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Chart Info. : The Ascendant or Rising Sign
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 1/3/2008 10:30 PM
The Ascendant or Rising Sign

The Sign rising over the horizon at the time of your birth is called the Ascendant, or Rising Sign. This, the first house of the horoscope, changes approximately every two hours. Even twins born as little as five minutes apart could have different ascendants, which would make a real difference in their horoscopes and so in their personalities.

The Rising Sign governs your outer personality and physical attributes. It represents your self-image and, to a considerable extent, how others see you. It also affects your health issues and the type of illnesses you may experience.

The Rising Sign rules the first house, so its ruling planet is usually designated the ruler of the horoscope. Unless poorly aspected or otherwise weak in comparison with other important planets, such as the planet ruling your Sun Sign (the Sun-ruler), this ruling planet is the most important one in your chart. 


 Aries Rising

Aries rising is both positive and dynamic. It endows you with a go-getting, achievement-oriented personality, for you like to be in charge and want to make a big impression under all circumstances. Dedicated to satisfying personal ambitions and pursuing your own ends with complete disregard for the feelings of others doesn't necessarily mean you are always selfish, my dear, but in your haste and eagerness to reach that goal or accomplish that oh so important purpose, it is so easy for you to forget other people's needs, or that what you do may react adversely on others. A powerful inner drive and a strong need for accomplishment, combined with your indomitable Aries courage, urges you to go for things others might think are too risky, too foolish, or just too much work.
Enthusiastic Aries has loads of energy. Once inspired, you rarely hesitate to act and you usually get where you want to go. But be warned! Your lively enthusiasm can get out of hand; you tend to overestimate your own abilities, or the influence you have. In general you maintain an informal approach to life, with easy, open mannerisms and an attitude of "take me as I am". Confronting situations openly and with force need not necessarily brand you as unduly aggressive, for you can be quiet and hard-working, sublimating your energy inconspicuously in low-key activities. However your innate restlessness makes it difficult for you to develop an extended concentration span, control your untidiness, or get truly focused and organised.

Ruled by Mars, the fiery warrior, many Arians have reddish hair, ruddy complexions, or a distinctive birthmark on their heads or faces. The Aries mouth has a characteristic down-turn, often associated with a longish face. Being your own boss makes life easier, but you can work in a regular job as long as you don't find the work objectionable and are treated fairly by supervisors. You can be easy-going about many things, but any attempt to ram authority down your throat gets your hackles rising. No doubt the sincerity of your passions makes up to some degree for the rashness of your actions.

You have mechanical abilities or cleverness in one form or another. Fevers, eye strain, accidental injury to the head, skin rashes, overwork, migraine headaches, and insect bites are your most likely physical complaints. Your extremism leads to mental and emotional instability in some situations and you get distinctly stressed out by being thwarted in the pursuit of your goals.  


Taurus, the Bull Taurus Rising

Taurus Rising gives you a stubborn streak, combined with a sturdy physique and tremendous physical stamina. Tenacious in getting what you want, your great patience can be the very key to your success. You need, however, to overcome a tendency to procrastinate and a certain difficulty with undesirable habits and behavioural patterns.

Ruled by Venus, planet of sensuality and beauty, you are considered physically attractive. Appreciative as you are, my dears, of good food and fine wines, you may yet avoid an expanding waistline... physical fitness and staying in shape having such a high priority with you. Since you enjoy presenting yourself in the best light, you simply delight in cosmetics and other beauty aids and, no slave to fashion, you select clothes that either show off your best points or are extremely comfortable. Physical comfort is paramount and you do so love the feeling of soft, luxurious materials. Sociable, yet unobtrusive, you enjoy social occasions, especially in the company of friends, even though you can be rather rude and obnoxious when the mood takes you. This is no doubt due to your innate shyness. Some of you need to overcome a fixation with personal appearance and learn to grow old gracefully. On bad days you can be despicably lazy and take little or no interest in your physical appearance or manner of dress.

Taurus has materialistic, status-seeking tendencies. You take pains to hide it, but you can be unduly influenced by the powerful or wealthy. Although your practicality is often self-serving, you are pragmatic and can usually be relied upon for constructive suggestions that help others as much as yourself.

The finer things in life must include art and music, for you are innately talented, with a pleasant, resonant voice. Beware of infections and injuries to your neck and throat and you are subject to earaches and infections.


Gemini Gemini Rising

Gemini Rising gives you an adaptable personality and, in general, a wiry, flexible physique. Your airy adaptability to changing circumstances and different people is often so pronounced that your personality and even physical appearance can seem startlingly diverse to different people, and from one time to another. You say what you instinctively know others want to hear. This adaptability can extend to conscious or subconscious imitations of personality traits or the physical appearance of those you admire.

