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Astrology Board : Explanations of the Cosmos
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 1/3/2008 4:56 AM
Explanations of the Cosmos
The explanations of the cosmos that accommodate the type of phenomenon we see below. The grasp of the nature of Grand Unified Field allows one to conceive applications out of an entirely fresh arena of physical laws (the Grand Unified Field) , hitherto relegated to
being dissociated mathematical formulae or "hunches" and "feelings". Our grasp is continually resolved in detail and teachability.
The explanation of charge separation, nuclear rotation, toroid formation (electricity/current/space/time/matter), also the 45-degree tilting of the rotational axis of atomic and celestial bodies with respect to the magnetic axis, the subatomic particles (the items of the substructure which are relationships or events or functions, not actual
"particles"), the quantum substructure of matter itself, as well as the relationships among, magnetism, gravity, mind, and consciousness, also time and space or electricity [matter], and especially the FIVE (not four) basic forces of nature, are to be found at: this (in-house) site (Magnetism and electricity are condensed as "electromagnetism" and this is unfortunate. Lost is the ability to see that the Event Horizon and the zone of "decoupling" are a "membrane" between them, with electricity being a function of a "daughter space" about and generated by a hyperspatial environment which is itself contexted within a "parent space." The "Weak Force" is the arrival of "information" from the daughter space in the parent space. The other three forces are strong - towards the pointal, gravitational - towards the linear, and magnetic - towards the planar; this being toward the parent space
(Father) and being the crossing of the Event Horizon. The eighths of space are "quarks", the "neutral charge gradient" within each of the fractionally charged eighths are neutrinos, these being shaped as the original letters of the Hebrew Alphabet. - these are imaged and
are available by direct request of the webmaster.).
"Learning blocks", i.e., assumptions, prejudices, and reflexive attitudes or mindsets in particular comprise 110% of the obstacles to comprehension and effective engineering. The nature of reality cannot be taught nor can it be learned; but it must be REALIZED. The
operating paradigm actively displaces the truth (it is time-bound, which reality is not - The greatest obstacle is the premising of space as the quality of vacuum, but space is itself created and is NOT what it meant by "vacuum", absolute vacuum in the context of vacuum energy physics, it is absolute but potentiated nothingness that has to be the
starting point for mentation in this field. This refers to "The Prime Mover" or to God Almighty if you will.) The schizoid break stifles realization. Be of one mind, not unnecessarily anxious and perennially shifting one's mental focus. The way one thinks out problems in scalar physics is identical to the manner in which one parses a dream to
determine who is who or what in a dream one is having or has just had; it is the same mental process, one having no purchase in every day dealings which are generally materialistic.
The properties of the several various scales of actuality can be rendered in mockups manufactured in the human scale of size between either end of scale, micro and macro, where there is perceived the "pulsing" of the propulsive devices. (This pulsing is not absolutely
unlike the pulsing one sees with wagon wheel spokes on film, but it is related to the functioning of the "vacuum lattice structure". Fourth Millennium has indeed determined the nature of the quantum substructure of matter; also the qualities of intra-inter-dimensional
Man-made entities that emulate sub-atomic emissions or photons or magnetism or gravity waves or the strong force, can be and are used for transportation. Hugely scaled-up masses of "ersatz" or pseudo atoms can be made and used as extraordinarily powerful and long-lasting (permanent) batteries. Exotic or expensive materials are not necessarily required. Cold fission, cold fusion, and pure "energy" from nothing, several types of it, can be manipulated out of reality by clever but remarkably simple contrivance. You can come to
understand this and more. (Motion (prime movement) itself is the basic form of "free energy.") You will find it declared at this site and its numerous links that magnetism travels at least 12 times the speed of light, a feature important not only for intergalactic travel but visiting other universes. However, the technology to fold space involves no time
at all in the transportation effected between acceleration and deceleration.
There are two highly telling points of consternation among academicians fumbling with The Theory of Everything. One is that no situation or condition or process can violate "the laws of the conservation of energy"; that "the laws of physics break down after one has crossed the Event Horizon and approaches the zero point" ("singularity" or point of maximum density
and perfect symmetry.)
The principal aspect of engineering an inertia-free device involves its creation of a singularity, a conformation of energies which are self sustaining or which the device sustains, and which has a boson capable of windowing vacuum. All working scalar devices effect or imply a zero point. "Vacuum" does NOT mean space with nothing in it. Vacuum is a
"POTENTIATED NOTHINGNESS" out of which space itself is created! The presumption of space itself is an error disabling human physicists' thinking when attempting to grasp the nature
of reality and to become effectual with zero point physics.
The neutrino appears to be the scalar charge gradient itself, which is shaped like a given letter of certain ancient alphabets, depending on the particular quark/lepton/hadron.
 Visit For The Tesla coil;using The Three Counterfluxed North Poles similar to those set up by Dr. Nicolai Tesla around The Eldridge. These makes a vortex or "Tesla Coil" This configuration of "shaped" energy is itself a time funnel/tunnel we have
long since learned to generate far more efficiently. City-sized areas can be assaulted in this fashion for temporal or spatial displacement or "influencing"!
--See on the Philadelphea project.
--See An interesting source for DETAILED discussion and graphics of various systems for intergalactic travel.
--See  for Ancient intertia free technology.
--See ,this will inform one in simplest terms of the techniques for propulsion of inertia-free craft using a fuel aptly named Unobtainium 115, ununpentium 115.
--See for the Simlation of the Flux capacitor Function.
--See for Rory Johnson's Magnetic Motor, The MAGNETRON Motor using ATTRACT-ATTRACT, No electricity is ever involved in a quantum
environment. [The electrical grids are the worst pollutant there is on the planet.]--
--See for the Coler Converter, Another Overunity Motor using ATTRACT-ATTRACT(Involves conversions between magnetic and gravitic fields!
Gravity is compressed magnetism and the strong force is compressed gravity, the more compression, the closer to the heart of the singularity or toward the zero point, referred to as the singularity itself in particular circumstances. ) This device is a MAGNETIC WARP DRIVE for saucers. It has been in existence since the twenties. LEVITATION IS EXTREMELY SIMPLE AND STRAIGHTFORWARD. This site also includes a discussion of the energy source, which uses no exotic metals either and will produce current without consuming itself.
Diagrams are provided.
--See for conversations among scientists discussing the scope of mass mental manipulation using highly developed technologies of scalar physics by various secret societies.
--See about the angelic astral planes.
--See for general metaphysics.
--See on RA's higher wisdom & knowledge.
--See for info on TRANSMUTATION.
--See for Astrophysics on Zero-point.
--See on the time/mind/body problem.
--See on quantum teleportation.
--See for the string theory.
--See for info on the Flux Capacitor.
--See for newtons motor.
--See for a desktop cold fusion generator.
--See for Rife frequency generator.
--See for the Healing wand specs.
--See for Gyroscopic inertial thrusters.
--See for orion Technology.
--See for some up to date NASA idea's.
--See for a magnetic gate.
--See for diagrams, pictures, essays, blueprints.
--See on the time travel organization.

