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Astrology Board : Pet Astrology
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 1/3/2008 9:23 PM
 Pets Astrology

Find out how your Cat, Dog or Animals correlates with Astrological Signs!

 21 March�?20 April: Aries

 These pets tend to be bold, adventurous and very active. When bored they may look for things to do to keep them busy, like toys and games such as tug-of-war. These animals are basically what they appear to be. Having little fear they will fight till the end and protect those they care for. They do not stay angry for long and love to win at competition. These pets can make champion show animals, but may want to be the boss. Establish your seniority early or you will forever be contending with your pet....

21 April �?21 May: Taurus

 These pets have a very easygoing nature and will sit for hours with you. In fact, they won’t move until they are ready, and will follow orders at a slow pace. They stand their ground when threatened or pushed past their limits. They like the finer things in life and can be quite possessive, wanting to control everything. They won’t give up something they have decided belongs to them, including their person, who they will protect as their own. Generally they are obedient animals.....

22 May �?21 June: Gemini

These pets are intelligent, entertaining, and quick to learn. Don’t expect a quiet moment with these animals, as they are generally chatty, and when not talking tend to rip around the house just for fun. They are independent creatures that will come to you for affection on their own time..

22 June �?23 July: Cancer

 These pets are very sensitive, thinking they are one of the kids. They love their family and homes and will protect them exceedingly well. When not acting the baby, these animals will act as parents to the children, or in the absence of kids they will cuddle any soft item they can find. They lack independence and will follow wherever you go though they tend to be homebodies....

24 July �?23 August: Leo

These outgoing pets love attention and admiration, and expect to be treated as royalty demanding only the very best. They can be stubborn. So long as they are the "king" they are very good with other pets and people, not allowing anyone to be left out. Their preferences are to look at their own mirror image, or to be perched high on the top of a couch, desk or other such object....

24 August �?23 September: Virgo

 Obsessively clean and fussy, these pets don’t like their schedule to be upset. Since they like routines they take very well to training and like to work. They don’t like to impose on others, and are not very brave so they will let other pets be the alpha animal...

24 September �?23 October: Libra

 These pets are generally the prettiest and most charming or persuasive of animals, though they can be very lazy and indecisive. Though easy going, they are quick to change their minds so patience is needed with these guys. They do not like to be smothered with attention.....

24 October �?22 November: Scorpio

 Very loyal animals, these pets expect the same loyalty in return. They do well in calm households, as they tend to be intense animals thinking everything is of the utmost importance. They do not like to be forced to do things and can be stubborn, even sneaky. They may hide their toys or your belongings should you happen to upset them....

23 November �?21 December: Sagittarius

Though they like socializing, these pets are very independent and enjoy their freedom. They are active and intelligent, loving to play games and amuse you. When it comes to work though, they can be very lazy. They like to lead, and teach, and will only take your attention when they want it....

22 December �?20 January: Capricorn

 These pets are hard working and stubborn. They like their routine and don’t do well when it is disturbed. They also may look old before their time...

21 January �?19 February: Aquarius

 These animals don’t care for routine and will change their behavior at the drop of a hat. They tend to do very strange things and might be thought a bit crazy. They will bring home friends as they love everyone and everything, but they don’t like to be restricted or given too much attention. When bored they will create trouble, and can be very verbal in telling you what they want....

20 February �?20 March: Pisces

 These intuitive animals are sensitive to when you are happy or upset, and tend to react to these moods. They are the kindest and most caring of pets, though they tend to be in their own little world, not always aware of their surroundings. Easily excited, they don’t deal well with stress, but enjoy quiet music....

~Thanks To NyghtOwl On This Find~

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: wingnutSent: 1/4/2008 10:42 PM

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 5/20/2008 2:04 PM
thank you for sharing