Gemini gives an intellectual orientation, or filter to your life. To others you may often appear interested, but somehow emotionally detached. Physical contacts and mannerisms are quick and restless, and sometimes those rapid movements of yours make it seem as though your mind and body are not connected. You are comfortable doing several things at once, while at the same time appearing not to be paying particular attention to any of them.

Marriage can be difficult for you. For instance, you can be too ready and able to entertain yourself, while your need for more personal freedom can undermine the relationship. In any case you are subject to dual attractions and see no real reason for fidelity, nor indeed do you really expect it from others. Marriage partners, however, may require more passion and personal attention and less independence and intellectual analysis.

Being ruled by Mercury, the mischievous planet of communication, makes you fond of communicating and extremely talkative. Even those with quieter natures are apt to have a great deal of intellectual curiosity. You can absorb a variety of information on all manner of subjects, which you are quite happy to share with anyone willing to listen. You give the impression of mental alertness and understanding, my dear, even though you may not be paying attention or actually know anything about the subject at hand. How deep your real intelligence goes is not determined solely by the Gemini Ascendant. Possessing a wide spectrum of orientations and abilities, you could be an excellent teacher, writer, scholar or researcher, although the flip-side of this is an inclination towards imitation, plagiarism or even being a con artist.

Manually dexterous, you are not just clever with your hands but have significant artistic and design skills. Lungs and hands are the physically vulnerable areas, while respiratory illnesses and injuries to hands and fingers are common.


Cancer Cancer Rising

Cancer Rising makes you ambitious and dedicated, but deceptively vulnerable. You are cautious and not inclined to make the first move until you are sure of your ground. Unfortunately, you seem to attract unsuitable partners and may even be subject to a somewhat traumatic marriage. Your tendency is to marry late in life, and to seek older or more mature partners, or those who represent an authority figure.

You view everything through an emotional glaze, my dears and though you try to hide your vulnerability behind a tough front, this does not fool anyone for long. Be that as it may, you do not usually allow emotional vulnerability to interfere with your ambitions and you have considerable personal magnetism. That emotional commitment makes you work twice as hard as anyone else and generally leads to success. You love to spend time at home and could be successful in any home-based enterprise.

Ruled by the silvery moon, you have a changeable personality, although you can be quite caring and sympathetic when your nurturing instincts are stimulated. You like to be "mothered" and may be guided in life by a strong person (usually female). Consciously or subconsciously you respond to the influence of others, even adopting the latest fashions or modes of behaviour whether or not they really suit you or express your deeper character. A tendency to undertake those activities, or studies which appear to improve social standing should be carefully watched, especially when these activities are not actually enjoyable in themselves, nor in keeping with your real inclinations. You are instinctively good with the public and have an affinity with children.

You are a natural cook, and possess strong design or architectural ability, or at least take great interest in them. Roundness of face, pale, sensitive skin, and baldness or finely textured hair are characteristics of Cancer Rising. The old bod has a strong tendency to retain water, and your emotional orientation (water=emotion) reveals an addictive nature. You seem to attract excess weight - and addictive substances. You can even be addicted to people. Breasts, stomach, and digestive system are vulnerable areas.


Leo, the Lion Leo Rising

Leo Rising gives you a strong physique and lots of physical stamina. You can be very stubborn and find it extremely difficult to break undesirable habits and behaviour patterns. However, this same tenacity and stamina can also be a wonderful asset. When you get involved in something, you hang on long after everyone else runs out of steam, and you inspire others with your devotion to ideals and principles.

Leo has loads of energy and enthusiasm, so, once motivated, you seldom hesitate to act. In spite of all this energy and enthusiasm, the Big Cat can be downright lazy at times. A natural enthusiasm inclines to overabundance and the tendency to overestimate everything. When buying various personal items, for example, you usually acquire far more than you need. Though often rash and hasty, your passions are sincere.

Leo is ruled by the sun, lord of willpower and egotistical drives. Your conscious or subconscious need to dominate means you want the last word in everything, and may come to believe your opinion is the only one worth considering. The negative potential for Leo Ascendant comes out in those whose ego-driven personalities turn them into manipulative, power-oriented demagogues. Though generally outgoing, you are not necessarily aggressive or loudly gregarious. Your personality will be greatly influenced by the nature and strength of your willpower and ego involvement (that is, the placement of your sun and whether it is strengthened by sign and aspect). If the willpower and ego are not strong, then neither is the personality apt to be assertive.

