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Aztec/Mayan/Inca : Quetzalcoatl
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 9/10/2008 9:50 PM



Awakens Human Light Centers and

Attunes To Galactic Center

  My Relations, I am that one which has walked these lands before.  I am here again this day and shall abide with you of Turtle Island forevermore.              

 I am Quetzalcoatl 

  I bear with me the Sacred Law.  This Sacred Law is written within the very Light Centers of my self.  Let it be known unto all the human relations that they too shall rise in the Ascension Flames and take up their wings and live as Sacred Fire again.

  Now, it has been spoken of these Light Centers known as the Inner Flames of the Rainbow, or the Chakras.  It has also been spoken concerning some glandular potentials of the human form.  It has even been suggested that the human spine, each vertebra, is a Center of Light Access and Potential.

 I am here from the Sacred Brotherhoods to tell you that Within your human body there are one hundred and forty four thousand (144,000) light focuses.  Each of these Light Focuses is a mirror of one of the one hundred and forty four thousand (144,000) Ascended Masters that serve in the Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods of Light!  

  For, you see, O people of the human race, you are connected to Us.  I come to speak of something even deeper within your being.  The nature of the atom.  Each atom is a Light Center.  As atoms come together in “molecules,�?you have light complexes of Divine Purpose that generate and guide the functioning of your bodies.  The functioning of these molecules has to do with these one hundred and forty four thousand (144,000) Light Centers. 

  The Creator wishes for me to introduce a few of the focuses which direct the flow of many others.

  Let it be known that your palms have powerful Light potential.  Should you lay your hands on another and connect with the Heart of Universe, that which you pray, that which you think, will be! 

  Let it be known that fingers are indeed channels of Divine Rays.  The colors and energies are yours to choose. 

  Let it be known that foot chakras, connect you directly to the Mother.  Through your willing participation, your feet will resonate with Her Heartbeat and will float upon the air.  

   Let it be known that each toe is capable of holding the symmetries of our Mother’s Love.  Choose the aspects of mercy, virtue, peace, strength and compassion.  As energies flow forth through these toes, you will find that your walk upon Mother will be a very light and joyful one. 

  Let it be known the knees represent your chosen support.  Therefore, if they resonate with the energies of the Holy Mother and Her Daughters of the Shield, you will have more support than you can imagine!

  Let it be known that the Sacrum is a mighty reservoir of Sacred Knowledge.  Should you choose to focus purity, wisdom and creative flow through this Light Center, know your whole being will evolve into Spiritual Body.

  Let it be known that should you focus through that vertebra behind the throat that protrudes a little bit, known as that Still Point, Clarity, Surrender, and Truth, that the bonds of confusion and darkness that have held you will break free.  Then, your soul will rise to join your Spirit in the Ascended Realms.

  Let it be known that the wrists, when allowed to channel energies of flexibility and forgiveness, does lift the burdens of life from you radiates peace and tranquillity to those around. 

  Let it be known that elbow centers, when focused in the Light of Joy and expression, will allow your body to teach the Mysteries in its care.  Through movement, you will discover the inner secrets of the atom and how they dance together in Molecule. 

  Let it be known that the medulla point, which is the bump at the back of the head, when focused in respect for the Grandmothers and in the Vibrations of Peace, of Purity, and of Giveaway, does open that Well of Dreams and allows Soul Wisdom to emerge within your memory.  

  These are a few of those one hundred and forty four thousand (144,000) Points of Light.  These are Power Centers similar to the Chakras and the Gates of the Glands.

  Know that through the use of this Universal Law of Life the Spirit of Creator will descend and open these Centers should you so request with pure intent and willingness to serve. 

  Know that these Chakras, when coupled with the Rainbow Chakras and the Gates of the Glands, do create Symmetries in your life which are necessary to connect you directly to the Galactic Center.

  These are the Points of Light which mark and illumine your Sacred Dance of Life.  They are the Wisdom Keepers of that synchronicity you call the Universal Dance of Cosmic Harmony. 

  I, Father of Sacred Law, understand that this may be difficult for you to understand.  Many peoples have yet to Open their Hearts. All of these points of light mentioned and the one hundred and forty four thousand (144,000) are anchored and nurtured and directed through the Sacred Heart.

  Therefore, first and foremost, know thine own Heart.

  For the Heart is the lifeline and the teacher from Galactic Center.  

  Galactic Center is that place were your Spirit dances with all of the Spirits of the Universe. 

  Therefore, through your Heart, allow your body to be guided in this Eternal Dance, that “so above, so below". Creator wishes each human being to awaken to the Eternal Dance of Life and demonstrate this Beauty here upon Mother Earth.  Let it be known that by “dance�? we mean all the actions and movement of Spirit within your Lifestream.

  Know that when you dance the Sacred Dance of your own self-expression in the realms of Mother Earth, that you do “ground in�?Celestial Energies to assist all your Relations here.

  Align yourself with the Sacred Plan of Creator.  It is this Dance of Life, which is the giving away of one to another.   It is the joy of the ever-changing and shifting realities of our Creator’s Heart.

I am Quetzalcoatl,

come to you to teach some of the Light Ways:

that you may once again Dance with the Stars,

that, you once again may walk in the Ethers of True Being.

When you choose to experiment with these Light Centers,

call upon Father of Sacred Law and know that I,

and the Ascending Winged Serpents of Pure Love,

will bring the Fire of Creator’s Heart unto you.

Awakening those Centers of Light within you

and align you with your own Cosmic Dance!

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