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Atlantis: The quest for power[email protected] 
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Atlantis Info : Atlantis- Myths and Religion
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 9/9/2008 8:04 PM
Atlantis- Myths and Religion

Atlantis is the ultimate source of all mythologies and all religions. Indeed, the essence of the ancient Mystery Religions �?from which Christianity sprung �?centered on the theme of Atlantis and its demise in the cataclysm we call the Flood.

The eschatology �?that is, the doctrine of final things such as Doom and the Resurrection of the Dead �?of Millenarian Religions such as Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism all issue rather directly from the myths of Atlantis and its terrible fate.

So do traditions such as the Grail Cycle and the myth of the Wandering Hero in search of Paradise. Indeed, Atlantis is no other than the Primordial Paradise, which was the source from where the gods and angels brought the Gospels and the seeds of knowledge in the dawn of times.

In this section we review certain themes like the Atlantean origin of myths, symbols and rites such as the Mysteries and the Christian Sacraments which we commemorate more or less apishly, in total ignorance of their essential connection with Atlantean events.

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamejeffmarzanoSent: 9/11/2008 4:52 PM
It is in fact true that there are very deep and powerful relationships between mythology and Christianity.
The priesthood in ancient Egypt was called the 'Melchizedeks'.   According to the bible Abraham met Melchizedek.  Melchizedek 'had no beginning and no end'.
The Edgar Cayce material states that Melchizedek was an appearance of the Christ spirit.
There are other similarities between ancient Egyptian mysticism and Christianity.
I believe now that Jesus Christ was in India and Egypt during all of those 'missing years' that aren't recorded in the bible.  Cayce confirms this also.
Christ was also initiated into those ancient mysteries. 
Cayce said the Egyptian god Thoth was a living form of 'the word'.  Perhaps this means Thoth is Christ I'm not sure.
Moses was raised as an Egyptian and was also initiated into that secret priesthood.
So we see that the bible mainly provides a perspective of a certain time frame and the experiences of a specific group of people.  But there were many important and relevevant things that happened before that time.
Many people who are experts in the bible don't understand these relationships.  This gives them a narrow and myopic understanding of philosophy.
                                           Jeff Marzano