No matter how the rest of the world may see you, it is meaningless compared to how you see yourself. Intense self-absorption makes it hard to accept guidance from others, and you may feel taking or asking for advice is a sign of weakness. You most enjoy associating with those who allow you to shine. Your flamboyant generosity and warm, friendly approach wins many friends, as well as arousing the envy of those with less popular personalities. Life with you is anything but routine.

Your natural creativity gives special talent or ability in art, music, or the entertainment and communication industries. Overwork, anxiety, heart problems, lower back pains, and ailments connected with overindulgence are the most likely physical complaints.

Virgo, the Virgin Virgo Rising

Virgo Rising has the ability to adapt to changing circumstances and different people. Your willingness to adapt however, is invariably accompanied by a word or two of complaint. Nowhere is the critical facility associated with Virgo more observable than when this sign rules the Ascendant.

Always seeking perfection, you find it difficult to accept situations or people as they are. You must learn to be more sensitive, my dear, and restrict your passion for constantly finding fault, for even well-meaning criticism can be hurtful and badly received. Practicality and conservatism feature strongly in your personality. While you do not favour flamboyant displays of affection and can even present an excessively puritanical facade in public, you can nevertheless be quite sensual and sexually-oriented in private.

You can be totally organized and attentive to details in some areas, while at the same time be appallingly disorganized and sloppy in other areas. How confusing. How contrary! You are health conscious to the point of obsession and should your natal sun or moon be in one of the Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces) or in Capricorn (which tends toward excessive worry), this concern with health can develop into severe hypochondria.

Ruled by Mercury, the messenger of the gods, you are extremely talkative and prone to gossip. Endlessly curious about everything that goes on in your immediate environment, at times you seem to be everywhere at once. Ideas and projects to take up every waking moment. The knack for collecting and communicating your ideas and information effortlessly attracts information and news from everyone else as well. You readily absorb stores of information which you are happy to share with anyone who takes the time to listen.

Virgo rising gives a talent for communication and attention to detail that makes super salesmen, efficient negotiators, and eager travellers. You like to keep busy and useful. You are nosy, so you would make a great researcher or journalist. Sitting around doing nothing makes you nervous and irritable, but you enjoy collecting such things as recipes, postage stamps, or medical remedies. Respiratory illnesses, nervousness, and allergies are apt to be common physical complaints.
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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2USent: 1/3/2008 10:35 PM
Libra Rising
Libra Rising gives you an energetic, success-oriented personality, so you are dedicated to putting your best foot forward. You are charming and unfailingly polite, although others may sometimes fail to recognise your sincerity. Insensitive types do not realise that you genuinely feel most comfortable and are able to function successfully in a more harmonious environment, rather than hiding behind false manners and charming smiles.

Libra Rising implies a distinct mental orientation. Expressions and mannerisms can give a scholarly appearance, even if you are not particularly learned. You are indeed fond of books, music, or art and though you may seem emotionally detached, your disposition is friendly and eagerly cooperative. However, should something in your physical or mental environment be off balance, you can become cross, demanding, or even tyrannical, until you manage to restore your personal equilibrium.

Libra is ruled by Venus, planet of sensuality and beauty, so you are fortunate enough to be physically attractive. Even if you are not thought of as being physically beautiful, that charming personality will enhance your actual appearance. You are fond of personal luxuries, physical comfort, dressing well, and enhancing your appearance with cosmetics and other beauty aids.

Venus is the planet of romance and sociability, so you are romantic, charming, and gracious. You may have a strong spirit of co-operation and diplomacy, but not necessarily the Libran ability for strategic planning and organization. The negative potential of a Libran ascendant includes the possibility of individuals who are shy, rude or antisocial. It also can mean individuals with either total disregard for their appearance, or the reverse, a vain obsession with retaining youth and beauty at all costs.

You have a definite appreciation for the arts and may be artistically or musically skilled. Interior design, architecture and the law are other areas in which you may take particular interest. You are just as good at taking photographs as you are at posing for them. Common physical complaints are apt to be lack of energy, and ailments that result from addiction to rich foods, particularly sweets.


Scorpio, the Scorpion Scorpio Rising

Scorpio Rising gives you a strong physique and tremendous physical stamina. Far more stubborn than you seem on the surface, you assiduously stick to your goals as long as there is a chance they will be achieved. It is difficult to convince you to change your mind once a decision has been made.