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 5/22/2008 2:56 PM
thank you for sharing

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamejeffmarzanoSent: 5/25/2008 11:17 PM
This is an interesting subject as far as what is the nature of space itself.
Some believe physics took a wrong turning around the time of Einstein when they disregarded the properties of what Plato and the ancients called 'the ether'.
Conventional physics says space is a vacuum.  However Tesla believed that space has properties that can be manipulated to create tremendous amounts of energy.
There was a very interesting episode of the tv show 'Modern Marvels' on recently called 'Mad Electricity'.
Thomas Edison stole many of Tesla's ideas and never paid Tesla what they agreed to.  In the process Edison had an elephant electrocuted to show how Tesla's A/C process of generating electricity was dangerous.  The electric chair also used A/C which was part of the smear campaign.  Edison wanted people to use his much inferior D/C system.  However Tesla won that war.
They showed an experiment where a wine glass was struck and the sound it made was recorded.  Then they played the recording and directed the sound back at the wine glass.  As they increased the volume the wine glass begin to shake and then vibrate as if it was made of water.  Finally it shattered.
Back years ago a bridge was constructed and when the wind blew through the bridge it produced a sound which was equivalent to the frequency that the bridge vibrated it.  As the wind blew the bridge began to shake and it started to look just like the wine glass.  Finally the bridge collapsed. 
Somebody sent me a link to this story:
From: imanoone2u

I believe this is the bridge you spoke about Jeff
Supposedly Tesla had a device that was the size of an alarm clock that he could place on a bridge, a building, or even on the earth itself and cause those things to start oscillating and eventually just disintegrate over a period of hours or perhaps days, weeks, or months for the entire earth.
Some also believe Teslas was capable of causing the earth to move closer to the sun.
There's a conspiracy that the government is well aware of the awesome power of this ether physics but they don't want it taught in the universities because it is too dangerous.
I have a book about the HAARP radar array up in Alaska.  Some believe HAARP could do the same thing as Tesla's device and cause the earth to capsize.
I wonder if it was ever even necessary for our world to start burning oil and coal to generate electricity.  Perhaps if Edison hadn't sabatoged Tesla's ideas the process used to generate electricity would have gone down a completely different path and saved the world from global warming.
They showed on Modern Marvels how Tesla created a very large Tesla Coil tower out in Colorado.  His goal was to transmit electricity without wires.  This is reminiscent of the statements in the Edgar Cayce material about how the Atlanteans sent energy from the power crystal to their various flying machines and submarines.
When Marconi sent radio waves through space J.P. Morgan thought Tesla was washed up and he pulled the funding.  This was a premature decision probably and changed the future.
Tesla's conclusion was that our world wasn't ready for his invention yet.
Interestingly people are now looking at Tesla's ideas again and trying to resurrect some of them.
Some believe the secret to unlocking the awesome power of the ether is hidden somewhere in Plato's geometry and neo Platonism.  The 'Platonic Solids' which Plato believed are the basic foundations of all matter.
The book 'UFO Contact From Planet Iarga' states that only God can ever know what the material that surrounds the galaxies is made of.
                                                                    Jeff Marzano
Sacred Geometry Crystal Kit / Crystal Platonic Solids Set available at Equinox Books & Gifts, a mind body spirit and new age gift store featuring new age books, aromatherapy candles, tibetan singing bowls, flower essences, gemstone jewelry, pendulums, blank journals, tarot bags, tarot cards and echimes

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 5/27/2008 5:18 PM
thank you Jeff for that insight I picked up some new insight

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