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Atlantis: The quest for power[email protected] 
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Atlantis Info : How do we know about Atlantis?
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 9/9/2008 6:53 PM

How do we know about Atlantis?

Timaeus and Critias, two of Plato's dialogues, are the only existing written records which specifically refer to Atlantis. 

The dialogues are conversations between Socrates, Hermocrates, Timaeus, and Critias. Apparently in response to a prior talk by Socrates about ideal societies, Timaeus and Critias agree to entertain Socrates with a tale that is "not a fiction but a true story."

The story is about the conflict between the ancient Athenians and the Atlantians 9000 years before Plato's time. 

Knowledge of the distant past apparently forgotten to the Athenians of Plato's day, the story of Atlantis was conveyed to Solon by Egyptian priests. Solon passed the tale to Dropides, the great-grandfather of Critias. Critias learned of it from his grandfather also named Critias, son of Dropides.

Cast of Characters

All of the men, except for Timaeus, who take part in or are mentioned in Timaeus and Critias are known to have actually existed in ancient Greece. Records of their lives and deeds have been recorded in other writings from the time period.

Note: There are 2 people named Critias related to the story of Atlantis and this can lead to some confusion. There is the Critias who actually takes part in the dialogues. He is the one who tells the story of Atlantis to Socrates. Then there is Critias who was the grandfather of the Critias of the dialogues. This elder Critias told the story of Atlantis to his grandson, Critias, who then conveyed the story to Socrates in the dialogues.

Those who actually take part in the dialogues:

Timaeus - there is no historical record of him.
Critias - Plato's great grandfather.
Socrates - Plato's mentor and teacher. He was condemned to death by authorities in Athens for "corrupting the moral of Athenian youth"; He lived from 469 to 399 BC.
Hermocrates - statesman and soldier from Syracuse.

Those mentioned in the dialogues:

Solon - Athenian traveler, poet, and lawgiver who lived from approximately 638-559 BC. According to Plato it was he who learned of the story of Atlantis from an Egyptian priest.
Dropides - Critias' great grandfather who was told the story of Atlantis by Solon, a distant relative and close friend.
Critias - Son of Dropides and grandfather of the Critias who takes part in the dialogues. It was he who related the story of Atlantis to the Critias of the dialogues.

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamejeffmarzanoSent: 9/11/2008 4:12 PM
I recently read two books written by people who claim to have lived in Egypt thousands of years ago and who can remember those past life experiences.
Erlyne Chaney gave the time frame of her Egyptian past life as around 3,000 BC.  I don't recall if Elizabeth Haich gave an exact date.
Erlyne's parents told her that the Great Pyramid was very ancient even at that time and as far as anyone knew it was constructed 7,000 years earlier.  That puts the construction at around 10,000 BC which is more or less consistent with Plato's account for the time of the final destruction of Atlantis.
Erlyne tells what happened during her various initiation experiences into higher and higher levels.  In the last level they clipped the bottom of her tongue which allows the tongue to move around inside the mouth and throat.  This somehow allows the person to go into a deeper state of trance or something.  This would be a very dangerous thing for people to do without understanding something.
During that final initiation the godess Isis appeared inside the pyramid as well as Osiris and Thoth.
Like Elizabeth Haich Erlyne's father told her that the black magicians had infiltrated the temple on Atlantis and perverted the mysteries.  They accidentally started a chain reaction that released 'laser, atomic, nuclear, and cosmic' forces. 
The Atlantean priests knew this was going to happen so they took some of their 'Arks', ankhs, and secrets to Egypt and other places.  There they became 'gods from the sea' for those native people.
Plato and Plotinus, like Moses, were supposedly also initiated into the Egyptian mysteries.  Those philosophers recognized Egypt as a source of great wisdom and mystery.  Plato would later create his academy to help others understand these mysteries. 
So we see there are many things that Plato left unsaid due to the vows of secrecy he had taken.  To reveal those great secrets to the profane and ignorant could put the entire world in jeapordy by allowing them to cause another Atlantean type disaster.
Finally at the end of the book Erlyne reveals what many will find hard to believe.  The Egyptian godess Isis and the virgin Mary of the Catholic Church are one and the same person.  A godess. 
Edgar Cayce stated that Mary was also Eve who was created by dividing the soul of Adam (Christ) as is indicated in the bible.  So Eve is a twin soul of God.
Since Isis, Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, and some others are siblings according to mythology perhaps they were also created in the same way. 
Erlyne indicated that Osiris and Isis came to earth on space ships from the star Sirius.  It was those space gods that constructed the Great Pyramid.  One of the names for Isis means 'she who came from the stars' or something like that. 
Also the pyramid has a twin that exists in another dimension and is made of living light. 
Since the Great Pyramid represents the human body perhaps that light pyramid represents the spirit body. 
Christopher Dunn has discovered that the Great Pyramid generated a very powerful maser beam that was shot into outer space.  Perhaps that beam is like the 'silver cord' that connects the physical body with the astral body and the target for the beam is that twin pyramid.
                                     Jeff Marzano

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 9/22/2008 11:29 PM
thank you for sharing