Your emotional vulnerability remains concealed unless your natal sun or moon happens to be in Cancer or Pisces. You are are friendly and while you can be rather quiet, you have quite a gregarious personality and don't mind being in the spotlight. It is highly unlikely that you, as a Scorpio rising, have that sinister or mysterious personality which popular literature tends to associate with the sign of Scorpio, but you are a keen observer and a shrewd speculator.

Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, the transformer, and Mars, the warrior. Both planetary influences may be seen in your personality. Ambitious, energetic, you seek activities that are economically rewarding, as well as mentally or physically challenging. The jealousy associated with Mars and Pluto is minimal unless other factors in the chart support such a trait (say Scorpio, Aries or Capricorn Sun). You possess the cleverness and mechanical ability associated with Mars, as well as the innate resourcefulness associated with Pluto. Attracted to others with strong, magnetic personalities, you are oriented toward gathering resources of all kinds. For example, you consciously or subconsciously tend to establish relationships with strong or powerful people in the belief such contacts may prove useful in some way. You can be quite secretive about personal affairs, a trait that often escapes the attention of most people you meet. You are so accommodating and pleasant that, unless others make serious attempts to probe beneath the surface, your real personality and activities may stay hidden indefinitely.

You have remarkable recuperative powers that allow you to recover from physical, mental or economic adversities that would destroy many others. When properly focused, your energy is formidable and you quietly keep going long after everyone else runs out of steam. A Scorpio Ascendant indicates potential for afflictions to the head and face as well as illnesses affecting the reproductive organs.


Sagittarius Sagittarius Rising

A Sagittarius Ascendant endows you with the type of flexible personality that works well for you. Because of your need for independence and freedom, you tend to find yourself in changing circumstances and different environments. Such changes of course require a certain amount of adaptability. With a Sagittarian ascendant, you are inclined to put marriage off until later in life (or skip it altogether) unless you find an understanding partner who does not attempt to be possessive or confine you. Once such an acceptable marriage arrangement is made however, the Archer adapts and makes a stable, loyal spouse.

You are full of energetic enthusiasm. However, your enthusiasm is not always accompanied by unflagging physical energy. You may, in fact, tend to be lazy unless highly motivated to perform. It is often difficult to engage in boring routine exercise and in spite of your innate restlessness and propensity for rushing around in a myriad of activities, you are quite capable of being unwilling (or unable) to keep yourself trim and in good physical shape. Though often rash and hasty, your passions are sincere and inspirational.

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, planet of inspiration, wisdom, good fortune, and abundance. You are inclined to be spiritually or philosophically oriented, talkative, intellectually curious, and, at times, perhaps a bit too impressed with status and wealth. Your natural exuberance and generosity are responsible for unrestrained abundance. Like those with Gemini rising, you are apt to demonstrate any one of a wide range of orientations and abilities: from being a great teacher, writer, scholar or researcher, all the way down to engaging in the flimflam of con artistry and the intellectual emptiness of copying the originality and talent of others.

You are usually very honest, though it is also true that your too-candid remarks can sometimes be misinterpreted as rudeness. Negative influences associated with Sagittarius rising stimulate a tendency for self-indulgence, which makes you pompous, grossly overweight, dependent on drugs or alcohol, or too opinionated and cynical. On the positive side, Sagittarius gives a love of drama and the theatre, good food and drink, dancing, sports, animals, and, as a rule, you'll never miss an opportunity to travel. You are likely to be involved with publishing, education, religion, art, or music, either as a profession or hobby.


Capricorn Capricorn Rising

Capricorn Rising endows an energetic, success-oriented personality, with the determination to achieve your personal goals. The shrewdness and open ambition associated with the sun or moon in Capricorn does not always show up so overtly in the personality of those with Capricorn Ascendant but these traits are present nevertheless. You could be a very capable manager or supervisor, willing to accept responsibilities and positions of authority.

You strongly identify with the material world and tangible assets. You are unlikely to adopt easy-going, "take me as I am" attitudes, for you feel more comfortable with formality. You want to be aware of all the rules of social conduct and adapt your actions to fit these structures. Consciously or subconsciously you specifically choose the company of people who make you look good. It is not unusual for handsome Capricorn Rising males to select less attractive wives or, beautiful Capricorn Rising women to select less attractive female friends.

Ruled by Saturn, lord of structure, restriction and longevity, you may have experienced a difficult birth or restricted childhood. However, it hardly matters what particular difficulties life presents you with, for your biggest challenge is always you in yourself. You feel dissatisfaction with some aspect of your personality or appearance and may develop conflicting behaviour to deal with these feelings when they surface. One side of your character is prone to practice strict self denial, while the other longs to abandon itself to hedonistic pleasures, perhaps as as a form of self destruction. At every turn you confront fears and insecurity. How well you deal with the conflict marks your success as a well-adjusted adult. Fortunately, these conflicts seem to settle into perspective as you get older.

