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Astrology Board : Learn about Astrology
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 1/3/2008 5:38 AM
Learn about Astrology

When most people are asked about astrology they refer to their Sun sign. The reason for this is because the general public, for the most part, is exposed to weekly horoscopes in the newspaper that list the twelve zodiac signs with corresponding dates of birth.

There is much more to the science of astrology. The lessons in astrology are infinite, because planets, houses, and aspects are still being defined, studied, identified and then re-studied. On my web site, I will try to give informative insights into astrology that will help both the student of astrology and the individual wishing to understand themselves a little bit better.

Sun, Moon and Rising Signs;

The Sun, Moon and Ascendent are all very important to understanding your astrological makeup. Your Sun Sign represents the main expression of who you are as an individual. This is who you came into this life to be. It reveals your inner energy which controls everything you do.

It is the power of your life, or your willpower. Your path is to practice, learn and become the higher qualities represented by your Sun sign. How you use the energy of your Sun sign will determine your destiny in this lifetime. Your Moon Sign can be found by knowing your birth date and the place of birth, town or city. Sometimes, if the moon was traveling from one sign to another on the day your were born, you will then need to know your time of birth to determine your moon sign.

Your Moon sign represents your feelings and emotions. It's your subconscious self and conditioned patterns of expression that you inherited from past lives. It is also an expression of your self-image. It's about your need for security and sense of belonging. This translates into your domestic life and relationships with family members.

Your Ascendent or Rising Sign can only be determined by knowing your date of birth, place of birth and your time of birth. Being off by as little as five minutes could effect your Rising Sign as well as other areas of your birth chart. Your Rising Sign represents your personality. If you take everything inside you, your potential, waiting to come out and live in the external world, your Rising Sign is what you will need to get your there.

It is your true identity, without anything in the way. It is the window through which you view the future and expectations for your life. There has been debate over whether the Rising sign is more significant then one's Sun sign. Nonetheless, whether you are trying to find out more about yourself through your natal chart or just reading your weekly horoscope, by paying attention to your Sun, Moon and Rising signs you will receive a more complete picture of yourself.

The Four Elements in the Twelve Zodiac Signs;

The four astrological elements, fire, earth, air and water, represent a type of energy that defines one's temperament. The twelve signs are divided into these four elements by what are called triplicities. In other words, for every element there are three signs that correspond to that element.

When studying your Sun, Rising and Ascendent signs it is best to find signs representing different elements, which creates a more well-rounded persona. If your chart is heavy in one element, those qualities will be strong for you. Likewise, if your chart is low or deficient in a certain element, the qualities of that element will be difficult for you to identify with and express. Ideally, when partnering with another in work or family, one should look for elements that compliment their chart.

For example, if you are very strong in the fixed signs, but low in mutable signs you should have more people in your life who perhaps have less fixed signs, but definitely more mutable signs in their chart.

Fire Triplicity: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

The fire signs express warmth, enthusiasm, a vital spirit, strength, and honesty. Fire signs can also be impulsive, rash, and easily excited. They like to be in roles of leadership. They exhibit qualities of aggressiveness, creativity, and freedom of expression.

Earth Triplicity: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

The earth signs express patience, dependability, practicality, skill with the material world and financial matters, and persistence. Earth signs are known for their ability to worry, a nervous temperament, and cautiousness. They are good at structure and organizing business affairs. Other qualities include artistic abilities, good imagination, and self-discipline.

Air Triplicity: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

The air signs express geniality, being neighborly, objectivity, rationalization, communication, and curiosity. They like to remain detached in order to gain a better perspective and their focus is on the intellectual aspects of life. Therefore, they normally have great mental abilities and concentration.

Water Triplicity: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

The water signs are emotional and contemplative. They express sensitivity, compassion, empathy, and the need to share feelings. They can be very secretive and have a great need for privacy. Their intuition is very strong and can lend itself to psychic abilities. People of these signs have the ability to connect with their Higher Self and understand their soul's mission in life.

The Three Quadruplicities;

The twelve zodiac signs are also divided into groupings of four, into three different modalities, cardinal, fixed, and mutable. These modalities are associated with how one adapts to situations in life. They determine how flexible one is and how one tackles different circumstances.

Cardinal Signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn

The cardinal signs are versatile, enjoy lots of activity, and take initiative. They can adjust to any given situation and accept change readily.

People with cardinal signs in their chart have a good eye for sorting out a situation and then deciding what action needs to be taken. They'll be the first to organize something new. They need to be careful of wanting to put their hands in all the pies and sometimes taking action without thinking first of the ramifications.

Fixed Signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius

The fixed signs are persistent and determined. They are very centered and high levels of concentration. They need to be careful not to be too set in their ways as to not see new possibilities.

It is difficult to change their opinions and adapt to new situations. People born under these signs have the great ability to persevere over long period of time. Their stamina is matched by no other. They are reliable and capable of sustained effort and steadfastness.

Mutable Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces

The mutable signs are very adaptable and willing to undergo change. They can at times appear unstable, since they are so easily molded to new situations.

What others may not understand about them is that they have the gift of handling various situations with great intellectual ability. They are flexible and can come in real handy during times of crises or disaster.

They are more concerned with the past then the present of the future. This quality can be detrimental if they stay with past mistakes and negative memories. It can be useful if they use lessons from the past and apply their gifts and talents learned from previous experiences. 

Copyright © 2001 - 2002 Boadachia.

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From: wingnutSent: 2/3/2008 9:16 PM

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From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 2/8/2008 2:39 PM
thank you for sharing