is the specific date of 12/21/12.  That's when the Mayan long count ends.
To me there are two basic forces in the universe, good and evil.  Perhaps the position of the various inhabited planets in the universe indicates which of those two forces is more dominant on the planets.
The 12/21/12 date corresponds to a rare astronmical alignment that only happens once every 25,800 years.  On that date the plane of our solar system will become aligned with an energy beam that is emanating from the super massive black hole in the center of the galaxy.  The 'black sun'. 
In that sense we are living in a unique time.  We are quickly approaching the end of the 'Platonic Year'.
Perhaps good will conquer evil on planet Earth on 12/21/12 who knows.
According to archaeoastronomy the various pyramids and monuments at Giza in Egypt as well as the Mayan pyramid of Kukulcan correspond to and predict the movements of various constellations and other astronomical bodies in the heavens over long time frames.
People have figured out that the three pyramids at Giza correspond in relative size and position to the three stars in the belt of Orion as they appeared over Egypt in 10,500 BC.
The sphinx is associated with the constellation of Leo the lion.
In 2004 the North Star, Polaris, became aligned with the entrance to the Great Pyramid.  Supposedly this indicates that a new 'root race', the fifth root race, is beginning.
There appears to be some mystical relationship between our human race and the constellations of Orion and the Pleiades but I don't know what it is.
In a way the stars created us.   Who would doubt that we have a close and deep relationship with them ?
                                                      Jeff Marzano 

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