Capricorn ruling the first house raises the competitive spirit and by no means dictates the presence of a sombre or colourless personality. On the contrary, it implies individuals with overcompensatingly cheerful personalities, who willingly accept responsibilities and hardships which they feel they were born to endure. There is always a choice to be made and the right one is never easy, because it usually involves success which must be earned.

Your abstemious eating habits help you avoid gaining too much weight. Sensitive skin, finely textured hair, brittle bones, and dental difficulties are common physical complaints.


 Aquarius Rising

Aquarius Rising gives you a detached, intellectual outlook, combined with considerable mental poise. You stay cool under pressure and take sudden shocks or unexpected changes in your stride. An interest, not to say a fascination with the bizarre and unusual can lead you down some rather interesting pathways. Status, power, and wealth are of marginal value, for you are interested in people for their own sake, not the social trappings which accompany them. Friendships are easily made and not so easily broken, for your air of easygoing familiarity and pleasant demeanour is rather attractive.

Ruled by Uranus (lord of reversals and unexpected upheavals) and Saturn, lord of karma (purification and restriction), your personality can be changeable, yet deeply focused and quite original in approach. Most likely your life will undergo one or more dramatic changes of direction, often through some twist of fate or circumstances over which you have no control. Changes can occur suddenly and unexpectedly, for though Saturn's influence implies a calm and stable disposition, Uranus often reacts in quite unexpected ways. Unpredictable and independent, you can be argumentative and love to play devil's advocate. You need your personal freedom, so when you marry or form partnerships you should choose your partners with care, since you are quite unable to put up with possessiveness and over-dependence. You enjoy physical and mental stimulation and, my dears, whilst you are keenly interested in the future and are fascinated by the past (especially the offbeat, little-known areas), you somehow lose track of what's going on in the present. Ahead of your time, others may perceive you as out of step with the rest of society.

Your strong physique and reserves of stamina, combined with your notorious stubbornness makes it difficult to break undesirable habits and behaviour patterns. Your independence is legendary and, of course, you do tend to be somewhat opinionated, especially in matters that have stimulated your interest in the offbeat. Others stand little chance of changing your ideas, for you must become convinced on your own account that such changes are necessary. You probably like science, sociology, music and design, while your pursuit of hidden things and unusual research can lead you to an interest in astrology and other arcane matters. You are good with money, which tends to come your way unexpectedly, yet appropriately to your lifestyle. You are subject to nervous conditions, problems with the lower legs, ankles and stiffness or inflexibility of the bones and joints.


Pisces Pisces Rising

Pisces Rising gives a flexible personality, with which you can easily hide your own traits and take on the characteristics of others. Despite your pleasant disposition and willingness to adapt to changing circumstance and the demands of other people, you can be surprisingly strong and determined. The strength of your character, however, is also determined by other important factors in your background.

You have a highly emotional nature, with a quiet, shy personality. Compassionate feelings can be overwhelming, and you must watch the tendency to become a victim of your own vulnerability. Almost before you realize it, or in some cases because you actually seek it, you become your own worst enemy. You are not above using subterfuge and game-playing rather than direct confrontation to get what you want. If however, you develop self-confidence, these less-than-honest emotional ploys are not apt to surface in your personality or behaviour patterns.

Pisces is ruled by Neptune, lord of illusion and imagination, so you have little understanding of how you appear to others. The influence of Neptune can also add an element of glamour or mystery to your appearance. You can for example, either photograph extremely well or your likeness on film may be extremely poor. In either case, photographs fail to capture your true appearance. Pisces is also ruled by Jupiter, lord of inspiration and drama. Neptune and Jupiter blend together to create a highly imaginative personality and one which views life the way you want it to be, rather than the way it really is. Prone to feelings of abandonment, you often feel sorry for yourself and are easily disillusioned.

Your extreme sensitivity generates artistic or poetic talent as well as psychic abilities. Pisces endows a spiritual or philosophical bent, and great appreciation for education, even should your own have been limited. You love travelling, dancing, and sports and although it is by no means universal with Pisces Rising, you may be less-than-average in physical stature with a tendency to retain fluids. An addictive nature makes you extremely vulnerable to habit-forming substances. Sensitivity to medicine and anaesthesia and problems with the feet are typical physical complaints.
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 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: wingnutSent: 2/3/2008 11:08 PM

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 2/8/2008 2:24 PM
great information thank you for sharing

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